
The list of alleged offenses isn't short as you surely know. Tax fraud, bank fraud, bribery, defamation, obstruction of justice, public corruption to name a few. If there is truth to these claims, obviously he should be tried in court.
I am always interested in hearing how we look to others outside the USA so thanks for your post.

I'm a Trump supporter and would certainly agree that if there was credible evidence to charge the man with something then we should do so.

One thing about the allegations of tax fraud particularly bothers me, however. If Trump had broken any tax laws the various state and federal authorities would or will be all over him. Trump has an army of lawyers (I assume) to make sure he complies with the law. With that said, US tax laws are so complex that even the lawyers can get it wrong and you can very often hang someone well-intentioned on a technicality. What isn't fair is that these charges are fishing expeditions, IMHO.

I speak this as the son of a tax lawyer. :cool:
Who are the "many" you refer to? Anyone who has been "begging" for a HRC presidency is part of the problem.

In this statement you assume that we as Americans have all been part of the same team for the last 12 years? That's a tone-deaf assumption, and you have completely missed the entire concept of how Trump came to be the 45th POTUS to begin with. Obama's election was the official starting date of the division when this country endured 8 years of an agenda firmly rooted in identity politics, socialist policies, racial divisiveness, and contempt for American exceptionalism. Because of this, half of the citizenry of this country has absolutely no sense of shared purpose with the other half.

"Unity" at this point is a fantastical impossibility. The left uses the term "unity" as a tongue-in-cheek talking point at the same time they are busy making lists of the 74 million Trump sycophants they plan to extoll their revenge upon at their next earliest convenience. They want unity as much as the wolf wants to unite with the sheep.... To believe otherwise is grossly naïve.

Actually no. I think the divide started with the media’s hatred of President Regan.

You do know that when the door closes there is no difference between right and left in DC politics don’t you? I’ve hosted them all. From a liberal Presidents daughter to the chair of the RNC. Sometimes they fly on the same private jet. To believe otherwise isn’t grossly naive, just ignorant.
I am always interested in hearing how we look to others outside the USA so thanks for your post.

I'm a Trump supporter and would certainly agree that if there was credible evidence to charge the man with something then we should do so.

One thing about the allegations of tax fraud particularly bothers me, however. If Trump had broken any tax laws the various state and federal authorities would or will be all over him. Trump has an army of lawyers (I assume) to make sure he complies with the law. With that said, US tax laws are so complex that even the lawyers can get it wrong and you can very often hang someone well-intentioned on a technicality. What isn't fair is that these charges are fishing expeditions, IMHO.

I speak this as the son of a tax lawyer. :cool:

You should read Harvey Silverglate's "Three Felonies a Day." It is much worse than you imagine.

Federal prosecutors and federal law do not care at all for mens rea. They find a law, then go looking for somebody to prosecute for it. The question of there being an actual tort on the part of the actor never even comes up. That is how things are enforced in tyrannies.

Ayn Rand said:
It is a grave error to suppose that a dictatorship rules a nation by means of strict, rigid laws which are obeyed and enforced with rigorous, military precision. Such a rule would be evil, but almost bearable; men could endure the harshest edicts, provided these edicts were known, specific and stable; it is not the known that breaks men’s spirits, but the unpredictable. A dictatorship has to be capricious; it has to rule by means of the unexpected, the incomprehensible, the wantonly irrational; it has to deal not in death, but in sudden death; a state of chronic uncertainty is what men are psychologically unable to bear.
You should read Harvey Silverglate's "Three Felonies a Day." It is much worse than you imagine.

Federal prosecutors and federal law do not care at all for mens rea. They find a law, then go looking for somebody to prosecute for it. The question of there being an actual tort on the part of the actor never even comes up. That is how things are enforced in tyrannies.
I have read it. I also have spoken with some LEO friends that swear that they can follow someone in a car for 5 miles and can virtually guarantee they could stop someone for a traffic infraction. 5 miles. That's all. Now I don't know anyone who would actually do that, but the point is the same.
To Wes Shelton,
Did you hear some sonic booms or other evidence of military jet traffic in your part of Texas yesterday?
It was reported along the gulf coast, in SE OK and NE Texas, and west of Ft Worth.(BIG airbase)

The media have so far reported three different explanations related to the testing of new jet aircraft, but since POTUS was scheduled to be on the TX/MEX border, maybe you heard sonic booms from his fighter escort.

We did have the booms here in NE Texas. Some rattled the houses and contents.

No Sonic booms yesterday. But there is lots of military air traffic in my area daily. Randolph, Lackland, Ft Sam Houston, Camp Bullis. I generally don't hear anything but Camp Bullis Traffic and its noisy when it occurs.
Public Corruption? Bribery? You clearly must catch a lot of CNN over there. :Facepalm:
There was a pretty funny segment on air the other week on TV4: Their main political commentator suddenly out of nowhere encouraged viewers to watch CNN, because they always report the truth. Your comment was actually spot on. :ROFLMAO: For information, Sweden only has two "news" reporting TV networks – commercial and liberal TV4 and non-commercial government controlled left-leaning SVT. Their reporting are much more neutral than CNN and other left-wing channels in the US though. They are more like it used to be in the US in the past where you knew that they picked topics that would fit their agenda, but it was hard to tell the political beliefs of individual reporters. Trump managed to trigger them here as well and solved that. :)
I recently watched a very interesting documantary on Netflicks titled "Hiltler and his circle of Evil". The similarities between events depicted and current events are chilling, as are the similarities between Hitler and Trump. No one going to argue that Hitler was not a tyrant or dictator. But he sure wasn't a communist... words do matter.

So Trump is being compared to a guy who murdered millions, and set the world on fire, not buying it. He just doesn’t want us to be bitch whore for the Chicoms like all of the other deceivers.
I hope the Biden family's foreign dealings do take him down but with the MSM bias in this country, I'm not holding my breath. I hope it happens. However, I don't understand some people thinking Pelosi and the other Democrat leaders are going to throw Biden under the bus and get rid of him quickly in favor of Harris. Harris has been a minor player compared to Biden's eight years as VP and 47 years in office. Biden has a lot of friends in powerful places. If he mentally cannot do the job or if Hunter's $$ deals take him down, okay great. But to think the rank and file Democrats and leaders are going to turn on him is far-fetched rhetoric. He might be a trojan horse, but they are not going to kick him to the curb with out substantial reasons.

It is extremely hard to remove a sitting President, for good reason. The cabinet and VP have to vote and agree to do it due to mental or physical incapacities that have to be based in medical facts, not just some conspiracy. Biden's cabinet appointees will be loyal to him for appointing them. To think that there is already some secret inside deal already formed right now between Harris and the cabinet members is ridiculous. Almost nobody in Washington (or anywhere) can keep secrets, let alone something this big. You all might fear a Harris presidency (I know I do), but don't let that fear over run the constitution and the difficulties involved in getting rid of Biden.
I agree with you that some of these theories about how Harris might become president, because of a vast Democrat conspiracy are really far-fetched. However, I personally would not be shocked if Harris became president. The sole reason for this is Biden's age. The man is almost 80 years old- that's about the life expectancy of the average American man. Now I personally do not know of many 80 year olds who work full time. Not to mention that the job of President is probably fairly stressful. Given his age its not a stretch to assume that health reasons may force to him resign. In which case Harris would indeed become the president...
So damned true

Oh my, that made me laugh my a$$ off...
I have read it. I also have spoken with some LEO friends that swear that they can follow someone in a car for 5 miles and can virtually guarantee they could stop someone for a traffic infraction. 5 miles. That's all. Now I don't know anyone who would actually do that, but the point is the same.
5 miles? that's amateur hour. when I was a patrolman, I could always find something in 30 or 45 seconds. i didn't, but you just see those things quickly once you've done it in the big city (Houston, in my case) for a while.
I wonder if the DemonRats have given any thought to what place in line they will have on the way to the concentration camps.
Actually no. I think the divide started with the media’s hatred of President Regan.

You do know that when the door closes there is no difference between right and left in DC politics don’t you? I’ve hosted them all. From a liberal Presidents daughter to the chair of the RNC. Sometimes they fly on the same private jet. To believe otherwise isn’t grossly naive, just ignorant.

Not sure what criteria you are using to substantiate your first statement? The MSM has been left-leaning for quite while now, but radical liberal ideologies had been kept in check for the most part until Obama made them mainstream by speaking out loud and often beginning with his American apologist perspective, and expanding into the divisive and inflammatory rhetoric regarding systemic racism, and his constant push of identity-political and socialist-based policies.

My reference to "unity" now being an impossibility is more specifically in regard to the people, not the politicians. As far as the politicians themselves go, I honestly don't care who you know or have hosted.. Your assertion that I am either ignorant or naïve to anything the DC Swamp is capable of is laugh-out-loud hysterical... I'm not sure where, in any one of my dozens of posts in a 378 page thread and counting, that I give the impression of any sort of unquestioning, sheep-like belief in the "system"? You can save your condescending lecture how DC "really works" for somebody else.

Considering the events of the past 12 years and the last several days in particular, I think is quite obvious that political alliances and loyalties are a theatrical facade for political purposes. In case you were not paying attention, Trump's election and subsequent rise to power in spite of the DC machine abruptly changed the political landscape in this country. He made political enemies on both sides the day he became the republican nominee. His agenda was obstructed as much by the republicans as the dems in the first 2 years of his term. He defied the DC machine for 4 years, and it now they are massing from every dark corner to destroy him along with any of his disciples at any cost. Sadly, most of the swamp will begin to refill on the 20th, and the majority of the swamp creatures will resurface, But, if you think that at the end of the day today, Pelosi and Schumer are going to be texting Cruz and Hawley to meet for drinks tonight, I think you are the one is grossly naïve or just ignorant. The dems, drunk on power, have taken partisanship to a whole new level.

The problem is that the DC swamp machine only works when one side has similar, but different powers over the other. The capitulating republicans that think it will be back to business as usual with the dems in control of the Presidency and 2/3rd of the government, they are in for a rude awakening... I will enjoy watching them beating eaten alive by their fellow swamp creatures who you assert previously used to share jets and golf courses with.
John M Keynes wrote 98 years ago regarding the long run- I suspect we're approaching the short run.
Read new executive order #13959 effective today and already implemented in some parts of the world and then tell me how the Biden Crime family will react. Trump just began thanking China for messing with US elections. Has the fat lady just begun to warm up her vocal cords??

Asking for a friend.
5 miles? that's amateur hour. when I was a patrolman, I could always find something in 30 or 45 seconds. i didn't, but you just see those things quickly once you've done it in the big city (Houston, in my case) for a while.
LOL! I'll mention this to the guy that said this to me. Maybe he was just being conservative with the 5 mile estimate and not wanting to scare me too much.
My maternal grandfather’s lineage goes back to the Norwegian monarchy and it’s always interesting and disturbing to me how some of our European friends, especially Northern European friends, even on this site, think Americans are so extremely to the right of themselves on the political spectrum. On other sites and forums, I have even seen us Americans called “cowboys” and remember them calling President Reagan and President Bush “cowboys.” I actually live on a ranch, own a herd of horses that work for a living and I will proudly wear the cowboy badge, even if I don’t quite live up to it!

It’s easy for our European friends to look down at Americans as uneducated, right-wing “cowboys” since we have allowed them to live under our military security umbrella since the 1940s without paying their fair share! This has allowed them to pay their taxes towards all manner of social programs, centralized health care, thirty-three hour work weeks, six weeks of paid vacation, several weeks of paid maternity and paternity leave, etc... while meanwhile, we cover their asses on the world stage. Then they come on sites like this and try to preach to us about our politics, defense strategy and society after we paid to rebuild their countries after WWII. It’s insulting. At least Trump tried to get them to pay more towards NATO and defense.
5 miles? that's amateur hour. when I was a patrolman, I could always find something in 30 or 45 seconds. i didn't, but you just see those things quickly once you've done it in the big city (Houston, in my case) for a while.

Having watched lots dash cams and I mean lots, there is alway some violation and yes it can go on for miles and miles, until finally the officer "sees" something that is a violation.
Having watched lots dash cams and I mean lots, there is alway some violation and yes it can go on for miles and miles, until finally the officer "sees" something that is a violation.
The ways that the younger generation have their vehicles set up now as soon as they pull out onto a public right a way they could be ticketed for some reason.
Read new executive order #13959 effective today and already implemented in some parts of the world and then tell me how the Biden Crime family will react. Trump just began thanking China for messing with US elections. Has the fat lady just begun to warm up her vocal cords??

Asking for a friend.

Wall Street will have that order revoked on day one.

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jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.