
Most here won't be ready for this, but I'm encouraged by writings such as this one by theologian Richard Rohr. If you're looking for a way out of this political impasse, it might mean changing your mind in a positive direction. Worth some serious thought.

A New Framing Story:
Thomas Kuhn’s book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions popularized the term “paradigm shift.” [1] A paradigm is a set of beliefs, images, concepts, and structures that govern the way we think about something. Kuhn (1922–1996) said that paradigm change becomes necessary when the previous paradigm becomes so full of holes and patchwork “fixes” that a complete overhaul is necessary. The shift in thinking which might have felt threatening at one time now appears as the only way forward and as a real lifeline. I hope we are at one of these critical junctures again. Might we be willing to adopt a new set of beliefs, values, and systems that could change (and maybe even save) humanity and our world?
My colleague Brian McLaren is a former English teacher and has much to teach us about the power of stories. He uses the language of a “framing story” to describe the same phenomenon Kuhn observed. Brian says a framing story “gives people direction, values, vision, and inspiration by providing a framework for their lives. It tells them who they are, where they come from, where they are, what’s going on, where things are going, and what they should do.” [2] While we all have stories that answer those questions on a personal level, a “framing story” dictates the general beliefs of a culture, nation, religion, and even humanity as a whole.
Brian writes convincingly that “our growing list of global crises [Richard: even before the COVID-19 pandemic], together with our inability to address them effectively, gives us strong evidence that our world’s dominant framing story is failing.” [3] He reflects:
If it [our framing story] tells us that the purpose of life is for individuals or nations to accumulate an abundance of possessions and to experience the maximum amount of pleasure during the maximum number of minutes of our short lives, then we will have little reason to manage our consumption. If our framing story tells us that we are in life-and-death competition with each other . . . then we will have little reason to seek reconciliation and collaboration and nonviolent resolutions to our conflicts. . . .

But if our framing story tells us that we are free and responsible creatures in a creation made by a good, wise, and loving God, and that our Creator wants us to pursue virtue, collaboration, peace, and mutual care for one another and all living creatures, and that our lives can have profound meaning if we align ourselves with God’s wisdom, character, and dreams for us . . . then our society will take a radically different direction, and our world will become a very different place. [4]

As Christians, we have the opportunity to live the story that was given to us at the very beginning (Genesis 1), that creation is “good,” even “very good,” and that it is our vocation to nurture and grow such goodness wherever we can.

[1] Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 4th ed. (University of Chicago Press: 2012, 1962).
[2] Brian D. McLaren, Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope (Thomas Nelson: 2007), 5–6.
[3] Ibid., 68.
[4] Ibid., 67.

At the start of your post I was questioning shift from where to what. The end part works for me though. And if we all lived with those ideals in mind and heart then the word would indeed be in a better place. Unfortunately there is a vast majority that would reject those ideals, reject them for various reasons such as they are not "progressive", which seems to be the buzz word these days.

The lofty ideals of communism SEEM to promote the heart of God but are in fact diametrically opposed to the fundamentals thereof. That's why the progressive on the left think they are such worthy goals.

When the founding fathers wrote the DOI etc they had christian beliefs and ideals as a basis. I think that is why the progressives want to rewrite or reinterpret the DOI... a return to those pricipals and goals would serve the world well.
I feel this deserves to be both in this thread and a lighter note thread, at least for us Americans on the site.

Unfortunately, the way out is looking like the Convention of States.

And that second impeachment was coming anyway, the establishment in both parties did not want him to run again in four years.
If we can live through the ill conceived Volstead Act, we can make it through any domestic dichotomy. It'll just take time and maybe a generation or two.
See I agree with you, we are finding common ground.

If you have Christian beliefs he is very much to the left of where you are.
I sincerely don't think that he is. From an Americanized Christendom standpoint, maybe. From the global church going back to the Church Fathers' standpoint, I don't think so. That would be quite another discussion, though :)

I think I'm gonna find my way out from this thread, things quickly get infected. Time will tell what goes down. God bless and see you in other topics (y)
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Frankly, this is a ridiculous statement. Exactly what is it that he should be tried in court for? Poor etiquette? Refusal to bow down to liberals and globalists? Tell me exactly what U.S. law it is that you believe he has broken.
The list of alleged offenses isn't short as you surely know. Tax fraud, bank fraud, bribery, defamation, obstruction of justice, public corruption to name a few. If there is truth to these claims, obviously he should be tried in court.
The list of alleged offenses isn't short as you surely know. Tax fraud, bank fraud, bribery, defamation, obstruction of justice, public corruption to name a few. If there is truth to these claims, obviously he should be tried in court.
Public Corruption? Bribery? You clearly must catch a lot of CNN over there. :Facepalm:
The key word is alleged same as alleged voter fraud. Courts wouldn't hear that. By the way I like the way you withdraw from the thread.
The list of alleged offenses isn't short as you surely know. Tax fraud, bank fraud, bribery, defamation, obstruction of justice, public corruption to name a few. If there is truth to these claims, obviously he should be tried in court.

What I suspected - you have nothing other than hearsay from political attacks.
What I suspected - you have nothing other than hearsay from political attacks.
Yes. Everything that may compromise Mr Trump is hearsay, fake news and attacks from libtards and snowflakes. Thank God we have reliable news outlets like Breitbart and esteemed reporters like Alex Jones.
Just some of the alleged offenses, harvested from multiple sources.
A District attorney can indict a Ham Sandwich for anything. That does not mean the defendant actually committed any crime. History, shows those DA's that indict for political gain usually get disbarred because there was no crime committed.
Irrespective of political views, the Trump cult is very, very disturbing.
Good Lord... Where to even start... I will try to keep in mind that your misinformation comes directly from "cult media sources" like CNN, MSNBC, FB, Twitter, etc.,.

This country has just endured months of a nation-wide spree of completely unfettered violence including riots, arson, looting, destruction of private and public property, (including multiple government buildings), assault and murder committed by a collective assembly of left-wing extremists, anarchists, and good 'ole common criminals.

Ironically, what we have allowed this to occur with impunity over these many months was the very definition of "insurrection" that was not only never seriously condemned, it was applauded and encouraged by the MSM, pundits and politicians on the left. Given that, your concern for the "Trump cult" whatever that is supposed to be, is quite laughable to anyone here who has not been infected with the real dangerous virus of liberalism with a generous side helping of TDS.. This sort of nonsense and hypocrisy is exactly why "liberal thought" (an oxymoron in itself) cannot be taken seriously, and so dangerous.

Mr Biden and the Democratic administration taking office is by no means extremist. He would be center-right pretty much anywhere around the globe.

The first problem with this statement is that nobody knows exactly what Biden's positions are, least of all Biden himself.. If anyone could actually get him to answer a question during the campaign, the only position that Biden was consistent on was flipping to the current political wind direction at the time. He has pandered to every extreme and division within the democratic party. How "extreme" his policies will be remain to be seen, and likely more dependent on how much time he has in office before his own party enacts the 25th Amendment on him.

The fact that you believe that Biden is center-right compared to the rest of the globe's politics only reaffirms why I don't live anywhere else...
Besides, Mr Trump should, in the name of decency, be tried in court.

I'm late to the party here. No need to pile on to the ridiculousness of this statement. I just feel the need to reaffirm it.

The list of alleged offenses isn't short as you surely know. Tax fraud, bank fraud, bribery, defamation, obstruction of justice, public corruption to name a few. If there is truth to these claims, obviously he should be tried in court.
LMFAO...! This list of alleged crimes describes the incoming POTUS much more accurately than the outgoing one..

And, as a final response to your last comment on Royal27's post, you do realize that even the MSM itself doesn't deny that 90% of their content is left-leaning and completely anti-Trump..? In regard to the media, and news, an intelligent person will take in information from multiple sources and use common sense (if they posses any) to determine what information seems accurate based on the facts, logic, evidence, and not biased rhetoric, false narratives, and emotional opinions.
As the whole country loses its collective mind, we here south central Texas are saying,

"Holy crap - it's snowing!!"

View attachment 383593
We going to see some 60's here in Kansas. We need cold weather or the bugs will be in the alfalfa.
To Wes Shelton,
Did you hear some sonic booms or other evidence of military jet traffic in your part of Texas yesterday?
It was reported along the gulf coast, in SE OK and NE Texas, and west of Ft Worth.(BIG airbase)

The media have so far reported three different explanations related to the testing of new jet aircraft, but since POTUS was scheduled to be on the TX/MEX border, maybe you heard sonic booms from his fighter escort.

We did have the booms here in NE Texas. Some rattled the houses and contents.
Yes. Everything that may compromise Mr Trump is hearsay, fake news and attacks from libtards and snowflakes. Thank God we have reliable news outlets like Breitbart and esteemed reporters like Alex Jones.

Hate to tell you, but the same "argument" might be used the other way... Like peacefull protest and manipulation of the election isn't possible (like that one best, the same people has spent 4,5 years telling us 2016 was rigged...)
Yes. Everything that may compromise Mr Trump is hearsay, fake news and attacks from libtards and snowflakes. Thank God we have reliable news outlets like Breitbart and esteemed reporters like Alex Jones.


Try to twist my words all you'd like. I stand by my point - you've provided nothing to support your position that the President should go to trial other than throwing out some buzz words and now some sarcasm.
Wall street banks are threatening pro-Trump politicians with blacklisting.

This movement is going to start a violent civil war, leading to sedition, and anarchy.

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