
Wall Street will have that order revoked on day one.
That's my guess as well. The libertarian side of me is offended at being told what I can and can not invest in. However there is a part of me that thinks if it ticks off China it's probably a good thing. What SHOULD happen, IMHO, is that the entire world ceases to do business with them voluntarily.

We're literally to the point where if the package says "Made in China" we'll put it down unless it's a necessity and there's no other alternative.

But I do realize there is the start of a new con-game going on. The package might say "Made in Vietnam" for example. What it won't say is "With Chinese labor".
Under normal circumstances, I would agree, but these are not normal circumstances.
Lets watch this and see how it all plays out. The US election tampering has evolved into an international power play.
That's my guess as well. The libertarian side of me is offended at being told what I can and can not invest in. However there is a part of me that thinks if it ticks off China it's probably a good thing. What SHOULD happen, IMHO, is that the entire world ceases to do business with them voluntarily.

We're literally to the point where if the package says "Made in China" we'll put it down unless it's a necessity and there's no other alternative.

But I do realize there is the start of a new con-game going on. The package might say "Made in Vietnam" for example. What it won't say is "With Chinese labor".
Probably not that particular example. We see the Chinese as an international competitor and potential threat - the Vietnamese truly hate them.
Probably not that particular example. We see the Chinese as an international competitor and potential threat - the Vietnamese truly hate them.
Well OK - I thought China was sending labor to other "XYZ" countries, including Vietnam, so as to say "Made in XYZ". China also falsely labels their China-made goods as made in other countries; Vietnam is one of them I'm pretty sure.
No Sonic booms yesterday. But there is lots of military air traffic in my area daily. Randolph, Lackland, Ft Sam Houston, Camp Bullis. I generally don't hear anything but Camp Bullis Traffic and its noisy when it occurs.
We put up with artillery all my life and the helicopters that love to fly at night and spook the neighbors feeder cattle. I've gotten so used to that I generally sleep through it. The tanks or artillery will rattle the windows sometimes.
Along with the Marxist utopians on the other side, this is the sort of insanity on the right that makes me heartsick. There are large numbers of ignorant people who gobble up this nonsense daily. This castoff from "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" for instance has been peddling this drivel for a month now. LTG (Ret) McInerney has been almost as outrageous in front of any camera he can find. Many of us are genuinely concerned about the future of free speech in this country, but all of us are being painted by the broad brush of these lunatics. Please note that the site describes itself as "conservative."

That somewhat reminds me of some of the lies Chris Kyle made. Namely when he claimed to have beaten up Jesse Ventura, that he shot 2 men trying to rob him/steal his truck, and that he and a fellow Navy Seal sniper where stationed on rooftops after Hurricane Katrina and that they shot rioters/looters. In Kyle's case you are talking about the deadliest sniper in American history, which is a huge achievement, making up such goofy lies- that imo really don't add to his story/success/grandeur. Same thing with this McInerney why would a lieutenant general come up with this kind of nonsense. What perplexes me is with people like this do they spout this drivel because they actually believe it or fantasize about it, are they pathological liars and cant help themselves OR do they say these things because that is what their base or audience wants to hear. IMO the later is more disturbing than the former...
Now there a FBI warning coming out about planned armed protest in all state capitals. Before this is all done you won't get a hunting rifle on an airplane. Crazy times. Bad deal is if the government comes down hard on the lunatics they can't say much about Daniel Ortega of the Chinese in Hong Kong.
That somewhat reminds me of some of the lies Chris Kyle made. Namely when he claimed to have beaten up Jesse Ventura, that he shot 2 men trying to rob him/steal his truck, and that he and a fellow Navy Seal sniper where stationed on rooftops after Hurricane Katrina and that they shot rioters/looters. In Kyle's case you are talking about the deadliest sniper in American history, which is a huge achievement, making up such goofy lies- that imo really don't add to his story/success/grandeur. Same thing with this McInerney why would a lieutenant general come up with this kind of nonsense. What perplexes me is with people like this do they spout this drivel because they actually believe it or fantasize about it, are they pathological liars and cant help themselves OR do they say these things because that is what their base or audience wants to hear. IMO the later is more disturbing than the former...
Both the Texas hijacking tale (and in fairness, a tale that may not have originated with Kyle) but especially the bizarre claim about sniping from the roof of the Superdome are not proud episodes for his legacy. Fortunately Eastwood ignored those and the Ventura account.

I have no explanation for McInerney. Among retired GO's he is considered beyond the pale - even a rather pathetic figure were it not for the fruitcake brigades on the far right who hang on his every word. A sad puzzle for some psychologist.
Not sure what criteria you are using to substantiate your first statement? The MSM has been left-leaning for quite while now, but radical liberal ideologies had been kept in check for the most part until Obama made them mainstream by speaking out loud and often beginning with his American apologist perspective, and expanding into the divisive and inflammatory rhetoric regarding systemic racism, and his constant push of identity-political and socialist-based policies.

My reference to "unity" now being an impossibility is more specifically in regard to the people, not the politicians. As far as the politicians themselves go, I honestly don't care who you know or have hosted.. Your assertion that I am either ignorant or naïve to anything the DC Swamp is capable of is laugh-out-loud hysterical... I'm not sure where, in any one of my dozens of posts in a 378 page thread and counting, that I give the impression of any sort of unquestioning, sheep-like belief in the "system"? You can save your condescending lecture how DC "really works" for somebody else.

Considering the events of the past 12 years and the last several days in particular, I think is quite obvious that political alliances and loyalties are a theatrical facade for political purposes. In case you were not paying attention, Trump's election and subsequent rise to power in spite of the DC machine abruptly changed the political landscape in this country. He made political enemies on both sides the day he became the republican nominee. His agenda was obstructed as much by the republicans as the dems in the first 2 years of his term. He defied the DC machine for 4 years, and it now they are massing from every dark corner to destroy him along with any of his disciples at any cost. Sadly, most of the swamp will begin to refill on the 20th, and the majority of the swamp creatures will resurface, But, if you think that at the end of the day today, Pelosi and Schumer are going to be texting Cruz and Hawley to meet for drinks tonight, I think you are the one is grossly naïve or just ignorant. The dems, drunk on power, have taken partisanship to a whole new level.

The problem is that the DC swamp machine only works when one side has similar, but different powers over the other. The capitulating republicans that think it will be back to business as usual with the dems in control of the Presidency and 2/3rd of the government, they are in for a rude awakening... I will enjoy watching them beating eaten alive by their fellow swamp creatures who you assert previously used to share jets and golf courses with.

Easy fella. I suspect you and I voted the same way in ‘16 and ‘20.

Edited to say I might add that our side got our asses handed to us plain and simple. We can continue to bitch and moan like the latest generation of teenage boy or we can get to work. Me, I go to city council meetings, write letters to my state senator and representatives, and coach middle school wrestling. I’m working on staying out of foolish weenie measuring contests on the Internet, got a ways to go there. Haha.
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So Trump is being compared to a guy who murdered millions, and set the world on fire, not buying it. He just doesn’t want us to be bitch whore for the Chicoms like all of the other deceivers.
Have you seen the documentary, or are you just saying you don't buy it?
I might add that our side got our asses handed to us plain and simple.
On that we agree completely.... The dems were playing chess and the republicans were playing checkers(badly)...

Where my perspective differs from some here is in regard to where to go from here..? I have no intention of rolling over. Yet, unfortunately, traditional methods of making our voices heard has been literally taken from us. Community activism on a local level is all well and good as long as your ideologies align with the majority of those in your local communities. Contacting Congressmen and Senators has proven to be little to no value. I recently got back the standard "form" reply from both Senators Scott and Rubio. They spent the first two paragraphs denouncing the violence, and the last sentence vowing to continue the fight for conservatives... They are more interested in public perception of their own accountability rather than actually standing up for conservative values. They too, are tone deaf to the bigger picture. It's pathetic....

As many here have pointed out, the conservative voice in America need a new leader. One who possesses the same America-first agenda without the negative Trump side effects. But, who is that going to be now? Only a handful of these representatives are willing to put their necks out there with the dems now exclusively wielding all of the swords.

In a span of less than a week, the social media monopolies have silenced a sitting POTUS. They have blacklisted conservative politicians, and not with same hyperbolic political rhetoric like before. They are literally shutting down companies, cancelling book deals, closing financial accounts, and taking livelihoods away from those who are guilty of nothing more than having different political opinions than they do. Airline union execs were threatening denying flights to anyone who attended the Washington rally last week. There are threats of putting these people on "no-fly" lists for Christ's sake..! Meanwhile, it's crickets from the republican side except for a handful like Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, Gaetz, etc.,. More sadly, for all of the barking they are willing to do, they have had their teeth pulled as a result of losing the Senate.

I appeal to the thoughtful, measured opinion of my friend @Red Leg who I respect for having the most stoic analysis of current events. Given all that has happened and what continues to happen with the House introducing new impeachment charges and the POTUS-elect calling 74 million Americans domestic terrorists, I would be interested to know if you still believe that our best courses of action going forward are going to be passive domestic political diplomacy and a future reliance on the ballot box?
On that we agree completely.... The dems were playing chess and the republicans were playing checkers(badly)...

Where my perspective differs from some here is in regard to where to go from here..? I have no intention of rolling over. Yet, unfortunately, traditional methods of making our voices heard has been literally taken from us. Community activism on a local level is all well and good as long as your ideologies align with the majority of those in your local communities. Contacting Congressmen and Senators has proven to be little to no value. I recently got back the standard "form" reply from both Senators Scott and Rubio. They spent the first two paragraphs denouncing the violence, and the last sentence vowing to continue the fight for conservatives... They are more interested in public perception of their own accountability rather than actually standing up for conservative values. They too, are tone deaf to the bigger picture. It's pathetic....

As many here have pointed out, the conservative voice in America need a new leader. One who possesses the same America-first agenda without the negative Trump side effects. But, who is that going to be now? Only a handful of these representatives are willing to put their necks out there with the dems now exclusively wielding all of the swords.

In a span of less than a week, the social media monopolies have silenced a sitting POTUS. They have blacklisted conservative politicians, and not with same hyperbolic political rhetoric like before. They are literally shutting down companies, cancelling book deals, closing financial accounts, and taking livelihoods away from those who are guilty of nothing more than having different political opinions than they do. Airline union execs were threatening denying flights to anyone who attended the Washington rally last week. There are threats of putting these people on "no-fly" lists for Christ's sake..! Meanwhile, it's crickets from the republican side except for a handful like Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, Gaetz, etc.,. More sadly, for all of the barking they are willing to do, they have had their teeth pulled as a result of losing the Senate.

I appeal to the thoughtful, measured opinion of my friend @Red Leg who I respect for having the most stoic analysis of current events. Given all that has happened and what continues to happen with the House introducing new impeachment charges and the POTUS-elect calling 74 million Americans domestic terrorists, I would be interested to know if you still believe that our best courses of action going forward are going to be passive domestic political diplomacy and a future reliance on the ballot box?
+1 Well said.
On that we agree completely.... The dems were playing chess and the republicans were playing checkers(badly)...

Where my perspective differs from some here is in regard to where to go from here..? I have no intention of rolling over. Yet, unfortunately, traditional methods of making our voices heard has been literally taken from us. Community activism on a local level is all well and good as long as your ideologies align with the majority of those in your local communities. Contacting Congressmen and Senators has proven to be little to no value. I recently got back the standard "form" reply from both Senators Scott and Rubio. They spent the first two paragraphs denouncing the violence, and the last sentence vowing to continue the fight for conservatives... They are more interested in public perception of their own accountability rather than actually standing up for conservative values. They too, are tone deaf to the bigger picture. It's pathetic....

As many here have pointed out, the conservative voice in America need a new leader. One who possesses the same America-first agenda without the negative Trump side effects. But, who is that going to be now? Only a handful of these representatives are willing to put their necks out there with the dems now exclusively wielding all of the swords.

In a span of less than a week, the social media monopolies have silenced a sitting POTUS. They have blacklisted conservative politicians, and not with same hyperbolic political rhetoric like before. They are literally shutting down companies, cancelling book deals, closing financial accounts, and taking livelihoods away from those who are guilty of nothing more than having different political opinions than they do. Airline union execs were threatening denying flights to anyone who attended the Washington rally last week. There are threats of putting these people on "no-fly" lists for Christ's sake..! Meanwhile, it's crickets from the republican side except for a handful like Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, Gaetz, etc.,. More sadly, for all of the barking they are willing to do, they have had their teeth pulled as a result of losing the Senate.

I appeal to the thoughtful, measured opinion of my friend @Red Leg who I respect for having the most stoic analysis of current events. Given all that has happened and what continues to happen with the House introducing new impeachment charges and the POTUS-elect calling 74 million Americans domestic terrorists, I would be interested to know if you still believe that our best courses of action going forward are going to be passive domestic political diplomacy and a future reliance on the ballot box?

I’m with you.

I read yesterday (on Fox) that one of the tech folks who was in the “Social Dilemma” docu-drama is saying this round of censorship will be the end of a couple of those companies because of section 230. I have some more learning to do there.
On that we agree completely.... The dems were playing chess and the republicans were playing checkers(badly)...

Where my perspective differs from some here is in regard to where to go from here..? I have no intention of rolling over. Yet, unfortunately, traditional methods of making our voices heard has been literally taken from us. Community activism on a local level is all well and good as long as your ideologies align with the majority of those in your local communities. Contacting Congressmen and Senators has proven to be little to no value. I recently got back the standard "form" reply from both Senators Scott and Rubio. They spent the first two paragraphs denouncing the violence, and the last sentence vowing to continue the fight for conservatives... They are more interested in public perception of their own accountability rather than actually standing up for conservative values. They too, are tone deaf to the bigger picture. It's pathetic....

As many here have pointed out, the conservative voice in America need a new leader. One who possesses the same America-first agenda without the negative Trump side effects. But, who is that going to be now? Only a handful of these representatives are willing to put their necks out there with the dems now exclusively wielding all of the swords.

In a span of less than a week, the social media monopolies have silenced a sitting POTUS. They have blacklisted conservative politicians, and not with same hyperbolic political rhetoric like before. They are literally shutting down companies, cancelling book deals, closing financial accounts, and taking livelihoods away from those who are guilty of nothing more than having different political opinions than they do. Airline union execs were threatening denying flights to anyone who attended the Washington rally last week. There are threats of putting these people on "no-fly" lists for Christ's sake..! Meanwhile, it's crickets from the republican side except for a handful like Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, Gaetz, etc.,. More sadly, for all of the barking they are willing to do, they have had their teeth pulled as a result of losing the Senate.

I appeal to the thoughtful, measured opinion of my friend @Red Leg who I respect for having the most stoic analysis of current events. Given all that has happened and what continues to happen with the House introducing new impeachment charges and the POTUS-elect calling 74 million Americans domestic terrorists, I would be interested to know if you still believe that our best courses of action going forward are going to be passive domestic political diplomacy and a future reliance on the ballot box?
I have an answer on where we go from here, however, if I posted my idea, I would be banned, and black Federal SUV's would be rolling into my driveway.
I have an answer on where we go from here, however, if I posted my idea, I would be banned, and black Federal SUV's would be rolling into my driveway.

I've been biting my tongue on that count, too.
On that we agree completely.... The dems were playing chess and the republicans were playing checkers(badly)...

Where my perspective differs from some here is in regard to where to go from here..? I have no intention of rolling over. Yet, unfortunately, traditional methods of making our voices heard has been literally taken from us. Community activism on a local level is all well and good as long as your ideologies align with the majority of those in your local communities. Contacting Congressmen and Senators has proven to be little to no value. I recently got back the standard "form" reply from both Senators Scott and Rubio. They spent the first two paragraphs denouncing the violence, and the last sentence vowing to continue the fight for conservatives... They are more interested in public perception of their own accountability rather than actually standing up for conservative values. They too, are tone deaf to the bigger picture. It's pathetic....

As many here have pointed out, the conservative voice in America need a new leader. One who possesses the same America-first agenda without the negative Trump side effects. But, who is that going to be now? Only a handful of these representatives are willing to put their necks out there with the dems now exclusively wielding all of the swords.

In a span of less than a week, the social media monopolies have silenced a sitting POTUS. They have blacklisted conservative politicians, and not with same hyperbolic political rhetoric like before. They are literally shutting down companies, cancelling book deals, closing financial accounts, and taking livelihoods away from those who are guilty of nothing more than having different political opinions than they do. Airline union execs were threatening denying flights to anyone who attended the Washington rally last week. There are threats of putting these people on "no-fly" lists for Christ's sake..! Meanwhile, it's crickets from the republican side except for a handful like Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, Gaetz, etc.,. More sadly, for all of the barking they are willing to do, they have had their teeth pulled as a result of losing the Senate.

I appeal to the thoughtful, measured opinion of my friend @Red Leg who I respect for having the most stoic analysis of current events. Given all that has happened and what continues to happen with the House introducing new impeachment charges and the POTUS-elect calling 74 million Americans domestic terrorists, I would be interested to know if you still believe that our best courses of action going forward are going to be passive domestic political diplomacy and a future reliance on the ballot box?
"Passive" or what? Exactly?

I started to type an angry retort, but that would be as counterproductive as too much of what we have done the last couple of months. So, let's unpack this a little bit.

First of all, we have people on this site espousing or intimating the whole "blood of patriots" thing in every third post. Many, if not most of whom, have never smelled a whiff of real combat. So I would ask where do those who shout this counter productive nonsense want to build their barricades? Against whom do they take up arms? Should they bayonet their registered democrat neighbor? Perhaps their child or grandchild's young idealistic school teacher? Burn down the nearest university? Maybe overrun the town courthouse or city hall - after all, that technique has certainly worked out well for us following the lunacy at the capitol. What specific violent actions would make a positive change?

And unlike 1860, it's not like a region can secede. "Red" Texas, for instance, is only red by about 8% on a really good day. Any actual conflict in this country would look far more like the Spanish Civil War than the American War Between the States. Most of my fellow travelers are relatively ignorant about history. I would urge all the chest thumpers to make an exception and to actually study how that worked out for the average Spaniard in the thirties.

Right now, if Gallup is to be believed, Trump still has 48% approval rating. Pelosi is currently 14%. AOC is around 25%. No one takes Biden very seriously. We still have a solid, deployable political base that can win congressional and presidential elections. What we need is good leadership to focus that base.

Trump was a flawed vessel for that task. The disruption he initially caused will likely pay real dividends if we don't throw it away in the near future. However, despite his accurate bureaucratic perceptions and broad national vision, he also demonstrated an unfathomable capacity for isolating political allies while making enemies of almost everyone else. Only Trump could stand by mutely while his followers called someone like Pense a traitor; a man who staunchly supported the President at every turn except when asked to violate his oath and understanding of the constitution. Like Sam Houston, I am confident history will judge the Vice President very favorably indeed. And only Trump could make the post election period so much about himself, that his own followers forgot, ignored, and most tragically, boycotted the GA elections.

But here we are. As we speak, House of Representative redistricting is about to kick off in many states. Republican down ballot success in statehouse races in November puts that opportunity squarely in Republican hands. Our first goal must be to expand that statehouse success and kick Nancy Pelosi's leadership to the curb in 2024 by winning the house. If the new administration oversteps its "mandate" as badly as I expect and it already indicates it will, there is every chance we can win back the senate as well. I mean only Democrats could be so stupid as to fundamentally and perhaps permanently antagonize nearly half the electorate.

Get back the House, and real election reform has a chance of being proposed. Hint, some smart men and women ought to run on the notion. We have a winning message in most corners of the country where a majority of Americans still believe in opportunity, free enterprise, fairness and capitalism. They love this country and want to be on our side.

What I fear, is that instead of committing ourselves to that hard work and effort, a relatively small minority on the right will do stupid things in the coming weeks. If it happens, that 48% approval will evaporate quickly, and our enemies will be emboldened to take even stronger measures to "fundamentally change" America.

We can either do that hard political work, or we can sit around and bitch while fantasizing about forcibly creating some right wing totalitarian state where no democrat will ever be allowed to vote or think or say "wrong" things again. After all, that sort of totalitarian solution has to be the end result doesn't it, if we are unwilling to win politically?

And I really don't want to hear, that winning elections is impossible because the democrats cheat. Of course they cheat. I have no doubt that fraud took place in this election. I also have no doubt there was insufficient fraud to be decisive with respect to the results. Trump's lawyers had no traction with those allegations and plenty of republican appointed or elected officials had opportunity to review them. And they weren't all "traitors." Either the evidence wasn't there - do some of your own research on this Dominion red herring - or the President's lawyers were incompetent.

What we need to do is rededicate ourselves to winning elections. What actually would be useful at this point would be a republican congressional election strategy that exploited mail-in voting.
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I appeal to the thoughtful, measured opinion of my friend @Red Leg who I respect for having the most stoic analysis of current events. Given all that has happened and what continues to happen with the House introducing new impeachment charges and the POTUS-elect calling 74 million Americans domestic terrorists, I would be interested to know if you still believe that our best courses of action going forward are going to be passive domestic political diplomacy and a future reliance on the ballot box?

I forgot to add this little gem to the list... Just when you think that this POS couldn't not possible sink any lower, she says this sh!t...

The most privileged, elitist white person probably in the history of the world pulls the race card on half of this country... Yup, sign me up for some of that unity and healing...
"Passive" or what? Exactly?

I started to type an angry retort, but that would be as counterproductive as too much of what we have done the last couple of months. So, let's unpack this a little bit.

First of all, we have people on this site espousing or intimating the whole "blood of patriots" thing in every third post. Many, if not most of whom, have never smelled a whiff of real combat. So I would ask where do those who shout this counter productive nonsense want to build their barricades? Against whom do they take up arms? Should they bayonet their registered democrat neighbor? Perhaps their child or grandchild's young idealistic school teacher? Burn down the nearest university? Maybe overrun the town courthouse or city hall - after all, that technique has certainly worked out well for us following the lunacy at the capitol. What specific violent actions would make a positive change?

And unlike 1860, it's not like a region can secede. "Red" Texas, for instance, is only red by about 8% on a really good day. Any actual conflict in this country would look far more like the Spanish Civil War than the American War Between the States. Most of my fellow travelers are relatively ignorant about history. I would urge all the chest thumpers to make an exception and to actually study how that worked out for the average Spaniard in the thirties.

Right now, if Gallup is to be believed, Trump still has 48% approval rating. Pelosi is currently 14%. AOC is around 25%. No one takes Biden very seriously. We still have a solid, deployable political base that can win congressional and presidential elections. What we need is good leadership to focus that base.

Trump was a flawed vessel for that task. The disruption he initially caused will likely pay real dividends if we don't throw it away in the near future. However, despite his accurate bureaucratic perceptions and broad national vision, he also demonstrated an unfathomable capacity for isolating political allies while making enemies of almost everyone else. Only Trump could stand by mutely while his followers called someone like Pense a traitor; a man who staunchly supported the President at every turn except when asked to violate his oath and understanding of the constitution. Like Sam Houston, I am confident history will judge the Vice President very favorably indeed. And only Trump could make the post election period so much about himself, that his own followers forgot, ignored, and most tragically, boycotted the GA elections.

But here we are. As we speak, House of Representative redistricting is about to kick off in many states. Republican down ballot success in statehouse races in November puts that opportunity squarely in Republican hands. Our first goal must be to expand that statehouse success and kick Nancy Pelosi's leadership to the curb in 2024 by winning the house. If the new administration oversteps its "mandate" as badly as I expect and it already indicates it will, there is every chance we can win back the senate as well. I mean only Democrats could be so stupid as to fundamentally and perhaps permanently antagonize nearly half the electorate.

Get back the House, and real election reform has a chance of being proposed. Hint, some smart men and women ought to run on the notion. We have a winning message in most corners of the country where a majority of Americans still believe in opportunity, free enterprise, fairness and capitalism. They love this country and want to be on our side.

What I fear, is that instead of committing ourselves to that hard work and effort, a relatively small minority on the right will do stupid things in the coming weeks. If it happens, that 48% approval will evaporate quickly, and our enemies will be emboldened to take even stronger measures to "fundamentally change" America.

We can either do that hard political work, or we can sit around and bitch while fantasizing about forcibly creating some right wing totalitarian state where no democrat will ever be allowed to vote or think or say "wrong" things again. After all, that sort of totalitarian solution has to be the end result doesn't it, if we are unwilling to win politically?

And I really don't want to hear, that winning elections is impossible because the democrats cheat. Of course they cheat. I have no doubt that fraud took place in this election. I also have no doubt there was insufficient fraud to be decisive with respect to the results. Trump's lawyers had no traction with those allegations and plenty of republican appointed or elected officials had opportunity to review them. And they all weren't all "traitors." Either the evidence wasn't there - do some of your own research on this Dominion red herring - or the President's lawyers were incompetent.

What we need to do is rededicate ourselves to winning elections. What actually would be useful at this point would be a republican congressional election strategy that exploited mail-in voting.
Finally. A prescription for making a difference. Common sense, applicable throughout the Western world. Imagine - “we need to . . . rededicate ourselves to winning elections.”

This is what it’s about. You’d think it was self-evident in a democracy, but you’d be wrong if the facts are anything to go by. People everywhere are more than tired of the incessant whining, complaining and negativity.

Conservatives have a positive message and they should deliver it that way.

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jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.