
Along with the Marxist utopians on the other side, this is the sort of insanity on the right that makes me heartsick. There are large numbers of ignorant people who gobble up this nonsense daily. This castoff from "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" for instance has been peddling this drivel for a month now. LTG (Ret) McInerney has been almost as outrageous in front of any camera he can find. Many of us are genuinely concerned about the future of free speech in this country, but all of us are being painted by the broad brush of these lunatics. Please note that the site describes itself as "conservative."

Wooow. Speechless
Mike Pence who i believe has strong Christian faith will never pardon Adolph Trumpy. I think in a few months it will come out how much he despised the fool. How dare he tell his supporters he will march with them and then he drives off to the White House. Maybe his bone spurs was hurting him. General Patton would have slapped the sissy.
And as always, it's important to compare apples to apples. Mr Biden and the Democratic administration taking office is by no means extremist. He would be center-right pretty much anywhere around the globe. Some people, and several of whom I know personally, fail to make that distinction
I fail to make that distinction. Comparing the rest of the world leaders is apples to oranges. Harris was the most liberal senator in the senate. Joe Biden is not a moderate though he has been sold that way. There is apples to apples.

I am pretty sure when compared globally he is still on the liberal side. Just out if general interest is China to the right or the left of Biden administration in your eyes.
They way that the libs are stacking the court there is no way that I would want to be tried by them.

A open court, then by all means but not by those that are out to see me buried in their false beliefs.
You can hardly blame that on the “libs” though, can you. Blame the system.

I wouldn’t want to be tried in any court in the States. But that’s the system.
I fail to make that distinction. Comparing the rest of the world leaders is apples to oranges. Harris was the most liberal senator in the senate. Joe Biden is not a moderate though he has been sold that way. There is apples to apples.

I am pretty sure when compared globally he is still on the liberal side. Just out if general interest is China to the right or the left of Biden administration in your eyes.
Many do apparently. And I don’t want to fight anyone. I’m all for common ground and getting along. This forum is a great example of people from different backgrounds with different experiences and different views. But we can unite in the love for hunting, and most certain many other things :)

Are you asking if I believe the Chinese Communist Party is to the right or left of Joe Biden? Is this a trick question?
Many do apparently. And I don’t want to fight anyone. I’m all for common ground and getting along. This forum is a great example of people from different backgrounds with different experiences and different views. But we can unite in the love for hunting, and most certain many other things :)

Are you asking if I believe the Chinese Communist Party is to the right or left of Joe Biden? Is this a trick question?
Yes and not a trick question at all, was generally curious. Just trying to get a baseline on where you are coming from.
Yes and not a trick question at all, was generally curious. Just trying to get a baseline on where you are coming from.
Since Joe Biden is not a communist, I do not believe him to be left of the Chinese Communist Party, no.

More of where I come from; I am raised conservative, Christian and have always voted conservative. And I firmly believe Mr Biden, like most Democrats, is to the right of myself.
Since the stimulus mandated UFO report is due to come out soon I think the aliens, in an effort to remain hidden, are spreading crazy juice in the atmosphere.
Since the stimulus mandated UFO report is due to come out soon I think the aliens, in an effort to remain hidden, are spreading crazy juice in the atmosphere.
They’ve been over DC for decades.

And as always, it's important to compare apples to apples. Mr Biden and the Democratic administration taking office is by no means extremist. He would be center-right pretty much anywhere around the globe. Some people, and several of whom I know personally, fail to make that distinction.

As you state, we need to compare apples to apples. His administration will be much more extremist by American historical standards than was Trump's. And personally I don't want to live by "global standards."

I don't think Mr Pence would be willing to do that. And why would he?

Besides, Mr Trump should, in the name of decency, be tried in court.

Frankly, this is a ridiculous statement. Exactly what is it that he should be tried in court for? Poor etiquette? Refusal to bow down to liberals and globalists? Tell me exactly what U.S. law it is that you believe he has broken.
As the whole country loses its collective mind, we here south central Texas are saying,

"Holy crap - it's snowing!!"

Ontario is apparently considering a curfew. That is just too much for me. I wrote a letter to the Premier - what else can we do! I encourage everyone in Ontario to write before this government goes too far. The Liberals have done nothing, but they have at least not trampled on freedoms either. That has been the work of the Conservative Premiers!
Learn how to examine a post. I was not the one who made the Hitler comparison.
Iwaters did

I was just being a smart ass because of what he posted.

Lighten up, Francis
If you are kidding, perhaps use a smiley or an “lol” after your joking posts. Otherwise with people from many different countries on here and with subjects this serious, people don’t know how to take it.
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Actually, he could be. Just as Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford.
Yes, correct. I knew Nixon was pardoned but I didn’t think it would hold up to pardon someone in advance before charged if challenged. I just read the pardon and it did actually say it was for any laws broken during a set period of time. Interesting.
I don't think Mr Pence would be willing to do that. And why would he?

Besides, Mr Trump should, in the name of decency, be tried in court.
For what? Should we try you in court too, you know, in the name of decency? After all, I’m sure if we look hard and long enough eventually we can find something to get you for. Right? Fair enough?
Most here won't be ready for this, but I'm encouraged by writings such as this one by theologian Richard Rohr. If you're looking for a way out of this political impasse, it might mean changing your mind in a positive direction. Worth some serious thought.

" A New Framing Story:
Thomas Kuhn’s book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions popularized the term “paradigm shift.” [1] A paradigm is a set of beliefs, images, concepts, and structures that govern the way we think about something. Kuhn (1922–1996) said that paradigm change becomes necessary when the previous paradigm becomes so full of holes and patchwork “fixes” that a complete overhaul is necessary. The shift in thinking which might have felt threatening at one time now appears as the only way forward and as a real lifeline. I hope we are at one of these critical junctures again. Might we be willing to adopt a new set of beliefs, values, and systems that could change (and maybe even save) humanity and our world?
My colleague Brian McLaren is a former English teacher and has much to teach us about the power of stories. He uses the language of a “framing story” to describe the same phenomenon Kuhn observed. Brian says a framing story “gives people direction, values, vision, and inspiration by providing a framework for their lives. It tells them who they are, where they come from, where they are, what’s going on, where things are going, and what they should do.” [2] While we all have stories that answer those questions on a personal level, a “framing story” dictates the general beliefs of a culture, nation, religion, and even humanity as a whole.
Brian writes convincingly that “our growing list of global crises [Richard: even before the COVID-19 pandemic], together with our inability to address them effectively, gives us strong evidence that our world’s dominant framing story is failing.” [3] He reflects:
If it [our framing story] tells us that the purpose of life is for individuals or nations to accumulate an abundance of possessions and to experience the maximum amount of pleasure during the maximum number of minutes of our short lives, then we will have little reason to manage our consumption. If our framing story tells us that we are in life-and-death competition with each other . . . then we will have little reason to seek reconciliation and collaboration and nonviolent resolutions to our conflicts. . . .

But if our framing story tells us that we are free and responsible creatures in a creation made by a good, wise, and loving God, and that our Creator wants us to pursue virtue, collaboration, peace, and mutual care for one another and all living creatures, and that our lives can have profound meaning if we align ourselves with God’s wisdom, character, and dreams for us . . . then our society will take a radically different direction, and our world will become a very different place. [4]

As Christians, we have the opportunity to live the story that was given to us at the very beginning (Genesis 1), that creation is “good,” even “very good,” and that it is our vocation to nurture and grow such goodness wherever we can.

[1] Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 4th ed. (University of Chicago Press: 2012, 1962).
[2] Brian D. McLaren, Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope (Thomas Nelson: 2007), 5–6.
[3] Ibid., 68.
[4] Ibid., 67."
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