
If you are referring to me, we agree more than we disagree and I clearly did not blame Trump for everything. I agree with most of his policies but his delivery of his thoughts really hurts him.

Are you wrapped up in Trump or his mostly good policy? He’s just a man, not a political god. I would encourage you to fight for ideas and policy and not to put any politician or officeholder on a pedestal. Trump would have gotten even more done if he could tone down his narcissistic personality more. He’s far from perfect and nobody is perfect. None of us are perfect. I support most of his policies but how about his complete over-use of the word “amazing” and “beautiful” thirty times per paragraph of a speech? His child-like berating of physical and personal things about people? Those types of actions don’t win arguments in the grownup world. The man has no filter. None. I like straight talk but his overall good message gets lost in his word choices and behavior. Can you admit to any of this happening or are you in love with a cult of personality?
I think that is a very healthy view of political leadership.

I am not a "follower" of anyone. I look at a political campaign as an extended job interview. My attitude is that I am hiring a guy or a gal who will best represent my interests and what I believe is best for the country. That person works for me. I neither follow nor idolize them.

In '16, I held my nose very tightly and decided to go with Trump. I largely supported his domestic policies, and particularly his economic vision for the future of the country. This year I voted for him with somewhat more enthusiasm in spite of his obvious narcissism and apparent determination to never grow his base through his incredible ability to pick a fight with anyone. I also think he has a remarkably uninformed understanding of the international alliance system that we constructed in our national interests.

But this post-election tantrum that culminated in now apparently four unnecessary deaths will destroy his legacy. And in a period where the Democrat party is at each others throats, he has managed to lose the senate majority (yes, I blame him directly for GA where two incumbents lost) and leave his own party in tatters with otherwise like minded people hurling insults at each other - a microcosm of which is playing out right here.
Agree. The bubbas packing their AR’s in front of the Governors house in WA state is going to really help Chuckie’s anti - gun agenda when he takes the reigns here in a few days. Like Trump, we are our own worst enemy.

Even without this, the left has an agenda to disarm America, and they are going to use whatever tactic or excuse in the book to do it. It's coming regardless of what those bubbas in WA did.
Thinking ahead to 2024, I'm interested in hearing who folks suggest would be a charismatic, intelligent, unifying next president? Someone who would illicit respect from both parties.
I think Marco Rubio is smart and well-spoken. Being Hispanic would bring in some votes and Florida. He’s good looking enough and respectful enough for the women. Earlier, I think he was too young for older voters? Plus, everyone got ran over by Trump’s over the top personality and the media’s attention to it.

I like Pompeo as he is plain spoken but not over the top.

Nikki Haley could be formidable if old guard Republicans would support a woman.

I really like John Thune from my home state of South Dakota but I don’t know if he’s ambitious enough or stupid enough to run. Many thought he was going to run in 2012 but he decided against it, probably because he thought Obama was unbeatable.
The question for those not brainwashed by the demonRat dogma is What to do now? the answer is a question: What do you think will happen? the answer to that will determine the options for the first question. The range of what will happen goes from peaceful coexistence between the two ideologies to the results of a messy divorce between the two, and as in some divorces, the attorneys (in this case the Chinese) will be the only ones to profit.

My suggestion is, before you take any direct action, calmly make a flow chart. If I do "this" what will the opposition do and what will the extended results of those actions be; followed by a next step and repeat until a final "end game" is reached. when the various options and results have been reviewed, then pick the one that has the best ending.
Thinking ahead to 2024, I'm interested in hearing who folks suggest would be a charismatic, intelligent, unifying next president? Someone who would illicit respect from both parties.
Unfortunately, the primary system and the media usually selects someone that won’t appeal to all.
I cant believe the Dems can be so short sighted, things are tinder dry and they want to strike matches. Joe hab better rein them in before this gets out of control.

the flaw in your thinking is believing the democrats actually give a shit about street violence.

long gone are the days of having cordial disagreements with men like Bill Bradley or Daniel Moynihan (former senators from NJ and NY, respectively).
Okay. Any thoughts on his delivery? Do you always find it helpful?
Trumps biggest flaw, is that he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth at the worst possible time. I feel that comes from not being a politician when he entered the political arena. I appreciate a person that is outspoken and direct, but as a President, diplomacy is a much needed virtue.
The Leftist hate mob, has put him under a magnifying glass for 4 years. I sympathize for what that man has had to endure for trying to make this a better nation.
I follow Jack Bogle advice who was the founder Vanguard. I hold my age in bonds and invest the rest in The Total market index and the Total International Index. There is some other small investments i make mostly to admuse myself. I wouldn't give up on US stocks just yet. The US stocks have done pretty well over the last 100 years. When the market drops 30% or more buy more.
The Biden administration will start with a National Debt of $27.7T. Blue states and cities with massive amounts of unsustainable public debt are about to be bailed out.

Student debt is probably going to receive some level of forgiveness.

A massive spending program is about to ensue over the next four years. (At least two)

The USD will continue to be debased. Interest rates will artificially be held down. We are probably setting on a bubble in all asset classes.

Questions each and every one of us needs to ask is, where can we put our money where it will hold value. How can we take advantage of the situation and make money.
I think Marco Rubio is smart and well-spoken. Being Hispanic would bring in some votes and Florida. He’s good looking enough and respectful enough for the women. Earlier, I think he was too young for older voters? Plus, everyone got ran over by Trump’s over the top personality and the media’s attention to it.

I like Pompeo as he is plain spoken but not over the top.

Nikki Haley could be formidable if old guard Republicans would support a woman.

I really like John Thune from my home state of South Dakota but I don’t know if he’s ambitious enough or stupid enough to run. Many thought he was going to run in 2012 but he decided against it, probably because he thought Obama was unbeatable.
Haley is a very interesting candidate because she has the ability to command respect at every level. Watch some of her UN interactions, her opponents never abused her.
It's pretty sad when after an entire summer of msm and government backed rioting, looting and murders, our side is made to look horrible because of a couple of stupid hours where aside from one unfortunate life being taken because of a likely trembling cop, nothing much happened. By BLM standards today was boring. The playing field just ain't level because we essentially have voluntary leftist state run media. I don't think I remember seeing the same kind of coverage and rhetoric this summer as I did today even before things got hairy.
I agree with you that most media outlets are significantly more left leaning that right leaning. But IMO the problem here lies in the symbolism of it. Storming a mall and looting stores does not send the same political message as storming Capital Hill- which is seen as the symbol of American democracy. Despite the fact that BLM caused a greater amount of material damage.

Think why the World Trade Centre was selected as the target for 9/11. If Al-Qaeda's sole objective was to kill as many Americans as possible they would have been better off targeting a chemical plant or nuclear power plant that is near or in a major American city. But bringing down the World Trade Center sends a stronger message by attacking a symbol of American power.
Trumps biggest flaw, is that he has a tendency to put his foot in his mouth at the worst possible time. I feel that comes from not being a politician when he entered the political arena. I appreciate a person that is outspoken and direct, but as a President, diplomacy is a much needed virtue.
The Leftist hate mob, has put him under a magnifying glass for 4 years. I sympathize for what that man has had to endure for trying to make this a better nation.
One day Trump will be given due respect for all he did for the USA, and the rest of us. The world took note of him, whereas they just laughed at Obama in his second term. Let Joe go a few rounds with the demons out there and lets see what they say then.
I follow Jack Bogle advice who was the founder Vanguard. I hold my age in bonds and invest the rest in The Total market index and the Total International Index. There is some other small investments i make mostly to admuse myself. I wouldn't give up on US stocks just yet. The US stocks have done pretty well over the last 100 years. When the market drops 30% or more buy more.
Vanguard funds and Bogle are great. Vanguard funds have been some of the best.
Let Joe go a few rounds with the demons out there and lets see what they say then.
Joe won't be around for a few rounds. I would bet that he'll be gone within 90 days of inauguration- he will have served the DemonRats purpose and he can then be thrown under the bus. Replaced by Ms Horrible we see how well she is at selling the US and the free world down the river. Too bad no one has an oar.
The biggest mistake investors make is not keeping it simple. During the financial crisis. My wife and I worked for the government. When the market collapsed we put our paycheck allowances 100 percent into the TSP S&P index fund. For a while it looked like we were throwing money done a hole. My wife started panicking a little. I told her if the basement was full of 100 dollar bills and the country financial system collapses they wouldn't be worth anything either. Bought a lot of s&p under 1000 best thing we ever did.
Vanguard funds and Bogle are great. Vanguard funds have been some of the best.
Thinking ahead to 2024, I'm interested in hearing who folks suggest would be a charismatic, intelligent, unifying next president? Someone who would illicit respect from both parties.

Go get a copy of "Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World" by HR McMaster

I read the book a few months ago and it reads like he is laying out his agenda. McMaster is a smart, thoughtful person and has a stellar military career and a PhD in history. Just not sure he has enough political savvy to enter the fray. It's sort of like a tank battle in the Iraq desert, only worst.

I doubt Bumbling Joe will last 90 days.They'll run him out on some mental inability excuse. Horizontal Whoreass may have been elected VP but she will won't become President. I look for Nasty Pelousy and her cabal to finagle her in and maybe have Horizontal as VP. Then there is the traitor Clinton to reckon with. You can bet she has tentacles in the middle of all this. Going to be very interesting in the next few weeks.
At least the Democrats can be counted upon to fumble any opportunity to maintain the high ground. This was about as tone death and stupid a speech as Biden could possibly have given if he thought growing the Democrat base before '22 was in his party's interest.

I am confident we will be subjected to lots of material to generate republican voter recommitment over the next 18 months.

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At least the Democrats can be counted upon to fumble any opportunity to maintain the high ground. This was about as tone death and stupid a speech as Biden could possibly have given if he thought growing the Democrat base before '22 was in his party's interest.

I am confident we will be subjected to lots of material to generate republican voter recommitment over the next 18 months.

They are going to outkick their coverage for sure, our ability to capitalize on it is still to be determined.
I think when historians look back at Jan 6, 2021, they will conclude that Pence and McConnell did the right thing following the Constitution and not Trump.

Going forward, hopefully both sides will recognize that the public does not trust the voting system (particularly mail in ballots) and will pursue some sort of reform and standardization. Nobody wants to go through this every four years.

I am also very concerned with Trump lingering around, continuing to split the Grand Old Party and making it easier for the Dems to stay in office.

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