Wow, what a day! I've seen this coming for a while. I've been telling my friends and family that we are essentially in a civil war but that the shooting just hadn't started yet. I've been saying this half tongue-in-cheek and half seriously.
How did we come to this?
With few exceptions, the quality of the people running for political office is horrendous. How do we end up with horrible options like Biden, Harris, Romney, Trump, Warren, Beto, etc...? One thought is that anybody with half a brain does not want to put up with the ridiculous biased main stream media, fake news and the 24-hour news cycle. Most of our best and brightest minds are involved in industry, business and the military and who can blame them?
Trump mostly cares about Trump. However, unlike most candidates that have worked their way up through the establishment swamp, I do believe he does care about the rank and file people. Unfortunately, in instances like today when he incited a riot, he proves he cares more about himself than the people. That said, he likely cares more about the people than most politicians, which is why many people love him. He is largely correct about most of of his policy beliefs - being tougher on China, getting a handle on illegal immigration, reducing corporate taxes, caring about jobs and industries that have been neglected, etc... Although he is a narcissist like no other that I know of, his policies and his "businessman outsider" status made him more popular than the career politicians that he ran against in Republican primaries. People wanted a change and someone from outside the swamp. Without better choices, many, like me, were willing to vote for him instead of Clinton and Biden. He is a narcissist fool, but he was OUR narcissist fool!! If only he could contain himself and be more professional, I feel he would have won this election in a landslide, despite some cheating on the Democratic side. He is his own worst enemy and his often ridiculous rhetoric and statements turn off too many middle of the road voters and women. I had to convince the women in my family to vote policy, not personality because his personality to put it bluntly, sucks.
Trump got derailed by the coronavirus not once, but twice. Once when it came here after which he stood at a podium for months and months bloviating and foolishly fighting with the biased press about CV and again when the alarmists on the left made CV a bigger deal than needed. The Dems ran with this alarmist message and used it as an excuse to allow wide-spread mail-in ballots. This really hurt Republicans because quite frankly, a lot of Dems in the past were too lazy to get off the couch and go vote. However, if all they have to do to vote is fill out a ballot from the couch and mail it, they can do that!! Then when the liberal county and state election officials changed the rules without a legislative vote to LEGALLY allow mail-in ballots and then mail them to anyone and everyone (alive and dead) that had ever registered to vote, it was too much to overcome. These same election officials also changed the rules without legislative action to allow late votes and votes with unverifiable voters to be counted. When these things were brought to the courts, the courts let us down by not taking up the cases. I can only guess that the courts knew it would take months to litigate and perhaps the courts figured it was too late and we would all just have to fix these irregularities before future elections?? The courts didn't want to rock the boat and do the right thing. Cowards! One can hardly blame Trump supporters and Republicans for being upset that election procedures were changed to benefit Dems. These changes undermined the confidence in the results. Our election procedures are way more important than fear of some damned virus! Election procedures should never have been changed. If some people would have been too afraid to vote the old way, so be it! People will go to the grocery store with a mask but are too afraid to go vote in person?? Too afraid to vote but not too afraid to burn businesses and cities last summer?? What a bunch of crap!
Trump was attacked from day one of his presidency and even before. The guy withstood a blistering attack, the likes of which we haven't seen before. The Dems and the swamp wanted him gone at any cost - even using the CV to destroy businesses and the education of our children. No collateral damage has been too much for them. Clinton started the whole Russian dossier situation and the FBI swamp setup General Flynn and Trump for a fall. They will stop at nothing. Why hasn't the mainstream media focused on Clinton, her erasing of 33,000 emails, the FBI using the Russian dossier to get four illegal FISA warrants, Hunter Biden's and Joe Biden's foreign influence peddling, etc??? It all gets IGNORED! People are pissed and who can blame them? That said, breaking into the halls of Congress is a bridge too far and Trump should not have incited them.
So, here we sit in a Biden swamp of illegal family influence peddling corruption for the next four years and we have lost our high ground due to an incited riot in the congressional chambers. Great, just great!