
I agree. This is the stuff of places like the Weimar Republic. One would hope Flynn would know better.
I doubt, this special counsel appointment would survive the senate.

I actually think GA executed its election pretty faithfully to the election laws in place on November 3d. We may not like how the Democrats took advantage of them, but whose fault is that?

The only way these two senators lose is if the Trump base stays home out of some sort spite over the election. I suppose that would be the perfect conclusion to this fiasco. My own guess is the Loeffler wins by 8-10 and that Perdue makes it by 2.

However, if the Trump crowd stays home, then both lose and they and we deserve everything we get over the next two years.

At least Donald Trump Jr gets it.

And so does she.

Georgia Law requires that all absentee ballot signatures be matched, and verified. That didn't happen. It's not a matter of Democrats exploiting the system, but skirting election laws altogether. Once a ballot is removed from the envelope, any possible verification is lost

Not allowing Republican poll watchers

Covering windows

Boxes of mysterious ballots appearing from under tables.

No offense, but I think you have a highly skewed view on what constitutes a faithfully executed election. There was nothing faithful about it

It's not a matter of not liking the outcome of an election. It's a matter of not liking the outcome of an election that was compromised, not just in Georgia, but many other states.

The Governor, and secretary of state are complicit in what transpired, as are the Judges who refuse to allow litigation in the biggest election fraud in American history.

Election fraud is crime. People that do not follow the law need to go to jail. That includes those that are in charge of upholding those laws.
@Brent in Az posted:
"Georgia Law requires that all absentee ballot signatures be matched, and verified. That didn't happen. It's not a matter of Democrats exploiting the system, but skirting election laws altogether. Once a ballot is removed from the envelope, any possible verification is lost

Not allowing Republican poll watchers

Covering windows

Boxes of mysterious ballots appearing from under tables.

No offense, but I think you have a highly skewed view on what constitutes a faithfully executed election. There was nothing faithful about it

It's not a matter of not liking the outcome of an election. It's a matter of not liking the outcome of an election that was compromised, not just in Georgia, but many other states.

The Governor, and secretary of state are complicit in what transpired, as are the Judges who refuse to allow litigation in the biggest election fraud in American history.

Election fraud is crime. People that do not follow the law need to go to jail. That includes those that are in charge of upholding those laws.

Exactly! Some of the posts in this thread seem to go out of their way to and smugly take some pleasure in blaming the wrong side. Some seem to adopt and prefer a label of "moderate independent".... who then feel they are thereby insulated from being blamed for anything.... which BTW means they "stand for nothing". I think I understand how @35bore was beginning to feel.
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I would reverse those. Leoffler by 2 and Perdue 5-8
You may be right. Was mainly going by the the combined republican votes against the angry pastor during the primary.
I agree. This is the stuff of places like the Weimar Republic. One would hope Flynn would know better.
I doubt, this special counsel appointment would survive the senate.
The art of the deal – take an extreme position and negotiate yourself in to the centre. The president has been doing this for the last four years. He probably won the election on the basis of what in the past have been normal election standards and it is natural to think that he wants some sort of federal action taken to investigate it. His main problem in this situation is however that establishment want to get rid of him.
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Op-ed in Prague

"The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."
But the fools that made him president are few in number but have massive funding and media control. The majority of American Citizens voted against the demonRats. The real danger is after the Bidet is kicked to the curb and That Thing is crowned Queen.
Op-ed in Prague

"The danger to America is not Joseph Biden, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Biden presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Biden, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Biden, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."
That is so well said.

Meanwhile, in my party, we are still trying to convince ourselves that we represent the majority even after two general elections where we lost the popular vote. Rather than do something about it, we seem content to sit back and assume some conspiracy is depriving us of our actual God given majority.

Trump demonstrated that there is indeed a new coalition to be formed and grown around working voters from all ethnic groups. If we can can solidify that new set allegiances, it won't matter what the democrats and their grievance coalition or traditional country club Republicans believe. That opportunity is bigger than Trump, but it won't hold together long without a lot of work.

Instead of being focused on those sorts of generational opportunities, we are locked into personalities. We either support leaders uncritically or call those with whom we disagree names based upon ridiculous purity tests. If we don't like the reality of their assessments, we call them "smug", or that they "stand for nothing", or they are RINO's or "lifers" (whatever that means).

I am about winning the future. We have been asleep at the wheel for a generation while our near past was successfully hijacked by the Democrat party. They infiltrated our schools, skewed the education of our children, gained control of both traditional and new media, and have foisted a false historical narrative which far too many of our ignorant fellow travelers seem all too willing to embrace.

This needs to be stopped. It will take hard work over a number of years and elections. We obviously did not do enough prior to this one. Whether it was in not getting out enough votes or in not being sufficiently alert in monitoring the election itself, it hardly matters. The first step in that broader effort now needs to be two senate races in Georgia. Winning them is nothing more than a finger in the dyke, but it is a critical thing we can do right now. I just wish the President was a bit more focused on that effort.
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That is so well said.

Meanwhile, in my party, we are still trying to convince ourselves that we represent the majority even after two general elections where we lost the popular vote. Rather than do something about it, we seem content to sit back and assume some conspiracy is depriving us of our actual God given majority.

Trump demonstrated that there is indeed a new coalition to be formed and grown around working voters from all ethnic groups. If we can can solidify that new set allegiances, it won't matter what the democrats and their grievance coalition or traditional country club Republicans believe. That opportunity is bigger than Trump, but it won't hold together long without a lot of work.

Instead of being focused on those sorts of generational opportunities, we are locked into personalities. We either support leaders uncritically or call those with whom we disagree names based upon ridiculous purity tests. If we don't like the reality of their assessments, we call them "smug", or that they "stand for nothing", or they are RINO's or "lifers" (whatever that means).

I am about winning the future. We have been asleep at the wheel for a generation while our near past was successfully hijacked by the Democrat party. They infiltrated our schools, skewed the education of our children, gained control of both traditional and new media, and have foisted a false historical narrative which far too many of our ignorant fellow travelers seem all too willing to embrace.

This needs to be stopped. It will take hard work over a number of years and elections. We obviously did not do enough prior to this one. Whether it was in not getting out enough votes or in not being sufficiently alert in monitoring the election itself, it hardly matters. The first step in that broader effort now needs to be two senate races in Georgia. Winning them is nothing more than a finger in the dyke, but it is a critical thing we can do right now. I just wish the President was a bit more focused on that effort.
We all hoped that the swamp would be drained, including the academic swamp. Trump was attacked to distract that, and now we hoped he would have a second term to do what he should have been focused to do the first term. It will be hard to find anyone with the grit to get that massive job done. Even harder when media and DOJ refuse to do their jobs. If Trump had fired the opposition and put in trustworthy people, maybe we would have had a chance, but he has been backstabbed the whole long way, and uncharacteristically let some enemies stay as though he were stuck with them. There are things he coulda shoulda done, like declassify offensively, but hey, he was also busy getting a lot done.
But the fools that made him president are few in number but have massive funding and media control. The majority of American Citizens voted against the demonRats. The real danger is after the Bidet is kicked to the curb and That Thing is crowned Queen.
I'm not sure where you got that idea that the majority of votes were for Trump and not Biden.

Here are the results that I have seen:

Biden 51.38% 81,281,888 popular votes.

Trump 46.91% 74,223,251 popular votes.

A difference of 7,058,637 votes for Biden

As much as I hate to admit it.
I'm figuring that a sigificant portion of the votes listed for the Bidet failed to meet the criteria of American Citizen qualified (by still breathing/ no previous votes) to cast a ballot.
We all hoped that the swamp would be drained, including the academic swamp. Trump was attacked to distract that, and now we hoped he would have a second term to do what he should have been focused to do the first term. It will be hard to find anyone with the grit to get that massive job done. Even harder when media and DOJ refuse to do their jobs. If Trump had fired the opposition and put in trustworthy people, maybe we would have had a chance, but he has been backstabbed the whole long way, and uncharacteristically let some enemies stay as though he were stuck with them. There are things he coulda shoulda done, like declassify offensively, but hey, he was also busy getting a lot done.
One thing I do not know how we fix, and have no idea how any administration would fix it are the schools and academia. There is no mechanism for a President to order a University president or school board to fire everyone who doesn't think "correctly." I, think on its face, that is a form of totalitarianism most people would find uncomfortable (I certainly would if the President was named Harris rather than Trump). It also worth remembering that fully half the country seems to find no issue with liberal or progressive thought dominating curriculum. Expanding vouchers and school choice can offer parents who care the opportunity to put their children in a more constructive environment, but my gut tells me that is just playing with the margins. The teaching profession as a whole seems to have little appeal to those imbued with an entrepreneurial spirit or ambition. These are not the people most likely to trumpet individual responsibility, the work ethic, or the benefits of capitalism.

One thing that does give me a shred of hope is the expansion, however slowly, of our trade schools and technical colleges. Every new graduate from a university with a ton of debt and a useless BA degree in social sciences or history is simply another potential aggrieved democrat voter with their hand out. The same person graduating from technical school enters the work force with a skill set, a waiting job, and a lifetime potential of rewarding upward mobility. These are the sorts of people who would contribute mightily to a republican led coalition of working people. I am just afraid that is a glacially slow process, and is being undercut be progressive efforts to make colleges and universities "free" which will simply turn out ever more takers rather than doers.

As I say, I have no good ideas about our education system.
One thing I do not know how we fix, and have no idea how any administration would fix it are the schools and academia. There is no mechanism for a President to order a University president or school board to fire everyone who doesn't think "correctly." I, think on its face, that is a form of totalitarianism most people would find uncomfortable (I certainly would if the President was named Harris rather than Trump). It also worth remembering that fully half the country seems to find no issue with liberal or progressive thought dominating curriculum. Expanding vouchers and school choice can offer parents who care the opportunity to put their children in a more constructive environment, but my gut tells me that is just playing with the margins. The teaching profession as a whole seems to have little appeal to those imbued with an entrepreneurial spirit or ambition. These are not the people most likely to trumpet individual responsibility, the work ethic, or the benefits of capitalism.

One thing that does give me a shred of hope is the expansion, however slowly, of our trade schools and technical colleges. Every new graduate from a university with a ton of debt and a useless BA degree in social sciences or history is simply another potential aggrieved democrat voter with their hand out. The same person graduating from technical school enters the work force with a skill set, a waiting job, and a lifetime potential of rewarding upward mobility. These are the sorts of people who would contribute mightily to a republican led coalition of working people. I am just afraid that is a glacially slow process, and is being undercut be progressive efforts to make colleges and universities "free" which will simply turn out ever more takers rather than doers.

As I say, I have no good ideas about our education system.
The biggest issue I see with the education system is they are teaching kids WHAT to think instead of HOW to think.

I am not 100% sure how this can be overcome unless there is an emphasis on critical thinking in the next round of curriculum compared to critical race theory.
Perhaps a start might be electing local school boards that can determine what is taught. The problem did not occur over night and it won't be corrected by some sweeping conservative federal mandate. I am afraid we are looking at a generational solution. Many of us won't see a change in our lifetimes. I have hope for my grandchildren, the oldest of which will be voting in the next election.
I'm not sure where you got that idea that the majority of votes were for Trump and not Biden.

Here are the results that I have seen:

Biden 51.38% 81,281,888 popular votes.

Trump 46.91% 74,223,251 popular votes.

A difference of 7,058,637 votes for Biden

As much as I hate to admit it.
Why on earth are you willing to accept manufactured, pristine ballots as representing actual voting persons? The travesty is that millions were flipped/faked ballots.
Why on earth are you willing to accept manufactured, pristine ballots as representing actual voting persons? The travesty is that millions were flipped/faked ballots.

Here is the problem with that....

You don't know this, you think you do, but you don't. There has been no massive proof of millions of fraudulent ballots. Maybe it happened, but the smoking gun hasn't been exposed.

Do I think the election was stolen? Yup. Do I think I've seen enough evidence to clearly prove as required in a court of law? Nope, sure haven't. And that's the issue.
The sad thing is as I see it now is that there are a lot of conservative folks that are acting just like Hillery did 4 years ago.

Rush Limbaugh said it the other day, that Trump supporters are saying that they have buckets of proof of what happened, yet noting is coming out. Sounds a lot like what the Democrats said about proof that they had on Trump during the impeachment hearings.

I don't like the outcome any better than anyone else that voted for Trump, but show me the proof and don't just say that it's out there. I think that is the major reason that all of the court cases are getting thrown out, there is no actual physical proof.
One thing I do not know how we fix, and have no idea how any administration would fix it are the schools and academia. There is no mechanism for a President to order a University president or school board to fire everyone who doesn't think "correctly." I, think on its face, that is a form of totalitarianism most people would find uncomfortable (I certainly would if the President was named Harris rather than Trump). It also worth remembering that fully half the country seems to find no issue with liberal or progressive thought dominating curriculum. Expanding vouchers and school choice can offer parents who care the opportunity to put their children in a more constructive environment, but my gut tells me that is just playing with the margins. The teaching profession as a whole seems to have little appeal to those imbued with an entrepreneurial spirit or ambition. These are not the people most likely to trumpet individual responsibility, the work ethic, or the benefits of capitalism.

One thing that does give me a shred of hope is the expansion, however slowly, of our trade schools and technical colleges. Every new graduate from a university with a ton of debt and a useless BA degree in social sciences or history is simply another potential aggrieved democrat voter with their hand out. The same person graduating from technical school enters the work force with a skill set, a waiting job, and a lifetime potential of rewarding upward mobility. These are the sorts of people who would contribute mightily to a republican led coalition of working people. I am just afraid that is a glacially slow process, and is being undercut be progressive efforts to make colleges and universities "free" which will simply turn out ever more takers rather than doers.

As I say, I have no good ideas about our education system.
What happened in Sweden was that they expanded the number of government agencies and found jobs for this category of graduates. And in order to expand the public sector they raised taxes. I think you will see a similar development in the US.
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What happened in Sweden was that they expanded the number of government agencies and found jobs for this category of graduates. And in order to expand the public sector they raised taxes. I think you will see a similar development in the US.

Yup. Minorities will be promised free schooling and gov't jobs at the end of the affirmative action rainbow.
At the elementary and secondary level. Conservatives need to take over the school boards and State Education Boards. At the University Level, you need Republican governors to appoint the regents to the public universities. The those folks have to have backbone to do the right thing, and not the most popular and expedient. Good luck with that.

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