
Would love to see this guy kicked to the curb.

Any idea how many signatures it is required to remove someone from office? But then again, we are talking about Kalifornia.
Any idea how many signatures it is required to remove someone from office? But then again, we are talking about Kalifornia.
I don't know what California's protocol is for removing someone.?
I recall a few years ago California had a budget crisis and blamed the governor. There was a special election, possibly a recall; which is when Gray-Davis (or whatever his name was) got replaced by Arnold. so I suppose the same mechanism would be in effect now. Get enough people to sign the form for a recall and they would get another chance at electing a governor.
So Russia is the deemed to be the seemed to be purporter of the hacking over 50 per cent of all corporate and defense of the the US. So Joe what is your plans for this. If I were Trump, turn it over to Joe..let Trump play golf it will be Joe’s problem Jan 20.. Joe wants credit for the future of the vacinne..let him deal with the Hacking also.
So Russia is the deemed to be the seemed to be purporter of the hacking over 50 per cent of all corporate and defense of the the US. So Joe what is your plans for this. If I were Trump, turn it over to Joe..let Trump play golf it will be Joe’s problem Jan 20.. Joe wants credit for the future of the vacinne..let him deal with the Hacking also.
Same guy who said, "this was the most secure election in history" was in charge of overseeing our cyber security when this happen.
Not sure anyone on MSN has brought that up, but a very good point. This hacking may be the tip of the iceberg to test Joe’s resolve and his ability to handle Putin. I doubt he is up to the task. Careful what you wish for....Joe. Joe has great plans for us, he has all the answers to our Whoas..let’s see him start now. Hunter will be the albatross around the neck of Democratic leadership for next four years...and...deservedly so.

I am sure over on Red State et al, Barr will be confirmed a "traitor" by noon. I know this doesn't fit most folk's expectations, but as I noted in a previous post, the agencies, particularly when working an interagency issue, usually are very careful to follow the rules.

For me, the issue was always Clapper and Comrade Brennan's public statements which clearly diverged from the facts as eventually uncovered by Mueller. Those statements were not illegal necessarily, but they were hugely unethical. It was a pattern of behavior they blatantly repeated in suggesting the initial Hunter Biden revelations were Russian disinformation. Regrettably, they can't be charged for being partisans (both were, after all, political appointees) or for being unethical.
I think that everyone just needs to come to the conclusion that Biden is the next President and channel their efforts into election reform so that what happened this year doesn't happen again.

Grasping at a few straws isn't going to accomplish a thing from what I have seen on how courts are ruling.

It’s now or never. If they get away with this steal, with all the evidence in the open, we never win again, because why would they not fraud next time?

Exactly why the two Georgia Senate seats are so vitally important for the GOP to win. Past that, all the anger and energy needs to be directed toward local and state politics. A win there could prevent much of the fraud. The school board might be a good place to start.
If all is fair in love and war, or cheating in elections, figure out a way that the GOP candidate gets 331,000,000 votes in the next election! That is one vote for everyone, as you don’t want to leave anyone out.
It’s now or never. If they get away with this steal, with all the evidence in the open, we never win again, because why would they not fraud next time?

Also because AMNESTY/OPEN BORDERS will qualify million of new voters...they are going for the jugular--we must find a way to slash back, or we will be the nicest legal losers/victims ever!
Very interesting and concerning. Trump supposedly considered naming Sydney Powell as special counsel. Flynn raised the possibility of invoking martial law. See video in second link.

So who else thinks Georgia is a big loss for republicans?

I hope I'm wrong.
So who else thinks Georgia is a big loss for republicans?

I hope I'm wrong.
There has been a record number of people registering to vote for the Democrat plantation masters.
IMO - The Georgia Governor, and secretary of state have been compromised, and are nothing but RINO's.
They cheated the Presidential election, and they will cheat the runoffs with the help of low IQ voters.
The radical reverend, and Ossoff, will slither their way into congress.
Very interesting and concerning. Trump supposedly considered naming Sydney Powell as special counsel. Flynn raised the possibility of invoking martial law. See video in second link.

I agree. This is the stuff of places like the Weimar Republic. One would hope Flynn would know better.
I doubt, this special counsel appointment would survive the senate.

There has been a record number of people registering to vote for the Democrat plantation masters.
IMO - The Georgia Governor, and secretary of state have been compromised, and are nothing but RINO's.
They cheated the Presidential election, and they will cheat the runoffs with the help of low IQ voters.
The radical reverend, and Ossoff, will slither their way into congress.

I actually think GA executed its election pretty faithfully to the election laws in place on November 3d. We may not like how the Democrats took advantage of them, but whose fault is that?

The only way these two senators lose is if the Trump base stays home out of some sort spite over the election. I suppose that would be the perfect conclusion to this fiasco. My own guess is the Loeffler wins by 8-10 and that Perdue makes it by 2.

However, if the Trump crowd stays home, then both lose and they and we deserve everything we get over the next two years.

At least Donald Trump Jr gets it.

And so does she.


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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.