
I don't know why people keep saying that Fox News is owned by Disney.

Because of regulatory rulings, Fox Corporation was spun off from 21st Century Fox at the time of the Disney acquisition of 21st Century Fox ie it was one of the assets that didn't go to Disney.

Fox Corp is believed to still be controlled by the Murdoch family. The only question mark is whether some of the major shareholding entities are actually fiduciary arrangements designed to hide the true ownership structure. Having said that, the younger Murdochs probably don't have the same inclinations, or influence, as the elder Murdoch. I definitely wouldn't be counting on their support. I also suspect that 'group think' and 'identity' among media types is more of a factor than any ownership influence.
Apart from their negative stance on firearms, I would have thought the fact that the banning of the import of hunting trophies will be in their agenda ....surely that has significant importance for African hunting ...and hunting around the world.....so really not sure what your issue is as you even mention in your post about movement of trophies....

A lot of things in life eventually come full circle. With that in mind, I am seriously considering getting a subscription to Mad Magazine (https://www.madmagazine.com/).

Back when I was a youngster, I read Mad all the time. Parody is the ultimate form of flattery, or so says Mad publishers. It might not make the next 4 years any better, but at least I can have a better attitude. Quite frankly, Biden, like Trump, is a dream come true for the late night TV talk show personalities.

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Norman Rockwellian Dept.​

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Trump failed only because of himself.
Somewhat less loud
a little more manners
not every inner flatulence immediately posted on Twitter
somewhat more factual in his statements
a little more consideration for fallen soldiers, whom he called losers and jerks.
(How does the latter affect the parents, the widow with her children and the families of the soldiers? )
But here, so many members deny these behaviours and even appreciate them.
And of course only the others are corrupt,dishonest and hypocritical.
Trump failed only because of himself.
Somewhat less loud
a little more manners
not every inner flatulence immediately posted on Twitter
somewhat more factual in his statements
a little more consideration for fallen soldiers, whom he called losers and jerks.
(How does the latter affect the parents, the widow with her children and the families of the soldiers? )
But here, so many members deny these behaviours and even appreciate them.
And of course only the others are corrupt,dishonest and hypocritical.

Not sure why you brought my post up in context with what you are saying....I was observing that Biden and Harris will be after banning import of hunting trophies from around the world...not what you think about trump's behaviour....
little more consideration for fallen soldiers, whom he called losers and jerks.
Foxi, I can say the man was definitely not articulate and said things that made me cringe. The reason we have to defend him and this behaviors, is because of the quote above. The quote you are referring too was a blatant lie by the media and had been refuted by numerous witnesses. He did call John McCain a loser, that did happen.

The point I wanted to make though, is the Republican party has to constant spend time addressing lies. As recently as yesterday on AH there was a meme saying Trump was a Russian puppet. This whole thing was based on opposite research, made up lies, and is so ingrained in people minds due to the media refusing to do their job, that people still believe that this is true or factual.

The media has done a great disservice to the American people and the International community.
I'm less concerned about confiscation (even here in Canada, but that is a whole other topic) than I am about politically correct greenies putting pressure on the government to ban importation of game, closing down hunting based on sentiment not science, kowtowing to the natives to even further restrict hunting on public land etc. This last has become a real problem here in BC. You don't want leave your vehicle or camp unguarded, while hunting, and the odds of getting stopped by an illegal blockade, or simply harassed in some areas is always present.
The saddest part is some of the Natives and Native leaders who are calling racism and discrimination the loudest are the ones who are siphoning off a ton of government $$$. There was that one dude in Quebec he openly spoke against intermarriage, called white people racists etc... and yet his reserve or and was getting like 2 or so million from the government per year and he gave himself a yearly salary of $1 million. A number of chiefs run their reserves like the mafia
So, I'll play conspiracy theorist here. A couple of months ago, Dr Fauci mentioned that a Vaccine with a success rate of 60% would be a tremendous success. Pfizer claims that their vaccine shows 90% effectiveness.
Could the 90% effectiveness be because Covid was never really as deadly has it was made out to be? The numbers certainly don't add up. Just like many have been saying for a long time, but how media had made a lot of people believe it was a deadly killer? The phenomenon of Covid had done its job, by by being a perfect excuse for mail in ballots. The most effective way of throwing an election. Now, Covid's job is done. Bring out a 90% effective vaccine and make it disappear, so that the world can return to normal. Seems convenient
So, I'll play conspiracy theorist here. A couple of months ago, Dr Fauci mentioned that a Vaccine with a success rate of 60% would be a tremendous success. Pfizer claims that their vaccine shows 90% effectiveness.
Could the 90% effectiveness be because Covid was never really as deadly has it was made out to be? The numbers certainly don't add up. Just like many have been saying for a long time, but how media had made a lot of people believe it was a deadly killer? The phenomenon of Covid had done its job, by by being a perfect excuse for mail in ballots. The most effective way of throwing an election. Now, Covid's job is done. Bring out a 90% effective vaccine and make it disappear, so that the world can return to normal. Seems convenient
Can't make it up. Had they announced that two weeks ago, it would have been denounced by the Dems and the MSM as horribly irresponsible. What a dramatic difference Biden is already making in the peoples' lives. :cautious: Perhaps he'll be nominated soon as a Nobel Laureate. :unsure:
I don't know about a conspiracy but I do believe corporate american has more say in who holds office than people realize.
So, I'll play conspiracy theorist here. A couple of months ago, Dr Fauci mentioned that a Vaccine with a success rate of 60% would be a tremendous success. Pfizer claims that their vaccine shows 90% effectiveness.
Could the 90% effectiveness be because Covid was never really as deadly has it was made out to be? The numbers certainly don't add up. Just like many have been saying for a long time, but how media had made a lot of people believe it was a deadly killer? The phenomenon of Covid had done its job, by by being a perfect excuse for mail in ballots. The most effective way of throwing an election. Now, Covid's job is done. Bring out a 90% effective vaccine and make it disappear, so that the world can return to normal. Seems convenient
Would Biden's Nobel Prize also be for (unfulfilled) potential?
Can't make it up. Had they announced that two weeks ago, it would have been denounced by the Dems and the MSM as horribly irresponsible. What a dramatic difference Biden is already making in the peoples' lives. :cautious: Perhaps he'll be nominated soon as a Nobel Laureate. :unsure:
It's good news, bad news, George. The good news is that the Pfizer tests look good and we'll have a vaccine shortly. The bad news is that it's about 2 months before Joe Biden takes over and that means this administration is going to be implementing a vaccine plan. The vaccine plan is very important. It's probably the most ambitious undertaking since COVID began.

Gov Cuomo to George Stephanopoulos over the "bad news" that an effective vaccine is being fielded during the Trump administration. Can't make it up. :A Bang Head::E Red Hot:

Apparently using the existing private sector infrastructure for distribution and administering the vaccine is inherently racist.

Like choosing between going to the clinic for a shot under operation "Warp Speed" or going to something like the DMV. Who wouldn't prefer the DMV.
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Operations Warpspeed on 60 Minutes last night. I opted to watch the New Orleans Saints do a beat down on Tampa Bay.

So did I!!

The GOAT had a bad night. :LOL::A Big Hello: Or maybe the real GOAT won the game? :E Angel: After all, Drew is now 5/2 overall in head-to-head games against Brady.

Can you imagine the chaos if Biden's cronies decide to mess with this production and distribution plan as it is actually rolling out.
The timing on this sucks and raises a lot of questions. A vaccine that took COVID off the table one month ago would have had a huge impact on the election. The deep state is alive and well. It wouldn’t have survived another Trump term so we get used as pawns in their game.
Since the NFL went psycho I pay it no regard.

I do hear rumbling about the nation being so split that the riots may turn into shootouts. If so, I do have one question: Why don't the officials just declare the Republicans the winner, after all, half of those that voted DemonRat are either fictitious or have been dead for several years.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?