Proving fraud in the quantities demanded to have standing in a court will be difficult. Especially when there is no, limited, or delayed access to the ballots, and a short amount of time to act.
What confuses me most is what happened around 5-6 am in both Michigan and Wisconsin. No Republican observers were present and the counting supposedly had stopped for the night. There was one traunch that dropped in each state of over 100,000 votes. All the votes in each traunch went for Biden with none going for Trump, Jorgenson, Hawkins or Blankenship. Biden went from 1,992,356 votes to 2,130,695 without any of the other candidates receiving one vote. (see website screen grabs) This would be like me telling you I flipped a coin 138,000 times in a row and it came up heads every time. Perhaps there is some logical explanation. If there is, it would be nice to know what it is.
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In a first world country, Voter ID or Blockchain would make things work so smooth. Perhaps way to smooth for some......
As a side note, India can count 600 million ballots in 12 hours.