As most of you reading this know, I don't believe the polls. Instead I have looked to other evidence. The evidence is why I believe that 2020 will be a Trump landslide. This article is one more such piece of evidence.
Larry Schweikart wrote this article back in July. He explains how Democratic Governors shutting down their institutions of higher education would hurt the Democratic vote. In this article he thought total democratic vote loss in the 18-24 demographic could be 1-1.5M. In the last week he has said it now looks like the student vote may be 2.5M short. Remember, Hillary won by 2.8M in the total vote.
Believe the polls at your own risk.
If you have a bookie............
While the China virus is raising havoc (thanks in large part to dim-witted governors and mayors with American businesses), it is producing one almost entirely unanticipated side effect that neither political party has apparently grasped. Come November, due to the absence of studen