I know a number of them. Many in my extended family that have been Democrats their entire life. Just like their parents before them, and their parents before them, and their parents before them. Democrats who's fathers, brothers and sons were killed by a Republican President. Democrats who's states were torn apart and property confiscated by a Republican President. Democrats who were knocked around and abused by reconstruction, and carpetbagging Republicans. Democrats that were too poor to be "rednecks" and do the whole Grapes of Wrath thing, but instead were the "peckerwoods" who didn't have the money to leave the dustbowl and stayed behind working 18 hour days in the field, only to see crops fail year after year and resort to eating dandelions for their one meal a day.
The CCC and WPA provided just enough to support the family until a crop could be made around 1940, or their sons could enlist in 42 and send a couple bucks back home. They were socially liberal, hard core, FDR Democrats that wouldn't be a Republican if you gave them a years wages.
The stories are different, but there are Democrats just like them in every state in the union. They make up much of the rust belt. Hard working, gun owning, Bible believing, First Amendment, socially liberal Democrats. Democrats that will puke at the mention of AOC, Ilian Omar or Bill de Blasio. Democrats that are sick of being called racists when they aren't. Democrats that hate to see rioting and looting in their cities. Democrats that may not know the details, but know it's wrong for the Vice President of America to get the lead prosecutor of a foreign country fired, who is investigating a company, that the VP's son is a board member of and receives millions from.
These Democrats have been Democrats their entire lives and want to continue to be Democrats. Democrats that don't understand what has happened to their party. Democrats that may vote conservative occasionally, but will never register as a Republican. These are the ones that the current Democrat party has completely abandoned.
These are the good solid Democrats of which I refer.