I apologize for my generalization. I was referring to democrat politicians and more specifically those dems elected to the House, Senate, many more occupying City Halls and Governor's mansions all over this Republic.. They are the feckless cowards and pandering fools I was referring to.
The moderate democrats that you describe are certainly caught between a rock and a hard place in this current political environment. I am sure that there are many who are uncomfortable, if not outright angry with the fact that the radicals have hijacked the party. I would actually have empathy for them if it were not for the fact they these are also the same democrat voters that continue to elect the likes of Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Watters, Leahy, Klobuchar, Blumenthal, Coons, Hirono, Sanders, Booker, Harris, Cuomo, Northam, Whitmer, etc., and the list goes on and on... These are not the "squad of 4 idiots".. These are the franchise names and faces who keep me from taking the democratic party of today seriously...
If these types of politicians do not represent the interests of the majority of the democratic constituency that you elude to, then why do they continue to get re-elected term after term? If moderate dem voters still make up the majority of the party, then why are the franchise swampers continuing to take the party father left than at any point in history? Why has Biden transformed from a moderate (which I truly believed him to be 40 years ago) to a pandering idiot that will do or say anything on any given day to appease the radical left if they do not constitute the true base of the party? I do feel bad for those of you who have not lost your collective minds, and still embrace the core values and founding principles of this country. However, I think there far fewer of your moderates in existence than you think which is sad for all of us...