
you said something similar about his performance in Tulsa - the opposite was true.

Prior to COVID I travelled extensively through Europe, Africa and Asia. I can assure you that the news in Europe in no way represents the feelings of the majority of American people. I vividly recall the anti Trump campaign billboards in Dublin prior to our last election. It was amazing to me that someone was going to the expense. Perhaps they were confused and thought that the Irish were allowed to vote in our election? Americans will decide this election, and as Wheels has said, the battle will be fought in the heartland, a region that is completely unrepresented in the international press.
the battle will be fought in the heartland, a region that is completely unrepresented in the international press.

(y) Agree completely.


We did two weeks in New England in the fall of 2016 to see the color change. Throughout the rural areas, we were surprised as we saw dozens of Trump signs for every Hillary sign.

In talking to some friends that were just up there, they saw 100's of Trump signs and only a few for Biden. The Biden signs were handmade, it was like there was no official campaign sign for Biden.

NE is all red, but I heard that New Hampshire may now be in play.
The Iceberg Theroie was mentioned by you when a member said there are already 800,000 registrations for Tulsa (at 20,000 seats).It wasnt true.
You remember?
Then there were just -8.000.
Not even half.

"Wheels has said, the battle will be fought in the heartland, a region that is completely unrepresented in the international press. "

European press are thinking America is only Manhattan,Washington DC and Hollywood.

@ Zambesi
nobody was more imperalistic than England at the end of the 19th century.Than France.
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like most places the cities pretty much determine the outcomes for the states..

rolling through the countryside of MA for example.. I would bet there are far more R's than D's.. and a lot more Trump signs than Biden signs

But when you figure that the population of the state of MA is 6.8M.. and Boston alone (not even counting the population of the smaller, but still liberal cities like Springfield) is 4.6M... sadly, there is no way MA goes red..

There is a chance I suppose in some of the NE where there really arent any major metro areas like VT, NH, etc that they could go red.. but they have been so historically blue, and they are so sheltered from the ridiculousness of what blue does to major cities like NYC, Chicago, Boston, etc.. I just dont hold out much of a chance for a change...

The last time VT went red was 1988 (Reagan)

The last time ME went red was 1988

NH went red in 2000.. prior to that the last time was 1988 though

The last time MA went red was 1984 (they didnt jump on the Reagan train in 88 like many traditionally blue states did)

NJ last went red in 1988

NY was 1984....

The north east has pretty much been completely locked down blue for the better part of the last 35 years.. I sadly dont see any of those states changing anytime soon.. Until BLM and ANTIFA decide to visit Concord and Montpieler.. people in the far north east arent going to wake up to the destruction created by their chosen party..
European press are thinking America is only Manhattan,Washington DC and Hollywood.

This is true throughout the world... not just Europe..

The only thing youre going to get SkyNews, BBC, Al Jezeera, RTV, etc to report on with any regularity are the same things the US news reports on with any regularity.. which is focused on the large liberal cities, the capital, and the entertainment center..

When Im sitting in Dubai.. its pretty easy for me to get a typical CNN report out of the BBC or RTV on something relevant to Los Angeles or New York, or DC.... but youre not going to hear anything about something that occured in Houston or Dallas (2 of the 5 largest cities in the country)..

The same has been true when I've been sitting in a hotel in Honduras... and the same has been true when visiting London, Paris, and Frankfurt.. .

The international "media" is every bit as biased as our domestic media.. and only tells the story they want their audience to hear..

The "news" is no longer news at all.. it is opinion reporting... and you tune into the channels that provide you with reporting that most closely aligns with your values and opinions..

The Right/Conservative opinion doesnt have a whole lot of representation in the US.. and has far less in the rest of the world..
The Iceberg Theroie was mentioned by you when a member said there are already 800,000 registrations for Tulsa (at 20,000 seats).It wasnt true.
You remember?
Then there were just -8.000.
Not even half.
View attachment 365490

"Wheels has said, the battle will be fought in the heartland, a region that is completely unrepresented in the international press. "

European press are thinking America is only Manhattan,Washington DC and Hollywood.

@ Zambesi
nobody was more imperalistic than England at the end of the 19th century.Than France.


You are correct that many young people gamed the system, signing up and taking tickets that they did not plan to use, thus keeping the BOK Center from filling up for the Trump rally.

You say 8,000 people showed up for a Trump rally. Many more would have been there if they thought they could get a seat.

How does that compare to people that show up for Biden rally's. He struggles to get 1,000 at best. Many times less than 50.

I will stand by my comment. The Trump base is much larger than the media realizes. The neat thing is the question will be answered in 63 days. ;)




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It's a terrible thing when oppressed minorities go ignored ... their voices unheard ... their frustration mounting ... day after day ... week after week ... year after year ... until they're ready to explode ... and as history has shown ... desperate people do desperate things ...

It's totally understandable ...

Oh yeah ... almost forgot ... I'm talking about Rural Americans in The Heartland here ... :) ...

I don't want to defend Biden, I just see Trump more critically than some people here.
That's all.And--actually, it must not concern me,what other countries choose as political decision makers, but we also feel the impact of American global politics.

@ Zambezi

Lettow Vorbeck and his men feared the Burian armies much more than the English and their colonial troops.In connection with the English resources it was fatal for him, although it took until the end of the war
Boers were always the best bush fighters (the Swapo can sing a song about it)
The question is not whether Trump has solid support (he clearly does) but whether that support has grown or even remained constant throughout battleground states.
The question is not whether Trump has solid support (he clearly does) but whether that support has grown or even remained constant throughout battleground states.

That is absolutely the question....

burn portland, seattle, etc.. to the ground.. nothing changes.. they were voting blue 18 months ago.. and theyre voting blue now.. and TX was going red 18 months ago.. and will go even deeper red now..

the question is how does everyone else react... does this further piss off the right in the purple states and have them double down and turn out en masse in November.. or does the left remember how getting lazy and just believing the election was in the bag in 2016 compel them to vote?

Does the insanity in places like Kenosha convince more of the people in the middle (purple, on the fence voters) that the left isnt worthy of their support? Or does it compel them to vote blue in hopes that a D win in November gets the lunatic fringe what it wants and all of the problems just go away?

the question is.. where do OH, PA, WI, MI, etc go this time around?

The polls cant tell you.. the MSM sure as hell isnt going to be truthful in its assessment..

I think November is going to be an interesting month.. and there are going to be a lot of really surprised and upset people on one side of the aisle or the other.... (I see a whole lot of confidence on both sides.. and I dont think anyone can really justify it with anything more than what they "feel" as opposed to what they "know" at this point)...
The question is not whether Trump has solid support (he clearly does) but whether that support has grown or even remained constant throughout battleground states.

I live about 100 miles from Seattle. My son lives about 30 miles from it. It isn't so much that support for Trump has grown, but that support for democrats, in particular the Seattle mayor and the nit-wit governor has deteriorated. People are really tired of the lack of civility in the discussion of alleged wrongs and want a resemblance of decorum back. It's not that they have come to like Trump, they are just really tired of the mob and the politicians that have encouraged such behavior.
I live about 100 miles from Seattle. My son lives about 30 miles from it. It isn't so much that support for Trump has grown, but that support for democrats, in particular the Seattle mayor and the nit-wit governor has deteriorated. People are really tired of the lack of civility in the discussion of alleged wrongs and want a resemblance of decorum back. It's not that they have come to like Trump, they are just really tired of the mob and the politicians that have encouraged such behavior.

but is that enough to change the state?

I sadly dont think it is..

Washington has 7.6M people... 4M live in the seattle metro area..

and seattle will continue to be seattle... regardless of "CHAZ" and all the other stupid shit that got them where they are..

I'll bet $100 that the mayor wins again in the next election, most of the city council retain their seats, etc..
I'll bet $100 that the mayor wins again in the next election, most of the city council retain their seats, etc..

I try to never bet when stupidity is involved. The body politic of Washington State prior to 1980 was conservative. The Senators were Democrats (Magnusson and Jackson) and the Governors even through Ray were of the traditional Democrat policies. Unfortunately for Washington, there was an influx of Californians (similar to the present day migration from California to Texas). These 2-3 million Californians left California to escape from repressive politics but they brought their politics with them. Additionally there are thousands of tech employees imported from India that realize their future in the US is dependent on lax immigration policy.

While the state (basically King, Pierce & Thurston counties) is Blue, it isn't a stable blue. The state actually has three significant political groups. The preponderance of the state outside Puget Sound is Republican. Puget Sound has two groups: Jackson Democrats and transplant Democrats. The schism is coming as the Jackson Democrats realize as Ronald Reagan did that he didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left him.

It is clear that as the rioting continues, businesses and residences are destroyed and survivors leave, that the lies of the media will become apparent. Blame will be placed on the Democrat policies and there will be a swing of the state from Blue to Red. While the change is inevitable, the timing is not predictable. As noted, there are a lot of stupid ideologs that adhere to the beliefs they were taught as children who will continue to vote Democrat. So betting on the change coming in the November tally of votes would be for fools. However, particularly if the Democrats were to win the presidency this November, you can mark on your calendar that the Republicans will win by a landslide in 2024.
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All this unrest will come to a screeching halt the moment Trump loses the election ...

You seem to be admitting that the protests are all a sham. If systemic racism is the true cause of the protests/riots/unrest, then there would be no reason the expect them to end with Trump’s defeat in November as it would have started long before Trump ever assumed office.

Biden has been in politics for almost half a century. Why would you expect unrest over systemic racism to end with the election of a man so deeply rooted in the system, unless you believed that the true cause was something else?
Trump is the proximate cause of the unrest ... (there are about a million actual causes) ...
Then I see no reason to assume that the election will have an effect on the riots.
I try to never bet when stupidity is involved. The body politic of Washington State prior to 1980 was conservative. The Senators were Democrats (Magnusson and Jackson) and the Governors even through Ray were of the traditional Democrat policies. Unfortunately for Washington, there was an influx of Californians (similar to the present day migration from California to Texas). These 2-3 million Californians left California to escape from repressive politics but they brought their politics with them. Additionally there are thousands of tech employees imported from India that realize their future in the US is dependent on lax immigration policy.

While the state (basically King, Pierce & Thurston counties) is Blue, it isn't a stable blue. The state actually has three significant political groups. The preponderance of the state outside Puget Sound is Republican. Puget Sound has two groups: Jackson Democrats and transplant Democrats. The schism is coming as the Jackson Democrats realize as Ronald Reagan did that he didn't leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left him.

It is clear that as the rioting continues, businesses and residences are destroyed and survivors leave, that the lies of the media will become apparent. Blame will be placed on the Democrat policies and there will be a swing of the state from Blue to Red. While the change is inevitable, the timing is not predictable. As noted, there are a lot of stupid ideologs that adhere to the beliefs they were taught as children who will continue to vote Democrat. So betting on the change coming in the November tally of votes would be for fools. However, particularly if the Democrats were to win the presidency this November, you can mark on your calendar that the Republicans will win by a landslide in 2024.

I sincerely hope you are right @Ray B ... Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder could see how far off the deep end people like Pelosi, AOC, Schumer, Talib, etc have gone and how they no longer represent the vast majority of the American people....

I just hope that the democrats that have any semblance of a brain left in their head see and understand that putting Harris and Biden in the Whitehouse lets these feral dogs off their leash and the destruction they could do in 4 years could cause a significant amount of suffering and/or potentially collapse the nation..

I dont think Biden or even Harris is the real threat or problem.. The country has survived more liberal and less capable democrat (and republican) leadership in the past..

The problem sits in the house and the senate.. and with nothing left to keep that clown show in check.. I see some seriously troubling times in our future..

While it is highly unlikely to happen.. Trump in the Whitehouse isnt the only victory option..

Republicans own the senate.. if they can retain it, and take back the house.. that very likely contains the problem of the lunatic fringe as well...

Republicans owning the house, senate, and the Whitehouse is the far better option... But owning any 2 of the 3 keeps the hounds at bay a while longer..

If 2 of the 3 go blue.. buckle up... its about to become a bumpy ride..

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