AH ambassador
To me, the kid looked way out of his depth. Based only on the little evidence available through the media, I think the shootings were self defense, but its unlikely to matter. It's not clear from the reporting as to whether he is remanded in custody or has been released on bail. If he is in custody, its unlikely he'll survive. Nothing I saw in his demeanor suggested the level of strength required. Without extensive 24/7 protection he'll be subject to repeated bashings, intimidation and rape. If he lives long enough to face trial its unlikly that he'll still be intact physically or psychologically. Truly sad.
Agreed. The police were thanking these folks for showing up and helping. A good lawyer should make short work of the charges if they can keep the kid safe until then.
A good lesson for all of us. If you arm yourself and take to the streets, you’d better know what you are doing and be prepared for the fallout!