While I would generally agree with you, it is clearly becoming harder to talk with mutual respect about our disagreements and we are certainly becoming more polarized politically. This is not healthy for a nation and I think that Twitter, Facebook, Fox, and MSNBC hold a lot of blame for this.
Folks in general, and specifically those under 30, need to remember how to listen. So much communication for this group of folks is one way only. Sure, you can respond to a text, a clip, a video. But they have never been taught, orhad to learn, the art of conversation. Conversations are all digital. So there is little thought process, void of actual emotion. And it is done in 30 second increments.
For those of us up in years, and especially married, you fully understand the concept of a 2 hour discussion, with the wife, usually just as you are heading to bed, about something SHE deems very important. Unless you care to sleep in the car, you listen, respond, ask questions, thoughtfully ponder, and resolve, or agree to continue at a later date and time.
It is a shame that it seems the only way any of these folks, no matter which side of the fence they fall on, respond to a disagreement is by flipping the bird, yelling obscenities, or trying to slander the other party.