AH ambassador
Donald Trump has an 18 point lead in Iowa.
This could be the biggest beating the Democrats have faced in Iowa in 100 years
the Iowa Dispatch claims he has nearly a 20 point lead..
I think R's will win almost completely down the ticket in Iowa this time around.. A woman I meet with monthly at a CEO networking/roundtable group is a native Iowan and owns several businesses in the state still.. and another guy that I did a bit of consulting for years ago also owns several businesses in the state.. Both tell me that their respective workforces, from the line level to the executive level are pretty much bleeding red this time around.. that they expect a landslide...
All of that said.. I have learned over the last couple of elections cycles that polls are completely untrustworthy.. and that senior executives all tend to have a blurred/biased view when it comes to political issues.. so.. Im just going to sit back and see what happens...
4 years ago, 24 hours before the election I would have told you Donald Trump was easily going to be re-elected.. all the polls said so.. and looking around town all I saw for miles were MAGA hats and Trump signs in the yards.. I was clearly wrong..
8 years ago I went to bed 100% certain Hillary Clinton was going to be President on election night.. all the polls said so.. all polls assured us Hillary had it in the bag.. and all the news networks reported that to be factual and true... until suddenly it wasnt..
This time around Im making zero predictions..