

That pillock in the Kremlin keeps threatening the UK with fire and brimstone

Reminds me of Sadam
With a handful of Bagdad Bobs over on RT and the Tucker Carlson podcast.
Biden on the other hand, has not been running the show from day one, Obama acolytes have been. And I detest commies (marxists).
this is a primary concern of mine. WHO is currently running the government? certainly not joe biden. he was elected, but has likely had little input in the last couple years. it would seem to me that a vote for biden is a vote for.....who exactly?
Putin always rattles the nuclear saber whenever he feels slightly threatened. It's his go to response to keep other countries afraid of him.
Only a madman would throw the nuclear switch.
Time will tell.
this is a primary concern of mine. WHO is currently running the government? certainly not joe biden. he was elected, but has likely had little input in the last couple years. it would seem to me that a vote for biden is a vote for.....who exactly?

The man behind the curtail?

The man in the high castle?

The fast food / big box store industrial complex?
I don't think Kamala Harris would be any worse than Biden. The left is already getting whatever the hell they want from Biden except for Hamas support.
In between the stuttering and incoherent kak that has come out of Biden's mouth there has been a common theme.
Biden would have us believe that the number one threat to this country is racism. All of those white supremacist and maga republicans are out to destroy democracy. Rinse and repeat.

IMHO this is a "Hold my beer" moment for whoever is pulling Biden's strings. Harris & Hakeem or (?) in the White House is going to be worse.
this is a primary concern of mine. WHO is currently running the government? certainly not joe biden. he was elected, but has likely had little input in the last couple years. it would seem to me that a vote for biden is a vote for.....who exactly?
I think America is being run by the Deep State.
I know some have expressed confusion as to what that term means. I regard it to mean an employee of a government agency (IRS, FBI, military, what have you) that regards their organization and their loyalty to it (and maybe their director) as more important and precedential to their loyalty and obedience to elected officials and legislated law.
If you feel I'm wrong, please elucidate.
The Russian Army experienced another day of carnage as they tried to renew attacks in several areas. However, the most embarrassing incident occurred nearly 700 Km from the front lines where two large UA drones successfully overflew one of the heaviest defended airfields in the country and at least severely damaged one of Russia's extremely rare Gen 5 SU-57 aircraft. They are believed to currently have no more than a dozen. (You can see a computer created version in "Top Gun Maverick.") The Russian air force has not allowed any to be used anywhere near the line of contact since the war began. :unsure:

The heavy sigh at the end of the video says it all!

Meanwhile, some somewhere they reported a heavy downpour of lead! Man that was a lot of shooting.
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The latest update from Strieff over on RedState. Everything is going swimmingly for the Russians. A quote from the summary - and I should note that RedState is a hard right site.

Biden is slowly making the US irrelevant to European security. We are on the edge of the "lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way," stage. As a Reagan Republican who believes that the world is a better and safer place under American leadership, it is sad to see Biden toss that way so Jake Sullivan can finish his senior class project. I have no doubt that this flight from responsibility will accelerate under a Trump Administration.

Definitely a man of clear vision after my heart.

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So fuxxed either way is what he is saying
I shall re-read this
I caught this paragraph in a recent BBC article about the elections in France. I think the last line is particularly insightful:

A final thought: When trying to make firm predictions about the kind of power the nationalist right will, or will not, exert in the EU going forward, labels are often not that helpful.

Some hard-right nationalists are becoming more mainstream to woo more voters and increasing numbers of centre-right politicians have been aping the language of the far right on hot button issues like migration and the environment, in an attempt to hold on to supporters.

Overall, the centre-right won the largest number of seats and made the biggest number of gains in the European Parliament.

You might not see that headline all that often though. It’s less eye-catching than a debate about far-right gains.

And John F. Kelly, former USMC Four-Star, is a man of unimpeachable character.
All three of my former SF guys that served under Kelly in Afghanistan say the same thing. One was a SM and was Kelly’s right hand man. Yet many Trump lovers dismiss Kelly because he tells the truth about Trump. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump, if he makes it to November 5th, but why some people feel compelled to defend Trump’s every move is beyond me. Talk about TDS! It goes both ways I guess.
Consider the elections for our southern neighbor, Mexico's election season resulted in 37 assassinated candidates and an additional 828 "non-lethal attacks" on candidates; these killings and attacks took place despite 560 candidates and election officials being given state protection after receiving threats.

This for a country with an average of 26 homicide victims per 100,000 residents, compared to the USA which averages 6 homicides per 100,000.

Also consider that homicides are only counted if the body is found. No body = no homicide; so in 2023 Mexico had 22,000 people who "forcibly disappeared" and are yet to be found.

This would have never happened under the dems. Hell, even leaving things status quo is better than what we’d get under the democrats. Trump actually went against what he previously said and lifted the Obama era elephant trophy import ban in 2018, perhaps from feedback from his sons.
You are completely wrong. This was done without Trump’s knowledge and when he took some media heat about it, he put an “administrative hold” on elephant imports that was later overturned in court.
I think his children were enriched by his presidency, though I am unsure exactly how you would define “on the backs of taxpayers.”
I was enriched by Trump’s presidency. We all were. The differences between Trump family and Biden family’s kleptocracy are stark but you still deny it. Wake up Saul.
The latest update from Strieff over on RedState. Everything is going swimmingly for the Russians. A quote from the summary - and I should note that RedState is a hard right site.

Biden is slowly making the US irrelevant to European security. We are on the edge of the "lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way," stage. As a Reagan Republican who believes that the world is a better and safer place under American leadership, it is sad to see Biden toss that way so Jake Sullivan can finish his senior class project. I have no doubt that this flight from responsibility will accelerate under a Trump Administration.

Definitely a man of clear vision after my heart.

Strieff, in my opinion, is very generous to assume Jake Sullivan is working on his senior class project. Sullivan is junior varsity at best.

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Just finished your book (audio) and ordered a hardback for my Library. You did a wonderful job explaining the way conservation works in Africa, and my wife is interested in reading your book now. Thank you for your work.
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