AH enthusiast
I haven't read all the posts but I didn’t really detect much worshiping of Trump. What I do detect is an emotional response from every single one of his detractors. Those who dislike Trump base this on pure emotion and not detached logic. I have some family members that some would consider accomplished and intelligent, a lawyer and those with advanced degrees that become enraged and incapable of polite discourse when it comes to discussing Trump.Let's dumb this down just a little bit. For those of you who seem to worship at the feet of DJT, you wish to make this a binary issue. You've dumbed it down to the old saying ythat you're either one of them or your one of us, and of course them are all bad.
Well it just doesn't work that way for many of us. I don't care for Trump to the point that I didn't want him to be the Republican nominee. This does not equate to me being a Democrat or supporting Biden much less intending to vote for him.
My analysis of Trump has nothing to do with being offended nor having my feelings hurt or any other emotion (love/hate, nice guy/mean guy or any other thing). It's simply that I don't believe in this man with his character flaws represents the best choice for POTUS.
It's really that simple to understand. My lack of support for Trump does not equate to support for Biden.
On a side note, if not supporting one candidate equates to supporting their opponent, then why do some of you continue with sometimes direct attacks and other times a more childish passive/aggressive attacks on @Saul. The man has stated a number of times that he won't vote for Trump, but he won't vote for Biden either. By your logic he is in fact then supporting Trump. And yet he never takes the bait, I'd say because he is in control of his emotions. While I'm quite sure I disagree with him on any number of issues, I also know there is common ground we share, he is in fact a hunter and shooter like the rest of us. So why insult the man, you may just trigger him into voting for Biden just to spite you? I doubt it, but your personal attacks on the man are certainly not supporting Trump's re-election, rather your actions are in support of Biden.
Presently, Democrats are not friendly and supportive of hunting, especially African hunting, period. Trump is supportive of hunting and both of his older sons have hunted Africa. Trump will support your/our industry, let’s not forget that.