
Interesting comment in the latest ISW summary. One can only wonder how long even Russia's totally cowed and apathetic population will tolerate this level of butchery.

Putin inadvertently indicated on June 5 that Russian forces may be suffering roughly 20,000 monthly casualties in Ukraine, which, if accurate, would be roughly equal to or just below the number of new personnel that Russia reportedly generates per month
This dovetails with this article from WSJ
“If net zero is reached.” What a joke! If you’ve traveled to Asia, Africa, South America, etc… you have seen that most countries aren’t doing much or anything green. It’s a fantasy.
I'm not sure about net zero or it can ever be reached but unlike us China and some Asian countries are doing great things to get rid of plastic waste like plastic bags and bottles.
Where did you see anything that included republicans on Trumps jury? Only thing I’ve seen is what they did for a living and where they get their news from…. I sincerely doubt there was anything close to a republican on said jury……
There might have been republicans on that jury but I don't think it would have affected the outcome.
There might have been republicans on that jury but I don't think it would have affected the outcome.
Probably right. Merchan and Bragg took a giant, steaming shit on the 6th amendment, among other things.
I'm not sure about net zero or it can ever be reached but unlike us China and some Asian countries are doing great things to get rid of plastic waste like plastic bags and bottles.

Like washing up on the beaches of Bali.
I'm not sure about net zero or it can ever be reached but unlike us China and some Asian countries are doing great things to get rid of plastic waste like plastic bags and bottles.
Oh my! What brand of MSM Koolaid have you been drinking? You need to get out and do some traveling around the world, take the blinders off and open your eyes.
Sadly a testament to how effective the CCP has been in brainwashing and infusing the world’s population with grossly false information.
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I’m somewhat dumbfounded that Americans on this forum wouldn’t vote for Trump? I suppose if the economy, hunting rights, 2nd amendment rights, strong military, strong support of law enforcement, law & order, rule of law, and no longer being a laughingstock in the world are not a priority, sure don’t vote for Trump! I don’t feel comfortable with a living cadaver and giggles having control of the nuclear football with the state of the world today!

For me, like or dislike of a political candidate is irrelevant, we just vote for what’s best for our country or what’s left of it. Simply utilize critical thinking skills to make your decision. For those that have an intense dislike or hatred of Trump, I believe it’s purely emotion driven only, they don’t like the man and that’s that! TDS is a real thing even on this forum. While I don’t understand why some AH members would vote democrat, I support their right to do so and the right to use they/them/their pronouns If they so choose.
I would bet that China is going to go after Taiwan before the election.

Among other things that seem to be escalating around the world
October surprise while ‘ol brain dead is still in office.
Pretty amazing small unit combat footage and analysis from earlier this year. One of the UA squads was composed of foreign volunteers.

I’m somewhat dumbfounded that Americans on this forum wouldn’t vote for Trump? I suppose if the economy, hunting rights, 2nd amendment rights, strong military, strong support of law enforcement, law & order, rule of law, and no longer being a laughingstock in the world are not a priority, sure don’t vote for Trump! I don’t feel comfortable with a living cadaver and giggles having control of the nuclear football with the state of the world today!

For me, like or dislike of a political candidate is irrelevant, we just vote for what’s best for our country or what’s left of it. Simply utilize critical thinking skills to make your decision. For those that have an intense dislike or hatred of Trump, I believe it’s purely emotion driven only, they don’t like the man and that’s that! TDS is a real thing even on this forum. While I don’t understand why some AH members would vote democrat, I support their right to do so and the right to use they/them/their pronouns If they so choose.
He hurt their feelings you know. And feelings are ever so more important than the survival of the republic…… after all, I’m sure we can learn to be comrades and slaves….
I’m somewhat dumbfounded that Americans on this forum wouldn’t vote for Trump? I suppose if the economy, hunting rights, 2nd amendment rights, strong military, strong support of law enforcement, law & order, rule of law, and no longer being a laughingstock in the world are not a priority, sure don’t vote for Trump! I don’t feel comfortable with a living cadaver and giggles having control of the nuclear football with the state of the world today!

For me, like or dislike of a political candidate is irrelevant, we just vote for what’s best for our country or what’s left of it. Simply utilize critical thinking skills to make your decision. For those that have an intense dislike or hatred of Trump, I believe it’s purely emotion driven only, they don’t like the man and that’s that! TDS is a real thing even on this forum. While I don’t understand why some AH members would vote democrat, I support their right to do so and the right to use they/them/their pronouns If they so choose.

Biden is a bad president, quite possibly the worse ever. It typically takes many years to pass for history to properly judge a president. Biden will be at or near the bottom.

Trump, who I voted for twice (2016 & 2020), is polling neck and neck with Biden.

Why isn't a landslide victory for Trump going to happen and the possibility of Biden getting re-elected very real. It's Trump's behavior. I've written this before, but if Trump was a corporate officer in a fortune 500 company, he would be fired for his behavior. If Trump was an officer in the US military, he would have been fired or court martialed for conduct unbecoming. Or at a minimum, relieved of command due to loss of confidence to lead.

The POTUS is the commander in chief of the military. He or she should lead by example. Trump and Biden set very poor examples of leadership. Both aren't all that bright either.

@BJH65 I see you are in Oklahoma. I love visiting my kids and grandkids in Oklahoma and really like the state. You have a US senator, Markwayne Mullin, who by all accounts is a self made guy who worked hard, made some money and became a senator. However, when he challenged a union leader to a fight during a senate hearing. Mullin should have been shown the door then and there. The US is in dire need of leaders, not immature idiots who rant and rave and call names.

Will the US be better off with Trump than Biden? Probably. It's just a sad commentary that we don't have a better choice. If Trump is elected, he will be a lame duck on Day 1. Trump stated that his VP selection process would emphasize selecting someone without presidential aspirations. To me, this is just wrong and stupid. Trump's VP selection should be all about grooming a presidential hopeful for 2028. That will be his legacy.

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expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Total con artist! Bradley Joseph Clemens!
expoB wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Regarding Senga Senga. Brad Clemens. Do your research with him. He owes people money…took deposits, no hunt! Two words, for anyone who wants to hire him…..background check. His character shows and this character follows every aspect of his life. Not to be trusted at all!
Grandpa Moose wrote on Ontario Hunter's profile.
Thanks for the advice/help. Hope the kids get a good plug from my mis post. Rain like crazy here
swag05 wrote on Inline6's profile.
Is the Americas still available? Does it have wheels? I am interested
matt2H wrote on matt vejar's profile.
Hey there Matt - i would love to understand some more about your bringing trophies home from South Africa in your checked luggage. My PH is holding onto a bushbuck euro and flatskin for me - and i am due back in South Africa in just over a week. He does have the export permit provided by the taxidermist for me. When you have a moment - could we go through the EDC Form and App? Looking forward to hearing from you.