
That is not true. A single juror could have caused a mistrial. The 33% was only with respect to the nature of the underlying crime that was being concealed by the "illegal bookkeeping." Normally the jury must be unanimous with respect to all elements of the crime. In this case, the judge stated that any of three underlying crimes might be applicable. That was indeed a unique stretch of the law, but all that was needed for a mistrial was one juror to have voted to acquit.

I do believe the venue was one in which Trump was unlikely to ever get a fair trial. In Manhattan, Biden won 86% of the vote. I have no doubt that carried over to the jury pool. There were two jurors who stated they used X as a primary news source and had read some Truth Social posts there. Not exactly republican much less MAGA credentials.

There are several meaningful areas for appeal. My biggest concern is that this was a state case brought in state court so the appeals will go through the state appellate process. Those judges are all democrat. Though, they did have the courage (4-3) to toss the Weinstein conviction over extraneous lurid testimony of sort Stormy Daniels was allowed to provide.

Trump probably lost his case when his legal team, perhaps at his direction, made the decision to deny that hush money payments were ever made at all. There was a lot of evidence besides Cohen that the payments were made. Such payments are not illegal, but the denial allowed the prosecution to focus a lot of effort on the salacious nature of the payment rather than the legality of the payments or their documentation.
Does this being a federal election law being stretched into a state violation have any sway for grounds of being over turned or for that matter that the statute of limitations run out?
During the month of May, over 3500 CHINESE illegal immigrants were apprehended from the border area south of San Diego.
Every year we get H2A visa workers on our farm and they tells us that in their travels up through Mexico on their way to the border they see more and more Chinese, they also say not many Mexicans but a lot of blacks, I won’t use the words they use to describe these people but they are not flattering to say the least.
This whole thing is sad but it loudly presses home the message that NOBODY outside the establishment is ever going to be allowed to be president. I told my wife after 2016 that anything like Trump would never be allowed to happen again. I just didn’t know that they would be so arrogant as to be so open and obvious about their intentions and methods. Shows how confident they are in their power. Believe what you want but the “party” is in control and your choice will be between their candidates, Democrat or Republican. If they react this hard against someone as moderate as Trump, look at his actual policies and what he said rather than how he said it, imagine how they would react to an actual threat.
To clear things up on deadly force, peace officers, LEO’s, commissioned security officers, etc., are authorized to use deadly force when ever a clear and present danger of serious bodily injury or death to themselves or a third party when an inanimate threat arises. It is in effect 24/7/365 and not just applicable to certain times. Each jurisdiction has its on policies but that’s pretty much it. There is no special “ shoot to kill” order as anytime deadly force is used it is to “Stop the threat”. This of course is a general short overview.
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Years of spineless, do nothing, Republican leadership is what helped spawn the democrat party we see today.
You will no longer be able to beat them, or keep them in check, if Republicans continue to take the high road.
The Democrat party as a whole, who are nothing but a proxy for the deep state, have no moral compass., no heart, no soul.

It's time to get down in the trenches, and fight them, blow for blow. Otherwise, this country will be lost forever.

These sham court cases against Trump are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

The deep state wants Trump behind bars before the RNC convention, so they can install Nikki Haley as presidential candidate.
This is all about timing for the Democrat flying monkeys.
Shoot to kill, and the use of deadly force, are one in the same. Different words that describe the same outcome.

None of that was remotely necessary in the staged raid on Trumps home. He wasn't even there at the time. That's one of the reasons the FBI chose that particular time to do it.
An aspect of our factional politics that I find quite amusing is how each side believes that the other is utterly dominating them at every turn because their own side is weak and ineffectual. Actually, it is more scary than amusing because bad things happen when people feel that their backs are up against the wall and brinksmanship is the only way out.
I find it highly disturbing, and without the slightest bit of amusement, that the politically ignorant fail to see the dangerous crossroad this country has reached, and how we arrived at such a sad time in America.
Americans backs are against the wall, and corrupt politicians put us there.
Shoot to kill, and the use of deadly force, are one in the same. Different words that describe the same outcome.

None of that was remotely necessary in the staged raid on Trumps home. He wasn't even there at the time. That's one of the reasons the FBI chose that particular time to do it.
Not exactly how it works, but there is no special “ Shoot to Kill” order even for show boating when nobody’s home. Would they have killed him if he told them to FK off? I wouldn’t put it past them, fbi agents are the pit bottom feeders as far as I’m concerned that’s just my opinion.
Does this being a federal election law being stretched into a state violation have any sway for grounds of being over turned or for that matter that the statute of limitations run out?
I think that is clearly going to be one of the grounds for appeal. Another is that the checks Trump signed and the invoices submitted occured after the 2016 election. :unsure: The absent witness, Allen Weisselberg, is a third. He is in state prison and was supposed to testify - but the prosecution never called him - presumably because he would have contradicted Cohen. The fourth will be the jury instructions themselves which enabled the guilty verdict. Finally, according to the leading election law expert in the country, who was not allowed by the judge to testify about election law, there was no underlying crime that was being hidden.
An aspect of our factional politics that I find quite amusing is how each side believes that the other is utterly dominating them at every turn because their own side is weak and ineffectual. Actually, it is more scary than amusing because bad things happen when people feel that their backs are up against the wall and brinksmanship is the only way out.
But Saul, as Brent and others have said, it is utterly obvious that the fix is in against Trump. You can argue that he brings a lot of his woe upon himself, but it is a weak argument because Biden is a screaming example of the same thing. The Democrats are utterly determined to keep him out of the White House, and it seems to be 'at any cost'. You can argue it any way you like, but it is obvious, and it is not just up to the USA to decide whether it is consequential or not. Look at what the weak and tolerant hand upon the anti-Israeli movement has produced? What the open border has produced. The world is looking at this lot and concluding that the USA has lost it's compass. Don't believe me? Scroll on Instagram for a while. So getting back to the cost, it is extremely high, and as many commentators are saying, it is looking to be a step too far. Is it really worth it?
Just read this...seems appropriate.....the other essays are in links at end

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Probably the best assessment of the historical place of the Trump trial to date. With respect to legal issues, Jonathan Turley is about as well informed as anyone in the country.

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Another of the essays.....lays out the reasons why putin really wants Ukraine....which some people seem to have a hard time understanding....

That was an interesting and thoughtful read, and I don't disagree with it. That said, when I read these words I thought of Donald J. himself. :unsure:

“unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation, and selfish avarice.”
That was an interesting and thoughtful read, and I don't disagree with it. That said, when I read these words I thought of Donald J. himself. :unsure:

“unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation, and selfish avarice.”
All that look at us can find fault.

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