
Yep Crazy!

And to think that some people set here and cry about Ukraine not getting enough funding fast enough and how their blood is on congress’s hands.

What about the blood of the US citizens with the open border? What has already been shed by the illegals and what will be shed in the future by the terror groups and gangs they have let in. Just a matter of time.
Absolutely crazy. Politicians and rival electorates have made Ukraine and the border a fictitious either / or. A great power ought to be able to do what is in its national interests wherever they are threatened - rather like walking and chewing gum. Unfortunately, neither wing of our political divide is informed or perhaps smart enough to understand that. Both the Cartels and Putin can't believe their good fortune.
Yep Crazy!

And to think that some people set here and cry about Ukraine not getting enough funding fast enough and how their blood is on congress’s hands.

What about the blood of the US citizens with the open border? What has already been shed by the illegals and what will be shed in the future by the terror groups and gangs they have let in. Just a matter of time.
The blood of Ukrainians is on Joe Bidens hands, and those that support him.
Contrary to all of the anti Trump sniveling on this forum, there would be no war in the Ukraine if Trump was president. No lives lost, billions of dollars saved.
The swampers on this forum will have you believe that Russia will conquer the globe, if the Ukraine falls.
Absolutely crazy. Politicians and rival electorates have made Ukraine and the border a fictitious either / or. A great power ought to be able to do what is in its national interests wherever they are threatened - rather like walking and chewing gum. Unfortunately, neither wing of our political divide is informed or perhaps smart enough to understand that. Both the Cartels and Putin can't believe their good fortune.
Would have to agree.

They are two separate issues and should be treated so. I personally believe they are both a major threat to us. But I also think the border should and could be closed ASAP if they want to. Ukraine and Russia on the other hand will take more time. Both should be treated accordingly.
"there would be no war in the Ukraine if Trump was president."

I don't agree with you on the certainty of that possible outcome; I think you overestimate Trump's influence.

But, for the sake of argument, let's say you're right. Well I maintain that if he'd kept his mouth shut, stayed off Twitter, and acted like an adult at least part of the time, he'd have been elected to a second term. So using your line of reasoning, the blood is on Trump's hands as well, all so he could play the part of petulant, mistreated child. Oh, and I actually believe that to be true - the part about him not being elected again because of his own actions.
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The blood of Ukrainians is on Joe Bidens hands, and those that support him.
Contrary to all of the anti Trump sniveling on this forum, there would be no war in the Ukraine if Trump was president. No lives lost, billions of dollars saved.
The swampers on this forum will have you believe that Russia will conquer the globe, if the Ukraine falls.
Would agree. If Trump were in office this would have never happened. But unfortunately we are here with Joe and have a war knocking at our door. I do think in Putin’s mind he does want to conquer the globe or at least part of it.

Everyone is a consumer! NOT everyone is a producer!

On these topics of taxes, the rich, and the budget surplus, I’d ask the following if anyone reading this thread believes the rich aren’t paying enough. Sadly, by the numbers, the deadbeat taxpayer in America that is not paying nearly enough is the poor and middle class. By the numbers.

If you watch anything I share on this site, please watch this dated video that explains just how broke America actually is, and what would happen if we “Eat the Rich”.

Great video!

You can not out tax the rich. Everything is passed on down to the end user. Taxes are part of the cost of doing business. Anyone who does not understand this is a fool.

One more thing if you are not a producer you should not be allowed to vote!
"there would be no war in the Ukraine if Trump was president."

I don't agree with you on the certainty of that possible outcome; I think you overestimate Trump's influence.

But, for the sake of argument, let's say you're right. Well I maintain that if he'd kept his mouth shut, stayed off of Twitter, and acted like an adult at least part of the time, he'd have been elected to a second term. So using your line of reasoning, the blood is on Trump's hands as well, all so he could play the part of petulant, mistreated child. Oh, and I actually believe that to be true - the part about him not being elected again because of his own actions.
Trump lost, because the Democrats and their Chinese overlords unleashed Covid to take him down. They all blamed Trump for the pandemic. All the people with the brain capacity of an amoeba, believed the media spin doctors. Hook, line, and sinker.
If you believe otherwise, I have some prime beachfront real estate in south Tucson I'd be glad to sell you. Dirt cheap.
Trump received more votes then any sitting president in history. His actions, or petulance, non withstanding.
81 million votes for Biden, my ass. Shave off 10-15 million of illegitimate votes and it wouldn't even be close.
This was posted on another forum
I know nothing about the site or the author.

By Cliff Kincaid


The key to understanding what has happened in Russia, in terms of the “terror attack” being blamed on ISIS, lies in the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a former Soviet KGB colonel and his regime is based on the remnants of the old Soviet Union, including its military and intelligence establishment.

The reorganization of the old Soviet Union has confused many in the West. Putin is in total control. Nothing happens without his orders or approval.

Thus, the ISIS attack in Russia is the work of the FSB, formerly the KGB.

In our book on Red Jihad, we note that a 34-page ISIS manual on how to conceal communications from the NSA used former CIA/NSA analyst Edward Snowden as a source. Snowden was an agent for Russia who defected through Chinese Hong Kong and now lives in Russia and became a citizen there. Hence, ISIS is dependent on Russia for its survival as a terrorist entity.

If ISIS attacked Russia, it's because Putin ordered or approved it.

ISIS grew out of the remnants of the old Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq, supported by the Russians. So don’t believe the propaganda about ISIS being an independent enemy of Russia.

AP reports, “The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on affiliated channels on social media, which couldn’t be independently verified. It wasn’t immediately clear what happened to the attackers after the raid, which state investigators were investigating as terrorism.”

Reports of at least 40 people killed and more than 100 injured when five gunmen “dressed in camouflage” opened fire at people at a concert near Moscow strike me as a KGB operation that Putin will use to blame others and make his regime stronger. Ukraine. This has happened before

In his book, Judgment in Moscow, Vladimir Bukovsky described what happened:

  • In September 1999, however, four apartment buildings were blown up in Moscow and in two other cities, killing 300 people. The bombings were blamed on Chechen terrorists. Putin was put in charge of a new enterprise—a second war in Chechnya under circumstances in which he could pose as the defender of the Russian people. The second Chechen war was even more brutal and indiscriminate than the first (1994–96). However as a result of initial success, Putin’s popularity rose and he was elected President of Russia.
  • As it happened, however, a fifth bomb was discovered in the basement of an apartment building in the city of Ryazan, and the people who placed it there were captured and found to be not Chechen terrorists, but agents of the FSB. Since then, a mass of overwhelming and incontrovertible evidence has accumulated showing that not only the failed attempt to blow up a building in Ryazan, but also all four of the successful apartment bombings were the work of the FSB. The murder of hundreds of randomly chosen innocent Russian civilians who died in the blasts was the means by which the new “democratic” leadership preserved its hold on power.
Trump has described Putin as a strong leader who defends Russian interests. This is certainly true.

Remember that Russian President Vladimir Putin was deeply involved in “active measures” and espionage activities during the late 1980s when he was a KGB colonel and spy in East Germany. Later, he became head of the FSB, the KGB’s main successor.

Putin, who is divorced and is said to have a mistress, has presented himself as a defender of the Christian faith and Christian values, in contrast to the decline and decadence of the West. He is counting on conservatives to ignore the fact that he was a Soviet KGB officer and ran its successor, the FSB. One of the main specialties of the Soviet/Russian intelligence services is propaganda and disinformation.

I think the latest terrorist incident will benefit Putin. He may blame ISIS or he may blame Ukraine. In any case, it will be used to increase the bombardment of Ukraine, with Biden playing his role, as he pushes Congress to vote for aid for Ukraine, enabling Biden to “look tough.”

Meanwhile, it’s going Moscow’s way in the Middle East, the subject of my new column, Genocide Joe Seeks Bloodbath in Israel and America.

Amazingly, some Americans are fooled by the rhetoric on both sides. Joe Biden is not standing up to Russia and has not shown any desire to give the people of Ukraine the weapons they need to win.

Deep in his heart, Biden is still committed to the “New World Order” he wrote about in the Wall Street Journal decades ago. His “slow-walking” of weapons to Ukraine is designed to force the government to negotiate with Putin. Reagan-style conservatives have demanded long-range missiles and F-16 war planes for Ukraine.

Even the left-wing actor Sean Penn, after visiting the war zone (without Putin’s approval), said the U.S. (i.e. Joe Biden) must accept “a level of shame” for not helping Ukraine with weapons more quickly.

Like other Western leaders, Biden will claim sympathy for the Russian people in the wake of the terrorist attack carried out by the KGB, without blaming Putin. Then, he will pretend to force Congress to approve more weapons shiments to Ukraine while leaving the regime and its people vulnerable to Moscow's bombs, in a position to survive only by agreeing to Putin's terms.
If its true that Russia is amassing 100,000 troops for a summer invasion, the Ukrainians might suffer a serious ass kicking.
Russia has targeted the power grids, and over 1 million are currently without power.
IF Russia pressed 100,000 more people into service. They would be uneducated and untrained. More drone fodder.

Putin, used False flag terrorists attacks early in his political career to gain support from the people.

Copied from internet

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the government of the Russian Federation has been frequently accused of sponsoring or inspiring terrorist activities inside the country and in other countries in order to achieve its political goals.

Former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, former KGB general Oleg Kaluginasserted that Russian apartment bombings were in fact a "false flag" attack perpetrated by the FSB (successor to the KGB) in order to legitimize the resumption of military activities in Chechnya and bring Vladimir Putin and the FSB to power. FSB operatives were actually briefly arrested in the case, but their presence at the crime scene was explained as "training".[15][16] This view was disputed by philosopher Robert Bruce Ware and Richard Sakwa,[17][18][19][20][21] but supported by historians Amy Knight[22][23] and Karen Dawisha[24]

Former FSB officer Aleksander Litvinenko and investigator Mikhail Trepashkin alleged that a ChechenFSB agent directed the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002.[25][26]

Yulia Latynina has accused the Russian security services of staging fake terrorist attacks (with minimal casualties) to report false successes in solving those cases, instead of investigating the actual terrorist attacks.[27]

Vyacheslav Izmailov from Novaya Gazeta has accused the Russian authorities of extorting confessions from suspect terrorists with torture, instead of engaging in genuine investigative efforts.[28] According to him, the kidnappings of journalists and members of international NGOs in 2005 in Chechnya, along with Andrei Babitsky from Radio Fre
IF Russia pressed 100,000 more people into service. They would be uneducated and untrained. More drone fodder.

Putin, used False flag terrorists attacks early in his political career to gain support from the people.

Copied from internet

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the government of the Russian Federation has been frequently accused of sponsoring or inspiring terrorist activities inside the country and in other countries in order to achieve its political goals.

Former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, former KGB general Oleg Kaluginasserted that Russian apartment bombings were in fact a "false flag" attack perpetrated by the FSB (successor to the KGB) in order to legitimize the resumption of military activities in Chechnya and bring Vladimir Putin and the FSB to power. FSB operatives were actually briefly arrested in the case, but their presence at the crime scene was explained as "training".[15][16] This view was disputed by philosopher Robert Bruce Ware and Richard Sakwa,[17][18][19][20][21] but supported by historians Amy Knight[22][23] and Karen Dawisha[24]

Former FSB officer Aleksander Litvinenko and investigator Mikhail Trepashkin alleged that a ChechenFSB agent directed the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002.[25][26]

Yulia Latynina has accused the Russian security services of staging fake terrorist attacks (with minimal casualties) to report false successes in solving those cases, instead of investigating the actual terrorist attacks.[27]

Vyacheslav Izmailov from Novaya Gazeta has accused the Russian authorities of extorting confessions from suspect terrorists with torture, instead of engaging in genuine investigative efforts.[28] According to him, the kidnappings of journalists and members of international NGOs in 2005 in Chechnya, along with Andrei Babitsky from Radio Fre
My problem with this sort of "revelation" along with the one above it is -

"Russia has been accused ....."
"Oleg Kalugin asserted ......"
"Litvineko and Trepashkin alleged ....."
"Latynina has accused ....."
"Izmailov has accused ....."

I personally have no doubt that this and the vast majority of previous incidents were exactly what the perpetrators claimed they were. That said, the apartment bombings of September 1999 have proven the most suspicious, if for no other reason Putin's presidential ambitions did benefit from the eventual outcome. However, as several historians have pointed out, Russia needed no terrorist incident to initiate the Second Chechen War due to the invasion of Dagestan.

One of the leading experts on the region is Robert Bruce Ware. He has been very critical of those journalists supporting the role of the FSB in the apartment bombings. He has argued that the most logical case can be made that Islamic extremists from the North Caucasus carried out the bombings in retribution for Russian attacks in Central Dagestan.

I am a great believer in the Ockham's Razor approach to explaining almost everything. While I have personally not researched the event, the vast FSB conspiracy seems only slightly more credible to me than the CIA blowing up the World Trade Center.

I find the analysis that @sestoppelman posted from Cliff Kinkaid (who I personally think is a little bit of a nut job in reporting his usual fare) the most clever. He has left himself enough room to still declare Putin responsible by claiming that should ISIS have carried out the attack, it could only be because Putin ordered it. :unsure:
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Of course I have no idea if this or the others were false flags.

I do know Putin needs a distraction now. Like he needed a boogeyman early in his rise to power.

Like many countries have learned. “Wag the Dog” tactics work. Distract the peasants from internal debacles.
On the Republicans raising the issue of Social Security insolvency

12 million new US citizens that came over the border. (Make no mistake. They will never leave, they are now new dependents )
They get free healthcare. So that cost is taken from the same wallet. As SS and Medicare. It’s all from the entitlements expense.

You would think even liberals would be a little interested in losing their SS to millions of new citizens the democrats are bringing in.

I feel sorry for those relying on SS and Medicare in thier retirement years.

I can’t predict the year it will happen, but there will be a collapse of wealth as the Europeans suffered.
The three legs are being cut out now.

Eventually, the tax burden will be so great. Land owners will start having to sell property to pay taxes. Or Property will be confiscated to pay taxes, and people will be driven into the cities to live in apartments.

Some castles and estates are being re-inhabited now in Northern Europe but for decades they were vacant from tax confiscation or abandonment.

Prepare your children for this collapse. It won’t matter if everything is paid off if you cannot afford the exorbitant taxes every year.
Trump lost, because the Democrats and their Chinese overlords unleashed Covid to take him down. They all blamed Trump for the pandemic. All the people with the brain capacity of an amoeba, believed the media spin doctors. Hook, line, and sinker.
If you believe otherwise, I have some prime beachfront real estate in south Tucson I'd be glad to sell you. Dirt cheap.
Trump received more votes then any sitting president in history. His actions, or petulance, non withstanding.
81 million votes for Biden, my ass. Shave off 10-15 million of illegitimate votes and it wouldn't even be close.
Sounds like you already bought that beach front property in South Tucson! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
$1.2 Trillion Spending Bill Passed (pork)

Kevin Oleary: made a point about what's happening to Donald Trump, 27 day's to pay up or assets seized. His point being, this has nothing to do with Trump. The collateral damage to the American Brand is horrific, this is not America anymore when you watch this happen. He stated it's by design to bring about the new world order. Meaning, they can do this to anybody: "who's next".
Ex CIA guy on FOX a few minutes ago, Dan something, cant remember but always a very level headed guy, feels as I do, that this is what ISIS says, an attack by them.
I cant see what would be advantageous to Putin to be involved in this. Not like he was looking for an excuse to attack Ukraine, the bridge has been crossed.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.