
Regardless of how much more we pay in taxes; the government will find ways to spend it all.
Only if the 16th amendment is repealed. No way otherwise.
Question: Doesn't the 16th only deal with allowing a "direct tax on income"?

And question 2: Wouldn't a sales tax or Fair tax - possibly at the wholsale level - be allowed under Article 1, since it is the same as a tariff on domestic and foreign goods. Assuming the wording is done correctly, I suppose.
This is absolutely idiotic, the Republicans don't have the numbers to do anything. If they aren't careful, they will have speaker Jefferies, the way members are resigning.
The party is self-destructing. They can not agree on a strategy because publicity seekers like Green and most of the rest of the Freedom Caucus are too busy attacking their own. Meanwhile the gullible, innocent, and ignorant cheer from the populist mosh pit. Pathetic were it not so self-destructive - particularly with an election approaching while offering clear evidence the party is apparently incapable of governing.
God bless the Freedom caucus. Much to the chagrin of the establishment crybabies ..... we'll be rocking the mosh pit!
Question: Doesn't the 16th only deal with allowing a "direct tax on income"?

And question 2: Wouldn't a sales tax or Fair tax - possibly at the wholsale level - be allowed under Article 1, since it is the same as a tariff on domestic and foreign goods. Assuming the wording is done correctly, I suppose.

And that’s the problem, if the 16th is still there you get a VAT and an Income tax.

Taxes never go way. Withholding was supposed to be temporary, we are closing in on 100 years of “temporary.”

I would suspect that a VAT would be allowed under Art 1.
Taxes never go way. Withholding was supposed to be temporary, we are closing in on 100 years of “temporary.”

Just like when Roe v Wade was passed, abortion was supposed to be "rare." Instead, it became common and that was one of the reasons it was overturned.
The party is self-destructing. They can not agree on a strategy because publicity seekers like Green and most of the rest of the Freedom Caucus are too busy attacking their own. Meanwhile the gullible, innocent, and ignorant cheer from the populist mosh pit. Pathetic were it not so self-destructive - particularly with an election approaching while offering clear evidence the party is apparently incapable of governing.
I agree, if this wasn’t an election year I might be a little more understanding of their tactics, if they don’t disband the circular firing squad we will have a democratic led house. If Trump does win the presidency how long do you think it will be before impeachment articles are filed against him. And again and again for the tenure of his presidency. Absolutely nothing will get done for the American people.
The party is self-destructing. They can not agree on a strategy because publicity seekers like Green and most of the rest of the Freedom Caucus are too busy attacking their own. Meanwhile the gullible, innocent, and ignorant cheer from the populist mosh pit. Pathetic were it not so self-destructive - particularly with an election approaching while offering clear evidence the party is apparently incapable of governing.

I'm quite a bit younger than a lot of people on here. I grew up in a very working class portion of the northeast with a relatively even mix of Republicans and Democrats. The Republican Party of my youth, the one I remember, was the party of the smart and successful: small business owners, lawyers, bankers, engineers, farmers. These were the people I looked up to, the people I tried to emulate. In turn, these smart and successful folks looked up to (and elected) other smart and successful folks--the legendary statesmen like Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower and Reagan of course but also people like John H. Sununu and Robert Stafford. Good, smart, successful people. That's who I wanted to be like.

I just can't understand parts of the party today. It's kind of amazing it's even considered the same party. Within the Freedom Caucus, some of the most famous and celebrated members include a man who had a relationship with and sexually trafficked a minor (Gaetz); a 37-year old grandmother and high school drop out who basically gave a guy a h*ndjob in a public theater (Boebert); and a person who might actually be schizophrenic or at least schizotypal (MTG). It blows my mind. And frankly, it's embarrassing.

The state's elect who they want in Congress, which is the way it should be. The aforementioned three are representatives for districts in Florida, Colorado, and Georgia and are elected by citizens of those districts. But they also represent the party and the country as a whole on a national and global stage. How I wish the party and electorate had higher standards.
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Ukraine covert ops maybe?


Russia gets hit with large scale terror attacks every few years… this is the worst one in a long time… but it’s not new or unique..

My guess would be Chechen.. but could be Georgians… or a host of others the Russians have upset over the years..

Ukraine has already denounced the attack and been very public about saying it was not them..

If the Ukrainians were going to hit something in Moscow it would have been a military or police target.. even if they had minimal success, the message and the mission purpose would have been similar to what we intended with the Doolittle raid in WW2..
The party is self-destructing. They can not agree on a strategy because publicity seekers like Green and most of the rest of the Freedom Caucus are too busy attacking their own. Meanwhile the gullible, innocent, and ignorant cheer from the populist mosh pit. Pathetic were it not so self-destructive - particularly with an election approaching while offering clear evidence the party is apparently incapable of governing.

The same folks who expect us to blindly vote for Trump seem to applaud this ludicrous and divisive behavior. The irony is dripping.

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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.