
there would be no war in the Ukraine if Trump was president.
On this point you might even be correct, but we will Never know - because voters came out in droves to vote Against Trump, Not For - old Joe.

With half the country hating his guts - including some (many?) of those Rhinos and Independents you hate so much, Orange Man will take us further down the rabbit hole yet again.

It's called Politics. Trump sucks at it. The country is already suffering because of it.

If ever there was a time for a viable third party candidate, this is it.
I'm quite a bit younger than a lot of people on here. I grew up in a very working class portion of the northeast with a relatively even mix of Republicans and Democrats. The Republican Party of my youth, the one I remember, was the party of the smart and successful: small business owners, lawyers, bankers, engineers, farmers. These were the people I looked up to, the people I tried to emulate. In turn, these smart and successful folks looked up to (and elected) other smart and successful folks--the legendary statesmen like Teddy Roosevelt and Eisenhower and Reagan of course but also people like John H. Sununu and Robert Stafford. Good, smart, successful people. That's who I wanted to be like.

I just can't understand parts of the party today. It's kind of amazing it's even considered the same party. Within the Freedom Caucus, some of the most famous and celebrated members include a man who had a relationship with and sexually trafficked a minor (Gaetz); a 37-year old grandmother and high school drop out who basically gave a guy a h*ndjob in a public theater (Boebert); and a person who might actually be schizophrenic or at least schizotypal (MTG). It blows my mind. And frankly, it's embarrassing.

The state's elect who they want in Congress, which is the way it should be. The aforementioned three are representatives for districts in Florida, Colorado, and Georgia and are elected by citizens of those districts. But they also represent the party and the country as a whole on a national and global stage. How I wish the party and electorate had higher standards.
MTG is the type of person that has been mentioned in this thread who believes everything she hears and reads without fact checking or critical thinking. She has fallen for all manner of conspiracy theories and later had to walk her crazy comments back. While I appreciate her conservative views, she’s a net liability for the conservative cause and her behavior undermines other members in the Freedom Caucus.
While I remain ever more convinced that this was not a false flag operation of the FSB, I am concerned that Putin will try to take advantage of it, if for no other reason to deflect scrutiny from what was an obvious security failure of monstrous proportions. His comments following the attack would indicate he was grasping at such a strategy.

"All four direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, all those who shot and killed people, were found and detained," Putin said. "They tried to hide and moved towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them from the Ukrainian side to cross the state border."

It would also not surprise me if Tucker Carlson and the other usual Russia apologists will be running with something similar by the time the weekend is over. If that happens we will no doubt be seeing the same here soon thereafter.
MTG is the type of person that has been mentioned in this thread who believes everything she hears and reads without fact checking or critical thinking. She has fallen for all manner of conspiracy theories and later had to walk her crazy comments back. While I appreciate her conservative views, she’s a net liability for the conservative cause and her behavior undermines other members in the Freedom Caucus.
Losers like Ken Buck and Mike Gallagher sure aint helping things by cowardly jumping ship and running away from the fight.
Gallagher bailing is going to leave the House with a one vote majority!
Thanks A Hole!

Ken Buck is no loss anyway, nothing but a Dem with an R behind his name. Total phony.

Trump lost, because the Democrats and their Chinese overlords unleashed Covid to take him down. They all blamed Trump for the pandemic. All the people with the brain capacity of an amoeba, believed the media spin doctors. Hook, line, and sinker.
If you believe otherwise, I have some prime beachfront real estate in south Tucson I'd be glad to sell you. Dirt cheap.
Trump received more votes then any sitting president in history. His actions, or petulance, non withstanding.
81 million votes for Biden, my ass. Shave off 10-15 million of illegitimate votes and it wouldn't even be close.

Do you expect Trump to receive more votes than any other non sitting POTUS in history with his current election strategy?
Do you expect Trump to receive more votes than any other non sitting POTUS in history with his current election strategy?
No. I expect another Democrat cheat.
Too many low information voters, and people voting with emotion, instead of with their wallet's to overcome it.
Take the marxist media liars out of the equation, and Trump would destroy Biden in an epic landslide.
No. I expect another Democrat cheat.
Too many low information voters, and people voting with emotion, instead of with their wallet's to overcome it.
Take the marxist media liars out of the equation, and Trump would destroy Biden in an epic landslide.

So Trump bears no responsibility for losing in your mind? So then why not then more of the same hubris? Have I got that right?
Gallagher bailing is going to leave the House with a one vote majority!
Thanks A Hole!
All that matters is the GOP controls the House Speakership and with it the power to bring bills up or let them die on the vine.

Any substantial bill will need the Democrats to pass as even if the House Obstruction Caucus gets 90% of they want they will vote against it for not getting the other 10%.

We have seen it over and over again where in a divided Government The Speaker will negotiate a bill with the Senate and get less say X% of what they want. The Obstruction Caucus will sabotage it forcing further compromises with House Democrats in order to pass the bill and end up with X-Y% of what they want.

It really amazes me that these guys do not see the realities of not having the Senate or the Presidency.

As far as Gallegher goes I think he had the greatest of intentions, but realized it was a waste of his time to put up with the fractured GOP in a divided Government.
No. I expect another Democrat cheat.
Too many low information voters, and people voting with emotion, instead of with their wallet's to overcome it.
Funny, most would attribute what you mentioned to Trump voters. January 6th is a prime example of people acting with emotion rather than logic. BTW, I thought if one voted with their wallet they were not voting for the USA. :unsure:
So Trump bears no responsibility for losing in your mind? So then why not then more of the same hubris? Have I got that right?
Everyone bears responsibility for something, even Trump. Trump received more votes in the second election, then he did the first time. Quite astonishing for someone who everyone claims to be hated so much, don't you think.?
The Democrats and their media lapdogs had the brainless amoeba's foaming at the mouth, as they portrayed Trump as Hitler reincarnate.

We currently have the most corrupt and inept President in history residing in the whitehouse, along with the evil of a radical democrat army
Its quite ironic how people on this forum do nothing but henpeck over Trumps idiosyncrasies, but rarely say anything about the true problems in this country, or the monster in the Whitehouse that is using all available resources to put a political rival behind bars......or at the very least, try to bankrupt him.

I guess its easier to criticize Trump, then to admit to the real issues that we face in the elections.
Trump is Trump, and he's too arrogant to change his personality. If he loses on that, and that alone, and no other reason, then that is on him, and the the emotion driven voters.

Honestly, I was hoping that DeSantis would have mounted a better campaign charge. I could get behind him. I guess it's not his time yet.
There is too much Trump popularity for DeSantis to overcome
Some of the conspiracy theories mention on this thread is unbelievable and laughable.
Everyone bears responsibility for something, even Trump. Trump received more votes in the second election, then he did the first time. Quite astonishing for someone who everyone claims to be hated so much, don't you think.?
The Democrats and their media lapdogs had the brainless amoeba's foaming at the mouth, as they portrayed Trump as Hitler reincarnate.

We currently have the most corrupt and inept President in history residing in the whitehouse, along with the evil of a radical democrat army
Its quite ironic how people on this forum do nothing but henpeck over Trumps idiosyncrasies, but rarely say anything about the true problems in this country, or the monster in the Whitehouse that is using all available resources to put a political rival behind bars......or at the very least, try to bankrupt him.

I guess its easier to criticize Trump, then to admit to the real issues that we face in the elections.
Trump is Trump, and he's too arrogant to change his personality. If he loses on that, and that alone, and no other reason, then that is on him, and the the emotion driven voters.

Honestly, I was hoping that DeSantis would have mounted a better campaign charge. I could get behind him. I guess it's not his time yet.
There is too much Trump popularity for DeSantis to overcome

Long winded answer to my last question, a simple yes or no would have sufficed. And no need to convince me of Biden being as bad as he is, I won't vote for him. But I wish we had a choice on the other side that I could feel good about getting behind. Trump isn't it, thought it's what I'm left with.

And it has nothing to do with emotion. Getting tired of the argument that my feelings were hurt and I'm reacting as such. His arrogance as you put it has other effects that are far more important than how it makes me feel. My feelings have nothing to do with this.

An example from history. I don't believe had I ever had the chance to meet General Patton personally that I would've liked the man in the least. Given that, it bears no importance on his role in WWII. He was a great influence there and deserves much credit for the defeat of Germany.....in the role that he played. The statesman that General Eisenhower was and his role as supreme commander of the Allied forces was the perfect role for him IMO. Patton's role had it been Eisenhower...hmm, I'm not so sure would've been the best fit.

Trump had his chance at a second term. His mannerisms led to his defeat for re-election, even if it can be argued it was "stolen" from him. His own actions played a part in that happening. He alone bears responsibility for how he conducts himself, not the voters.

I'd prefer a candidate that no one could argue this about and not have it somehow justified in voters minds that it is ok to take the election away from like these states that have tried to keep Trump off the ballot. Again this is at least in part on Trump. If he can't adjust and execute a winning strategy, he is not a good leader and deserves to lose.
Long winded answer to my last question, a simple yes or no would have sufficed. And no need to convince me of Biden being as bad as he is, I won't vote for him. But I wish we had a choice on the other side that I could feel good about getting behind. Trump isn't it, thought it's what I'm left with.

And it has nothing to do with emotion. Getting tired of the argument that my feelings were hurt and I'm reacting as such. His arrogance as you put it has other effects that are far more important than how it makes me feel. My feelings have nothing to do with this.

An example from history. I don't believe had I ever had the chance to meet General Patton personally that I would've liked the man in the least. Given that, it bears no importance on his role in WWII. He was a great influence there and deserves much credit for the defeat of Germany.....in the role that he played. The statesman that General Eisenhower was and his role as supreme commander of the Allied forces was the perfect role for him IMO. Patton's role had it been Eisenhower...hmm, I'm not so sure would've been the best fit.

Trump had his chance at a second term. His mannerisms led to his defeat for re-election, even if it can be argued it was "stolen" from him. His own actions played a part in that happening. He alone bears responsibility for how he conducts himself, not the voters.

I'd prefer a candidate that no one could argue this about and not have it somehow justified in voters minds that it is ok to take the election away from like these states that have tried to keep Trump off the ballot. Again this is at least in part on Trump. If he can't adjust and execute a winning strategy, he is not a good leader and deserves to lose.
So.....you answer my long winded post, with a long winded post......lol.

Got it!
Much of the denial on this thread, is also laughable.
Like when a certain someone said that "Biden wasnt flying illegals into the country, only those already here?? LOL
Long winded answer to my last question, a simple yes or no would have sufficed. And no need to convince me of Biden being as bad as he is, I won't vote for him. But I wish we had a choice on the other side that I could feel good about getting behind. Trump isn't it, thought it's what I'm left with.

And it has nothing to do with emotion. Getting tired of the argument that my feelings were hurt and I'm reacting as such. His arrogance as you put it has other effects that are far more important than how it makes me feel. My feelings have nothing to do with this.

An example from history. I don't believe had I ever had the chance to meet General Patton personally that I would've liked the man in the least. Given that, it bears no importance on his role in WWII. He was a great influence there and deserves much credit for the defeat of Germany.....in the role that he played. The statesman that General Eisenhower was and his role as supreme commander of the Allied forces was the perfect role for him IMO. Patton's role had it been Eisenhower...hmm, I'm not so sure would've been the best fit.

Trump had his chance at a second term. His mannerisms led to his defeat for re-election, even if it can be argued it was "stolen" from him. His own actions played a part in that happening. He alone bears responsibility for how he conducts himself, not the voters.

I'd prefer a candidate that no one could argue this about and not have it somehow justified in voters minds that it is ok to take the election away from like these states that have tried to keep Trump off the ballot. Again this is at least in part on Trump. If he can't adjust and execute a winning strategy, he is not a good leader and deserves to lose.
I too wish we had a more palatable candidate, but like my old dad used to say, "wish in one hand, shit in the other and see what you get first!" :p (y) :A Shit:
Funny, most would attribute what you mentioned to Trump voters. January 6th is a prime example of people acting with emotion rather than logic. BTW, I thought if one voted with their wallet they were not voting for the USA. :unsure:

All that matters is the GOP controls the House Speakership and with it the power to bring bills up or let them die on the vine.

Any substantial bill will need the Democrats to pass as even if the House Obstruction Caucus gets 90% of they want they will vote against it for not getting the other 10%.

We have seen it over and over again where in a divided Government The Speaker will negotiate a bill with the Senate and get less say X% of what they want. The Obstruction Caucus will sabotage it forcing further compromises with House Democrats in order to pass the bill and end up with X-Y% of what they want.

It really amazes me that these guys do not see the realities of not having the Senate or the Presidency.

As far as Gallegher goes I think he had the greatest of intentions, but realized it was a waste of his time to put up with the fractured GOP in a divided Government.
Thanks for the unneeded civics lesson, but those two jerks are just chicke*****.

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