
The Alabama legislature passed a IVF immunity bill and the governor signed it yesterday. It remains to be seen what kind of teach it has. Supposedly it protects equipment manufacturers, doctors and patients from both civil and criminal charges.
Frankly, it looks to me like it's a good thing she chose a career because she looks about as frozen as her eggs, IMHO. A man could get frost bite trying to snuggle up to that. :oops:
I’ve seen that look when the wife actually sees how much a safari really costs!
General Jack Keane says it’s time to hit the Iranian backed Houthis hard. Time to commit troops and wipe them out. And I whole heartedly agree.

I’m normally very reluctant to commit troops. But we have some select groups that could go in and wreak havoc. if we just turn them loose and take the gloves off. Do it before the media is aware.

50% of shipping is now having to go around the Horn of Africa
I’ve seen that look when the wife actually sees how much a safari really costs!
Or when you discover how much her department store credit cards, et al really add up to in the family budget/debt burden, lol
If Trump were serious about this, he should champion the idea at his next major campaign event. I am quite sure all the people over whom he has no influence at all like Mike Johnson would quickly fall in line.

A bipartisan panel appointed by Congress said on Thursday that Washington must prepare for simultaneous wars with Russia and China by enhancing..........its nuclear weapons modernization program......" (Reuters Oct 15, 2023).

In response, Putin said "I don't think these are healthy thoughts in the minds of healthy people"
Had dinner with a friend from Ukraine last night. We both agree: now that Sec Nuland is out, peace stands a better chance. Both with family/friends still in Ukraine, all praying that the US will stop pushing the war and start pushing for peace.

On a lighter note: Denver Mayor yesterday blamed Pres Trump for his city's migrant crisis......
Stay free, hunt often. .....................FWB
On a lighter note: Denver Mayor yesterday blamed Pres Trump for his city's migrant crisis......
Stay free, hunt often. .....................FWB

Wow, can't take responsibilities for their own actions. Denver is getting what they deserve for voting and electing him.
A bipartisan panel appointed by Congress said on Thursday that Washington must prepare for simultaneous wars with Russia and China by enhancing..........its nuclear weapons modernization program......" (Reuters Oct 15, 2023).

In response, Putin said "I don't think these are healthy thoughts in the minds of healthy people"
Had dinner with a friend from Ukraine last night. We both agree: now that Sec Nuland is out, peace stands a better chance. Both with family/friends still in Ukraine, all praying that the US will stop pushing the war and start pushing for peace.

On a lighter note: Denver Mayor yesterday blamed Pres Trump for his city's migrant crisis......
Stay free, hunt often. .....................FWB
Assuming you discussed it, I am genuinely curious what their idea of this peace would look like. A negotiation now will almost certainly simply freeze the conflict in place. Are they willing to surrender to Russia not only the Donestk but also all the other three provinces of the country that Russia has now declared they have "annexed" - Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia. Also, because the Russians don't control all of these provinces are your friends willing to surrender additional ground and thus the city of Kherson as well?

The Ukrainians that I know in this area who are recent emigres, our plumber for one, also desperately want peace, but not at the expense of surrendering more of their country.

In a negotiation, Putin has no reason to give up an inch of what he occupies unless he believes a military collapse is possible. Based on their continuing and even accelerating losses, that is clearly possible, but not if he believes he merely has to depend on republican house leadership and await the arrival of the Trump administration.

With respect to Putin's comments, you are aware they have just begun fielding their brand spanking new Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile? It can carry 10 independently targeted warheads plus decoys. Our own Minuteman III began deployment in the 1970's and is woefully out of date. Perhaps Putin would say exactly that hoping to influence his new allies in the Republican party?
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If Trump were serious about this, he should champion the idea at his next major campaign event. I am quite sure all the people over whom he has no influence at all like Mike Johnson would quickly fall in line.

Serious question Amigo, does the Republican Party have a dramatic influence on your daily routine? My only daily thought on politicians is how are they going to try to f us over today.
Serious question Amigo, does the Republican Party have a dramatic influence on your daily routine? My only daily thought on politicians is how are they going to try to f us over today.
Serious answer. I participated in that world professionally one way or another for both of my careers. I will follow what goes on with respect to the national interests of my country to the day I die. I genuinely despise ignorance, and at the moment my party is apparently leaning on the foreign policy expertise of intellectual giants like Tommy Tuberville and Mike Johnson to guide our response to the bumbling of the current administration.

To some extent agreeing with you, I particularly despise blind faith in any group of politicians or "movement," particularly when they exhibit no apparent understanding of our nation's necessary international role or the importance of that role in the continuing prosperity of this country.

I frankly boggles my mind how anyone is content not doing everything in their power to be as fully and impartially informed on every aspect of our domestic and foreign policy as they possibly can be.
Frankly, it looks to me like it's a good thing she chose a career because she looks about as frozen as her eggs, IMHO. A man could get frost bite trying to snuggle up to that. :oops:

You have a way with words TT !
Serious answer. I participated in that world professionally one way or another for both of my careers. I will follow what goes on with respect to the national interests of my country to the day I die. I genuinely despise ignorance, and at the moment my party is apparently leaning on the foreign policy expertise of intellectual giants like Tommy Tuberville and Mike Johnson to guide our response to the bumbling of the current administration.

To some extent agreeing with you, I particularly despise blind faith in any group of politicians or "movement," particularly when they exhibit no apparent understanding of our nation's necessary international role or the importance of that role in the continuing prosperity of this country.

I frankly boggles my mind how anyone is content not doing everything in their power to be as fully and impartially informed on every aspect of our domestic and foreign policy as they possibly can be.

Indeed. The saddest thing is the uniformed voter that votes anyway. I used to decline to vote on judges because I didn't have enough information to inform my vote. Now, I vote against all judges being retained to their seats knowing they are rarely recalled from their appointments. Are they good or bad? No idea, but at least my uniformed vote indicates they better watch their asses which is precisely the message I want every judge to receive.

Too much voting, too little supporting info is a common problem, I just can't articulate it as well as @Redleg did.
With all the discussions recently on IVF and abortion on this forum, I thought I’d present this to you. It’s a meme / anthem about the folly of feminism. I literally see this photo 10x a week posted in every corner of the internet.

The gist: “Women can have it all”. The evidence: Bloomberg cover story. The facts: Woman worked on her career and blew through her 20s, 30s, and into her 40s with no sign of love in sight, because most men don’t want a woman that driven/obsessed with a “slightly above average” career. She hits about 45, dateless, and goes about unthawing her eggs, because the world needs more children born into single parent homes where there will be no primary caregiver. 11 eggs. 2 damaged in the unthawing, 5 defective, 3 that didn’t fertilize, 1 egg left that was viable. Egg didn’t take.

Playing God and scoffing at a number of basic nuclear family concepts was her MO.

View attachment 591664

That's because she did it wrong. Freeze eggs at start of the career, meet a partner that you wish to have kids with, then don't wait and have a surrogate give birth. :sneaky:

My daughter was lucky in that her law firm gave 6 months paid maternity/sick leave combined for new mothers. Being the type A personality she is, she planned it so both of my grandkids were born two years apart in May as she wanted to have summers off and be done with childbirth by the time she was 35. She had them at 31, and 33 according to plan. It cost her making partner at her original firm, but she was heavily recruited by a number of firms and made partner at the one she selected. It delayed her two years in making partner.

Us in NYC after my first grandchild when she was about a month old.

We need to quit dicking around with Russia and Iran. Give the Ukrainians what they need to push the Russians back on their heels. Take off the gloves. The US should remove the mandate that withholds weapons that allow Ukraine to strike over the Russian border.

Go on the offense. And when they are on the ropes give them a way out. So Putin can save face. Unfortunately that means conceding some of the boundaries.

Sign an Armistice with devastating consequences if Russia violates the armistice.

The same with Iran. Take the gloves off Israel and let them pound the terrorists back into the Stone Age.

Of course, Biden can’t do that because he’s already going to lose Michigan if he does not have a cease-fire by November

The spokesperson here in Michigan said they would not even be happy with a cease-fire. It must include all aid to Israel must end. Before they will sign off and vote on Biden so he has a major problem here in Michigan.
That idiot John Kerry just said the stupidest thing anyone has ever said… “if Russia announced some type of emission something or other to reduce emissions, people would feel better about the war in Ukraine….”!!!!! A true WTF moment….. I think people would feel better about the war if someone whacked Putin and put and end to his bull shit.
"The spokesperson here in Michigan said they would not even be happy with a cease-fire. It must include all aid to Israel must end. Before they will sign off and vote on Biden..."

That spokesperson sounds like an absolute twatwaffle... IMHO

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