
I'd say that's accurate @NE 7x57, IMHO.

I could be wrong but I think this is going to be a lot like 2022. There was so much fervor about a red wave that was going to happen... and didn't. There seems to be this triumphant swell from Trump supporters right now, with him as the nominee. And I truly believe - based on the things you articulated - it's going to amount to nothing in the general election. He won't get the independents, and I think there are more Republicans than he thinks that decide they're not going to hold their damn noses again and just choose not to vote for him. And I also agree: I hope they do vote down ticket. I know that's my plan, unless something unforeseen develops to keep him out or provide us with a better option.
Biden on Haley's campaign suspension: "Trump made it clear he does not want Haley supporters... I do."

Trump is such a [fill in the blank].
Luckily there are perhaps 5 senates seats ripe for the picking. WV and now AZ being two.

So the strong, close second priority is to hold the Congress which will be close. And gain the Senate. Which is doable.

Niki Haley will most likely be courted by the “No Labels” party. We could have a viable 3rd party run. Taking many from trump and Biden. Each of the 3 getting around 30% I’m thinking Haley could get 35% but then it would go the Electoral College.
I am not sure how realistic I think other outcomes are (than Biden/Trump), but I am an eternal optimist. Every year of my life I have went into football season believing the Chiefs would win it all. Of course since Mahomes that doesn't sound quite so kookish.

Someone the other day posited Manchin supplanting Biden. I don't see it happening, but that'd make me consider voting Manchin.

Haley for the No Labels party? Oh hell yes. In a heartbeat.

Any of you movie watchers remember Griff from MIB 3? Yeah, we need someone like him to show us the right future and how to get there. :ROFLMAO: Griffin : A miracle is what seems impossible but happens anyway.
Mainstream conservative media would have jumped on it months ago if it would be taken seriously.
This story came into view because of a recent court case filed by the Center for Immigration Studies which is a fringe extreme right wing organization and propaganda machine.

I don't give a shit about Biden or Trump for that matter but I'll say once again:
Yes there were flights but these flights were used to transport people who were already here to different cities and they have been happening even when Trump was president.
....and yes we have a huge immigration problem which have to be fixed immediately in a bipartisan manner by changing the asylum law.
It was taken seriously, except by Biden supporters like yourself. I laid out enuf other sources and have yet to see one from you that disputes it.

"The story came into view" as you say because of a FOIA, and thus the story became mainstream. But there seems to be no dispute of the veracity of the story, only liberal naysayers like some....

Just keep your head in the sand or other dark recesses and vote for Biden again
Luckily there are perhaps 5 senates seats ripe for the picking. WV and now AZ being two.

So the strong, close second priority is to hold the Congress which will be close. And gain the Senate. Which is doable.

Niki Haley will most likely be courted by the “No Labels” party. We could have a viable 3rd party run. Taking many from trump and Biden. Each of the 3 getting around 30% I’m thinking Haley could get 35% but then it would go the Electoral College.

I disagree on AZ, Sinema dropping out just guaranteed a far left Dem, Gallego will win. Lake is a weak candidate who already lost a governor race.

If I’m proven wrong in November, first round is on me.
Mainstream conservative media would have jumped on it months ago if it would be taken seriously.
This story came into view because of a recent court case filed by the Center for Immigration Studies which is a fringe extreme right wing organization and propaganda machine.

I don't give a shit about Biden or Trump for that matter but I'll say once again:
Yes there were flights but these flights were used to transport people who were already here to different cities and they have been happening even when Trump was president.
....and yes we have a huge immigration problem which have to be fixed immediately in a bipartisan manner by changing the asylum law.
Hey look! Here is more, this from The Hill, hardly a bastion of extreme right wing politics...read part way down the article, its not too far so shouldnt be too difficult.
Every law ever needed to secure our borders has already been written and is fully enforceable…….. the problem is President Crapshispants made them unenforceable with the stroke of a pen. Just like gun laws, enforce the ones you already have….
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It was taken seriously, except by Biden supporters like yourself. I laid out enuf other sources and have yet to see one from you that disputes it.

"The story came into view" as you say because of a FOIA, and thus the story became mainstream. But there seems to be no dispute of the veracity of the story, only liberal naysayers like some....

Just keep your head in the sand or other dark recesses and vote for Biden again
If you know how to read, I said I'm not a Biden supporter but also not a blind follower of extreme right wing rhetoric like you and some others on this thread.
I wonder who's head is in the sand?

All the sources you laid out are getting the story from one single source and no main stream media left or right reporting or disputing it because there's no story.

However this is from the official Custom and Border Protection site:

"The freeCBP One™mobile application enables noncitizens without appropriate documents for admission who seek to travel to the United States through certain southwest border land ports of entry (POEs) the ability to submit information through a module within the application instead of coming directly to wait at a POE."

As you can see infamous CBP app claimed to be used to board free flights to US actually can only be used at LAND PORTS!

To believe that the people who used this app was told individually to go to a certain airport and wait there however many days for the US flights to come and pick them up from (name the country) is ridiculous at best...
but what can you expect from people who believe Capitol riot was organized by FBI or Election was stolen...

Once again I'm totally against what's happening at the border right now and not happy how it's handled but I always try to sift thorough bull shit...
Luckily there are perhaps 5 senates seats ripe for the picking. WV and now AZ being two.

So the strong, close second priority is to hold the Congress which will be close. And gain the Senate. Which is doable.

Niki Haley will most likely be courted by the “No Labels” party. We could have a viable 3rd party run. Taking many from trump and Biden. Each of the 3 getting around 30% I’m thinking Haley could get 35% but then it would go the Electoral College.
If Nikki goes no name, the real big probability is that Biden loses. Whether she or Trump then gets the highest next is not as certain, but one of them will. Can the electoral college choose the underdog?
If Nikki goes no name, the real big probability is that Biden loses. Whether she or Trump then gets the highest next is not as certain, but one of them will. Can the electoral college choose the underdog?
If nobody wins the electoral vote, then the vote moves to congress.

IIRC, the last time this happened was in 1800, which gave us our 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson.
If you know how to read, I said I'm not a Biden supporter but also not a blind follower of extreme right wing rhetoric like you and some others on this thread.
I wonder who's head is in the sand?

All the sources you laid out are getting the story from one single source and no main stream media left or right reporting or disputing it because there's no story.

However this is from the official Custom and Border Protection site:

"The freeCBP One™mobile application enables noncitizens without appropriate documents for admission who seek to travel to the United States through certain southwest border land ports of entry (POEs) the ability to submit information through a module within the application instead of coming directly to wait at a POE."

As you can see infamous CBP app claimed to be used to board free flights to US actually can only be used at LAND PORTS!

To believe that the people who used this app was told individually to go to a certain airport and wait there however many days for the US flights to come and pick them up from (name the country) is ridiculous at best...
but what can you expect from people who believe Capitol riot was organized by FBI or Election was stolen...

Once again I'm totally against what's happening at the border right now and not happy how it's handled but I always try to sift thorough bull shit...
Yeah I read fine, both the lines and between them. You still have not or can not provide any disputation of the story itself. The one that was bought forth under the FOIA.
Just quoting a CBP blurb is hardly useful, they tried like Hell to keep the story quiet, thus the FOIA.
To say there is no story is ludicrous, its everywhere, how is that not a story?
You obviously dont like the story because it makes your guy look bad, the worst president in history I mean...but it is what it is. I have seen nothing that disputes the story stemming from the FOIA, only whining about the so called source, the source is the FOIA!
You can bury your head in the sand if you like, but unless and until I see some actual facts disputing the existence of the story based on the FOIA, in my mind its a valid story, you can run around being all pissed off and wetting yourself.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
General Jack Keane says it’s time to hit the Iranian backed Houthis hard. Time to commit troops and wipe them out. And I whole heartedly agree.

I’m normally very reluctant to commit troops. But we have some select groups that could go in and wreak havoc. if we just turn them loose and take the gloves off. Do it before the media is aware.

50% of shipping is now having to go around the Horn of Africa
Yeah I read fine, both the lines and between them. You still have not or can not provide any disputation of the story itself. The one that was bought forth under the FOIA.
Just quoting a CBP blurb is hardly useful, they tried like Hell to keep the story quiet, thus the FOIA.
To say there is no story is ludicrous, its everywhere, how is that not a story?
You obviously dont like the story because it makes your guy look bad, the worst president in history I mean...but it is what it is. I have seen nothing that disputes the story stemming from the FOIA, only whining about the so called source, the source is the FOIA!
You can bury your head in the sand if you like, but unless and until I see some actual facts disputing the existence of the story based on the FOIA, in my mind its a valid story, you can run around being all pissed off and wetting yourself.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I think your disorder is labeling people with names who doesn't agree with your extreme right wing nonsense.
When this story debunked by mainstream media I'll be here to remind you.
General Jack Keane says it’s time to hit the Iranian backed Houthis hard. Time to commit troops and wipe them out. And I whole heartedly agree.

I’m normally very reluctant to commit troops. But we have some select groups that could go in and wreak havoc. if we just turn them loose and take the gloves off. Do it before the media is aware.

50% of shipping is now having to go around the Horn of Africa
SOF raids, which he was suggesting, and if adequately supported, could do some real damage - human damage rather than materiel damage. I would be stunned if this low risk national security team could possibly bring themselves to such a course of action.
Citizen Free Press which is a hard right aggregator of news stories posted the below article under the heading - Exit Polls Show Niki voters hate Trump. We don't need them. I am confident that is a sentiment held by a number of folks on this thread and based on his assertions to date, by Trump himself. To remind once more of his post on Truth -

“Anybody that makes a ‘Contribution’ to Birdbrain, from this moment forth, will be permanently barred from the MAGA camp, We don’t want them, and will not accept them, because we Put America First, and ALWAYS WILL!”

A lot of traditional conservative patriotic republicans and moderate democrats supported Haley. Trump needs every single one of those votes - particularly in swing states. For instance, if he wins Texas or Alabama by 7 rather than 10 percentage points it doesn't matter. Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan are toss-ups.

Haley withheld her endorsement today and reflected on the above. Trump, or someone smart enough to read polls, needs to somehow get his head around this rather simple calculous.


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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.