
@Saul I understand where you are coming from, especially with the national debt, as that is concerning. However, Trump appointed 2 conservative supreme court nominees (though they havent always sided conservative). As well as the 100s of lower court appointees. That alone should be enough to re-elect him. There is potentially 2 more coming up. To say elect Biden and bear it could be devastating as far as the courts are concerned.

As far as the debt is concern, Biden is on record saying 2 trillion stimulus wasnt enough. If you are really concerned about the deficit, the absolute worse thing you could do is elect Biden with the democrats having the house and senate. That would be like having a wind machine blow gas onto a fire.

Also, it is a bit concerning when you say Joe will return things to normalcy (Obamacare, slow economic growth, higher taxes, outsourcing jobs), I'm almost certain that is not the normal we want. Just think 4 months ago, before the Coronavirus things were pretty good.

I am really disappointed in Mattis, his latest speech was purely political and he is positioning for his next job.

You also have to consider Trumps first 2 and really 3 years, he has had to fight off an internal coup from the FBI and the impeachment trial. I think his frustration is a bit justified.
Gutter politics is all the Democrats know. The only way to beat them, is to use their own tactics against them. Trump is not afraid to do this, even if it's not the most Presidential thing to do. The left is not afraid to get nasty, why shouldn't Trump.? Most of the GOP are soft.
Trump was a newcomer to Washington politics. He listened to the advice from the wrong people, and installed too many swamp rats into his inner administration circle. Trump shows them the door, and they turn into the lefts new hero's by turning on Trump.

Very few people in Washington D.C politics have a spine. Trump has to fight them everyday. I commend him for that. It has to be an exhausting endeavor.
I’m not going to get into political debates with anyone but let me state why I’ll be voting for Trump.
First let me state that I think Trump is rude and crude, not Presidential, is childish at times, attacks anyone who differs from his opinion and has made what are in my opinion, questionable firings.
Additionally, he has done a few things that have perturbed me... Not wearing a mask while telling everyone in America to wear one. Also turning the COVID updates into news conferences. When he walked across the street from the WH and held up the Bible, all he had to say was everyone is equal under God and under the law. He should have more strongly praised the peaceful protesters for exercising their 1st Amendment rights while at the same time condemning the looters and rioters.
That said, he stands for the 2nd Amendment, appoints conservative judges to the SCOTUS and lower courts, has done a lot for our military, cut taxes, reduced regulations that pushed the DOW to $29k prior to COVID, is against illegal immigration and all of this while fighting impeachment and attacks from the Dems and now COVID.
Ever since election night 2016 the Dems have tried to bring this President down and have done nothing else.
As for Biden, he’s been in government for 50 years and NOW he’s going to change the world? Additionally, he obviously isn’t of totally sound mind. If elected, I doubt he’ll be able to complete his first term which will leave us with his VP and who knows after that.
As far as Biden’s policy, he has already said he’ll grab “assault rifles”. He’s been all over the place on other issues, going from left to far left depending on the wind.
Those are my views and I’m sticking to to them.
Spot on Meigsbuck
I hope trump is the last rich jerk I have to vote for .
After watching the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings I doubt I will ever vote democratic.
Trump gets thing done I believe in . I hope someday a real leader is on the ballot
He‘s done.
@Saul I understand where you are coming from, especially with the national debt, as that is concerning. However, Trump appointed 2 conservative supreme court nominees (though they havent always sided conservative). As well as the 100s of lower court appointees. That alone should be enough to re-elect him. There is potentially 2 more coming up. To say elect Biden and bear it could be devastating as far as the courts are concerned.

As far as the debt is concern, Biden is on record saying 2 trillion stimulus wasnt enough. If you are really concerned about the deficit, the absolute worse thing you could do is elect Biden with the democrats having the house and senate. That would be like having a wind machine blow gas onto a fire.

Also, it is a bit concerning when you say Joe will return things to normalcy (Obamacare, slow economic growth, higher taxes, outsourcing jobs), I'm almost certain that is not the normal we want. Just think 4 months ago, before the Coronavirus things were pretty good.

I am really disappointed in Mattis, his latest speech was purely political and he is positioning for his next job.

You also have to consider Trumps first 2 and really 3 years, he has had to fight off an internal coup from the FBI and the impeachment trial. I think his frustration is a bit justified.

What troubles me about his appointees to the lower courts is their sheer levels of incompetence. There are scores of extremely well-qualified and solidly conservative judges who deserved those appointments. Instead, in typical Trump fashion, he made nominations with all the thought of picking names out of a hat. Now, we are stuck with cripplingly unqualified "conservative" justices who will make horrendous rulings on dubious grounds that are sure to be struck down by higher courts. Trump has basically doomed us to a generation of judicial review against conservative rulings simply by picking the least qualified people for the job. As far as the Supreme Court is concerned, I do respect both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh as justices, though I do have personal issues with Gorsuch from when he was on the 10th Circuit, but I will not allow that to cloud my support for him.

As far as Biden is concerned, I think that he is far less likely to explode the deficit than Trump, even with the Democrats controlling Congress. He is also far more likely to actually get tough on Russia and China. There is a reason why they both want Trump reelected.

Gutter politics is all the Democrats know. The only way to beat them, is to use their own tactics against them. Trump is not afraid to do this, even if it's not the most Presidential thing to do. The left is not afraid to get nasty, why shouldn't Trump.? Most of the GOP are soft.
Trump was a newcomer to Washington politics. He listened to the advice from the wrong people, and installed too many swamp rats into his inner administration circle. Trump shows them the door, and they turn into the lefts new hero's by turning on Trump.

Very few people in Washington D.C politics have a spine. Trump has to fight them everyday. I commend him for that. It has to be an exhausting endeavor.

I understand why you want a "fighter." However, if the Democrats are so bad for engaging in "gutter politics," getting in the gutter with them makes you no better. There has to come a point where we must collectively work to once again elevate the level of political discourse in this nation. That starts with the president.

I’m not going to get into political debates with anyone but let me state why I’ll be voting for Trump.
First let me state that I think Trump is rude and crude, not Presidential, is childish at times, attacks anyone who differs from his opinion and has made what are in my opinion, questionable firings.
Additionally, he has done a few things that have perturbed me... Not wearing a mask while telling everyone in America to wear one. Also turning the COVID updates into news conferences. When he walked across the street from the WH and held up the Bible, all he had to say was everyone is equal under God and under the law. He should have more strongly praised the peaceful protesters for exercising their 1st Amendment rights while at the same time condemning the looters and rioters.
That said, he stands for the 2nd Amendment, appoints conservative judges to the SCOTUS and lower courts, has done a lot for our military, cut taxes, reduced regulations that pushed the DOW to $29k prior to COVID, is against illegal immigration and all of this while fighting impeachment and attacks from the Dems and now COVID.
Ever since election night 2016 the Dems have tried to bring this President down and have done nothing else.
As for Biden, he’s been in government for 50 years and NOW he’s going to change the world? Additionally, he obviously isn’t of totally sound mind. If elected, I doubt he’ll be able to complete his first term which will leave us with his VP and who knows after that.
As far as Biden’s policy, he has already said he’ll grab “assault rifles”. He’s been all over the place on other issues, going from left to far left depending on the wind.
Those are my views and I’m sticking to to them.

I both understand and respect your views. For me, your first two paragraphs disqualify Trump from getting my vote again. They point to a man without principal. I would rather vote for a person who I disagree with but who does what he thinks is best for the country than a man who only does what he thinks is best for his reelection. To put it in more transactional terms, if I vote for Trump, I am getting some more money in my pocket for a continued degradation of political discourse and a worrying slide toward authoritarianism. I am also voting for the GOP to abandon their core principles of limited government. This is a trade I am not willing to make.
You are seriously misguided, if you think the Russians and Chinese would rather have Trump as a president.
What troubles me about his appointees to the lower courts is their sheer levels of incompetence. There are scores of extremely well-qualified and solidly conservative judges who deserved those appointments. Instead, in typical Trump fashion, he made nominations with all the thought of picking names out of a hat. Now, we are stuck with cripplingly unqualified "conservative" justices who will make horrendous rulings on dubious grounds that are sure to be struck down by higher courts. Trump has basically doomed us to a generation of judicial review against conservative rulings simply by picking the least qualified people for the job. As far as the Supreme Court is concerned, I do respect both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh as justices, though I do have personal issues with Gorsuch from when he was on the 10th Circuit, but I will not allow that to cloud my support for him.

As far as Biden is concerned, I think that he is far less likely to explode the deficit than Trump, even with the Democrats controlling Congress. He is also far more likely to actually get tough on Russia and China. There is a reason why they both want Trump reelected.

I understand why you want a "fighter." However, if the Democrats are so bad for engaging in "gutter politics," getting in the gutter with them makes you no better. There has to come a point where we must collectively work to once again elevate the level of political discourse in this nation. That starts with the president.

I both understand and respect your views. For me, your first two paragraphs disqualify Trump from getting my vote again. They point to a man without principal. I would rather vote for a person who I disagree with but who does what he thinks is best for the country than a man who only does what he thinks is best for his reelection. To put it in more transactional terms, if I vote for Trump, I am getting some more money in my pocket for a continued degradation of political discourse and a worrying slide toward authoritarianism. I am also voting for the GOP to abandon their core principles of limited government. This is a trade I am not willing to make.
You are seriously misguided, if you think the Russians and Chinese would rather have Trump as a president.
Besides the proven fact that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 election for Trump and Putin has stated numerous times that he both supports Trump and will try to interfere again, China really fears a Biden presidency in which the United States leads a coalition of nations in an economic attack on China. Make no mistake, I do support Trump's actions on China. However, his do-it-alone approach is exactly what China wants.
I think you forgot about Joe & Hunter Bidens deep ties within the Chinese financial sector, as well as the Pro Russia Ukrainians and Burisma connections.

and.....let's not forget about the political ties into the Uranium one deal.

Way too many Democrats playing pattycake with Communist dictators.
Besides the proven fact that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 election for Trump and Putin has stated numerous times that he both supports Trump and will try to interfere again, China really fears a Biden presidency in which the United States leads a coalition of nations in an economic attack on China. Make no mistake, I do support Trump's actions on China. However, his do-it-alone approach is exactly what China wants.
Let's not forget the rise of ISIS during Obama's administration. He drew a red line then didn't have the balls to back it. He's now running neck and neck with Carter as the most incompetent POTUS in history.
I have nothing against those who are planning on voting for Trump this year. However, I will not be doing so again. In my opinion, he has not earned my vote. He has exploded the national debt, abdicated global power to Russia and China, abandoned our allies, and presided over probably the most dysfunctional and corrupt administrations I have ever seen. Too many generals have decried his actions for me not to take notice. He has little regard for the separation of powers and is hellbent on expanding government power. He brags about sexually assaulting women. He constantly plays the victim card and acts like everyone is against him. These are not the characteristics of a leader and they are not the characteristics of a person I want to represent America. Since when did intellectual debate, mutual respect, and proper manners become signs of weakness? We can do so much better than Trump. It is on all of us to stop pointing fingers and to elevate our level of discourse to that of gentlemen if we want to save our nation.

Many others on here have already made the points I would have in regard to what I feel is an emotionally based and mostly misinformed assessment that you have made in regard to this POTUS. I would only add this..

In reading your subsequent remarks further on in the thread, it appears that your major issue with Trump is a disdain for his personal characteristics and not so much his policies. Personality aside, if you voted for Trump thinking he was a fiscal conservative that was going to have a traditional Presidency, you simply were not paying attention. By the end of Obama's terms, Republicans had completely lost touch with the average middle-class American, and they honestly didn't care. Trump was the only candidate to recognize that. He was also the only wealthy candidate to actually relate to the average Joe. Trump does speak like he is in a locker room, and that is exactly what got him elected. It's a shame that the swamp rats on both sides completely missed that.

During his candidacy, Trump was the ONLY candidate to have enough balls to call out both sides of the D.C. swamp, and defied the odds by getting elected despite making political enemies on both sides of the isle. Sadly, Trump lacked the support of those never-Trumper republicans who obstructed and blocked Trump for the first 2 years of his term when they controlled both houses. One can only imagine what else could have been accomplished had Trump enjoyed the support of the Republican party during those first 2 years. Democrat obstruction aside, the unprecedented obstruction he has dealt with from within his own party is even more disappointing and disgusting.

Regardless of your personal dislike for Trump's personality, you will vote for him for this reason and this reason alone..! Because the alternative is unthinkable to any sane, reasonable, hard-working American citizen. Biden is a sad joke. He is a prop for the dems who are so desperate for a candidate that they picked an obviously impaired individual as their best hope to defeat Trump which is a sad statement of how truly lost and chaotic the democratic party of today is. A vote for Biden will be a vote for whatever lunatic left idiot the party ends up choosing for his running mate. Then, you can say goodbye to America as we now know it. We will regress into a 3rd-world shithole in a matter of months...
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I think you forgot about Joe & Hunter Bidens deep ties within the Chinese financial sector, as well as the Pro Russia Ukrainians and Burisma connections.

and.....let's not forget about the political ties into the Uranium one deal.

Way too many Democrats playing pattycake with Communist dictators.

And Trump does not have deep ties to the Chinese and Russian financial sectors? EVERYONE who does international business has some connection to these two. It would be helpful if we stopped playing the finger-pointing whataboutism and instead looked at each issue on its own merits.

Let's not forget the rise of ISIS during Obama's administration. He drew a red line then didn't have the balls to back it. He's now running neck and neck with Carter as the most incompetent POTUS in history.

I am in no way defending Obama's handling of Syria. However, this has nothing to do with Trump's performance as president.
Many others on here have already made the points I would have in regard to what I feel is an emotionally based and mostly misinformed assessment that you have made in regard to this POTUS. I would only add this..

In reading your subsequent remarks further on in the thread, it appears that your major issue with Trump is a disdain for his personal characteristics and not so much his policies. Personality aside, if you voted for Trump thinking he was a fiscal conservative that was going to have a traditional Presidency, you simply were not paying attention. By the end of Obama's terms, Republicans had completely lost touch with the average middle-class American, and they honestly didn't care. Trump was the only candidate to recognize that. He was also the only wealthy candidate to actually relate to the average Joe. Trump does speak like he is in a locker room, and that is exactly what got him elected. It's a shame that the swamp rats on both sides completely missed that. I would only add this....

During his candidacy, Trump was the ONLY candidate to have enough balls to call out both sides of the D.C. swamp, and defied the odds by getting elected despite making political enemies on both sides of the isle. Sadly, Trump lacked the support of those never-Trumper republicans who obstructed and blocked Trump for the first 2 years of his term when they controlled both houses. One can only imagine what else could have been accomplished had Trump enjoyed the support of the Republican party during those first 2 years. Democrat obstruction aside, the unprecedented obstruction he has dealt with from within his own party is even more disappointing and disgusting.

Regardless of your personal dislike for Trump's personality, you will vote for him for this reason and this reason alone..! Because the alternative is unthinkable to any sane, reasonable, hard-working American citizen. Biden is a sad joke. He is a prop for the dems who are so desperate for a candidate that they picked an obviously impaired individual as their best hope to defeat Trump which is a sad statement of how truly lost and chaotic the democratic party of today is. A vote for Biden will be a vote for whatever lunatic left idiot the party ends up choosing for his running mate. Then, you can say goodbye to America as we now know it. We will regress into a 3rd-world shithole in a matter of months...
I will admit that I speak from a point of privilege because I have the luxury to vote on morals in addition to policy. Not everyone is as financially comfortable and so they sometimes feel the need to vote for a repugnant candidate. As some others on here have noted, Trump IS a repugnant candidate. What upsets me is not whether someone votes for Trump, but whether they try to explain away every horrible thing he does. As for those in the Republican party who do not support him, the so-called "never-Trumpers," it is the moral duty of our elected officials to hold those in power accountable and vote their conscience. Agree or disagree with their decisions, this does not make them less American. If our nation is to survive, we must abandon this us vs them mentality and stop viewing those who disagree as the enemy hellbent on destroying America. As I have said before, I do not disagree with many of his policy positions. Not many conservatives do. However, his absolute failure to successfully execute these policies, not to mention his complete abdication of conservative values, is not indicative of a successful president. Blame it on democrats, blame it on "never-Trumpers," blame it on whomever you want. The buck has to stop at the president and Trump has shown a complete unwillingness to take any responsibility whatsoever for any failure in his administration. He is not the leader that we deserve and he is not the leader to carry out the vision for a responsible America.

If you could also explain to me how I am misinformed in my assessment of Trump, that would be much appreciated. I can only make my judgments based on the information I receive and my own personal experiences so I always welcome new information.
As for those in the Republican party who do not support him, the so-called "never-Trumpers," it is the moral duty of our elected officials to hold those in power accountable and vote their conscience. Agree or disagree with their decisions, this does not make them less American.

Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that these politicians refused to support Trump due to their "moral duty" ...? Are you F-ing kidding me? With all due respect, that has to be the most naive statement I have ever read...
Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that these politicians refused to support Trump due to their "moral duty" ...? Are you F-ing kidding me? With all due respect, that has to be the most naive statement I have ever read...
Explain why. Do you believe that John McCain did not believe that he had a duty to his country to do what he thought was right? Do you believe that Jeff Flake sacrificed his political career for another reason other than doing what he thought was right? Maybe, just maybe, there are some people left in this world who hold morals and love of country over love of party and political power.
Saul, I think we all get the fact that you don't like Donald Trump. That's your prerogative.
I am not totally supportive of some of Trumps actions. But that's politics. No President can appease his constituents 100% of the time.

The only thing standing in the way of a Democrat party that has become exponentially radical in the last 4 years, is Donald Trump.

Joe Biden? Yes, he will make a nice little meat puppet for the Democrats, as long as he keeps his dementia addled piehole shut, and does what he's told.

I question the American values, and Patriotism, of anyone that would support the current dumpster fire of the so called Democrat party, and their totalitarian/authoritarian, agenda.
John McCain & Jeff Flake, are/were establishment swamp rats. After McCain died, Flake knew that most of us Arizona Trump supporters would not vote for him. He slunk back under his rock like the two faced coward that he is.
Explain why. Do you believe that John McCain did not believe that he had a duty to his country to do what he thought was right? Do you believe that Jeff Flake sacrificed his political career for another reason other than doing what he thought was right? Maybe, just maybe, there are some people left in this world who hold morals and love of country over love of party and political power.
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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.