
Something to think about...
"One of the biggest blacks only companies in RSA, the taxi industry, don't pay taxes, pay less for fuel and get more than a Billion Rand as a corona booster!
They are a lawless mafia that don't follow any traffic rules or respect law and order.

To top it all, they are a stronger mobilised, better organised and [big % illegally] armed force than the SA police and possibly Army put together!!!"
And they dance just as well for tv in the streets.....


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Interesting. Wonder why Berman is out?:whistle: Could it be that he was slow walking Anthony Weiners computer.:eek: Wonder what the odds are that information regarding Hillary's emails come out prior to the election.:sneaky:

Trump has fired US attorney behind inquiries into his allies, Barr says
  • Attorney general originally claimed Geoffrey Berman had quit
  • Trump ‘not involved’ though only he has authority for move

Geoffrey Berman, the United States attorney for the southern district of New York, arrives to his office in New York on Saturday. Photograph: Kevin Hagen/AP

Martin Pengelly in New York and Richard Luscombe in Miami
Published onSat 20 Jun 2020 16.31 EDT




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Last night's attendance at the first post-shutdown rally in Tulsa is unfortunate. Obviously Covid and the threat of violence kept a lot of people away. Just wish the reelection team had been sophisticated enough to realize nearly a million requests for tickets was, should we say, unusual. I imagine there is a lot of head scratching recrimination going on this morning. They really do need to insure they get the next one right. One bright spot was apparently streaming video that drew over 4 million viewers (that doesn't include TV). Biden can only dream of such interest.
Liberals are already foaming at the mouth this morning over Trump using the term "Kung flu" at his rally. Not that it takes much to upset a Leftist
Last night's attendance at the first post-shutdown rally in Tulsa is unfortunate. Obviously Covid and the threat of violence kept a lot of people away. Just wish the reelection team had been sophisticated enough to realize nearly a million requests for tickets was, should we say, unusual. I imagine there is a lot of head scratching recrimination going on this morning. They really do need to insure they get the next one right. One bright spot was apparently streaming video that drew over 4 million viewers (that doesn't include TV). Biden can only dream of such interest.
Also lots of rumors about Tik Tok fleebe's, reserving tickets to disrupt the turnout.

Trumps team needs to figure out a way to combat this.

As far as threats of violence, give the leftist agitators a big dose of it.
Also lots of rumors about Tik Tok fleebe's, reserving tickets to disrupt the turnout.

Trumps team needs to figure out a way to combat this.

As far as threats of violence, give the leftist agitators a big dose of it.


Was talking to my son. He knows people who intentionally got their name in for seating just to screw with the system and to have an arena with plenty of vacant seating.

Evidently protesters stopped people from entering the arena as well. Blocked the area in front of the screening machines.

Parscale has some things to get figured out prior to the next rally.
With apologies to any offended, couldn't resist sharing this one. Sent to me by my daughter who is probably more conservative than her father.


So it happened. Here's my take on it after reading the article in its full capacity.

This decision was made between the AMNH and the remaining Roosevelt family, The article also mentions how many a historical monument was being vandalized. The way I see it, they did not want to risk this piece being vandalized and the possibility of criminals vandalizing and looting the greater AMNH. It was already covered in red paint once and the last thing the museum wants is for people to tear it down and risk damaging museum grounds. It's like they said in the article, the problem is not the man himself, rather the statue as it depicts pretty clear racial hierarchy in a way that the 2 aforementioned parties feel does not showcase/honor the man's legacy.

The way I see it, the AMNH and Roosevelt's descendants feel that the current statue does not represent the president's legacy to the museum and to America in a positive light. Besides, if you're worried about them erasing his name, that ain't gonna happen ever. The man's name is practically a part of the museum itself. Hell, he's gonna get another hall named after him after the statue is removed.

As for my thoughts on the statue itself, I do think it depicts racial hierarchy and I'd call for its removal merely on the grounds that I don't want any possible vandalism. The AMNH is a treasure of treasures and the last thing I need is some commie LARPer trying to paly shotput with Molotov cocktails.

The good news is that in the Twitter replies, a good amount of people are on the side of our former president, even those who identify themselves as liberals. Obviously, you're got a few clowns who compared his statue to those of literal Nazis but screw them. They're already too far gone up their own narratives to be redeemed. All I care about are the people who realize that, despite the statue itself being problematic in nature, the man it's depicting was one of the greatest who bore the title of president.
The best seven yrs of my life were college and grad school WHEN I DIDN'T HAVE A TV!" I wasn't stressed, missed the 1980 recession, had a good time and never got my blood pressure up...
The best seven yrs of my life were college and grad school WHEN I DIDN'T HAVE A TV!" I wasn't stressed, missed the 1980 recession, had a good time and never got my blood pressure up...

Recently got rid of cable. Best thing ever.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.