
Saul, I think we all get the fact that you don't like Donald Trump. That's your prerogative.
I am not totally supportive of some of Trumps actions. But that's politics. No President can appease his constituents 100% of the time.

The only thing standing in the way of a Democrat party that has become exponentially radical in the last 4 years, is Donald Trump.

Joe Biden? Yes, he will make a nice little meat puppet for the Democrats, as long as he keeps his dementia addled piehole shut, and does what he's told.

I question the American values, and Patriotism, of anyone that would support the current dumpster fire of the so called Democrat party, and their totalitarian/authoritarian, agenda.
Do you believe that the Republican party has moved decidedly further right in recent years? The way I see it, American politics has become increasingly polarized, which leaves very little room in the middle.

If the choice was between the far left of the democratic party (i.e. AOC, Bernie, etc.) and Trump, I would be holding my nose and voting for Trump. HOWEVER, that is not the choice we are being offered. I view this election as a referendum on Trump. Biden will only serve four years. After that, we can nominate a candiate who deserves to be president. That will be a whole lot easier when not tied to the toxicity that is Trump.
Explain why. Do you believe that John McCain did not believe that he had a duty to his country to do what he thought was right? Do you believe that Jeff Flake sacrificed his political career for another reason other than doing what he thought was right? Maybe, just maybe, there are some people left in this world who hold morals and love of country over love of party and political power.

I appreciate McCain's sacrifice to this county for his military service. As a politician, he was a huge disappointment when it counted most. His legacy will be the guy that single-handily killed the repeal of Obamacare out of a personal vendetta against Trump. Flake did 6 terms in the House and left with a 61% disapproval rating... He was on the wrong side of history when it counted most. You forgot Romney... The most "moral" of all the Anti-Trumpers... LOL... These hypocrites disgust me... Again, if you believe that they made their political decisions out of there sense of duty and morality, you are naive, ignorant or both.
John McCain & Jeff Flake, are establishment swamp rats. After McCain died, Flake knew that most of us Arizona Trump supporters would not vote for him. He slunk back under his rock like the two faced coward that he is.
I am not from Arizona so I do not know about how they were viewed at home, but I am curious as to why they are establishment swamp rats, other than because they did not support Trump. I fail to see the cowardice in speaking your mind and facing certain electoral defeat instead of pandering to a base that you do not support.
If the choice was between the far left of the democratic party (i.e. AOC, Bernie, etc.) and Trump, I would be holding my nose and voting for Trump. HOWEVER, that is not the choice we are being offered.

The second most naive statement I have ever read...
I appreciate McCain's sacrifice to this county for his military service. As a politician, he was a huge disappointment when it counted most. His legacy will be the guy that single-handily killed the repeal of Obamacare out of a personal vendetta against Trump. Flake did 6 terms in the House and left with a 61% disapproval rating... He was on the wrong side of history when it counted most. You forgot Romney... The most "moral" of all the Anti-Trumpers... LOL... These hypocrites disgust me... Again, if you believe that they made their political decisions out of there sense of duty and morality, you are naive, ignorant or both.
McCain made it clear that he did not support Obamacare. He voted against it multiple times. What he voted against was repealing Obamacare without a satisfactory replacement. Once again, I fail to see what these politicians stood to gain by opposing Trump. It sure seems to me that any Republican who has stood up to Trump has met a swift political demise.
The second most naive statement I have ever read...
With all do respect, and for the sake of keeping discussion both civil and productive, I would like to challenge you to explain why you disagree, instead of calling what I say "naive."
I fail to see what these politicians stood to gain by opposing Trump.

Third most naive statement I have ever read..
With all do respect, and for the sake of keeping discussion both civil and productive, I would like to challenge you to explain why you disagree, instead of calling what I say "naive."

I have no issue keeping it civil. But, trying to keep it productive is a forgone conclusion. I get that you can only see through the lens of TDS. With that, further debate is pointless.. Have a nice day:)
I have no issue keeping it civil. But, trying to keep it productive is a forgone conclusion. I get that you can only see through the lens of TDS. With that, further debate is pointless.. Have a nice day:)
You are choosing to ignore every statement I have made in support of Trump and instead only focusing on my criticism. Yes, the main thrust of my posts has been to criticize Trump, but that has not been my only comments on him. I do not believe that therefore qualify as having "TDS" but rather that I am simply trying to weigh the pros and cons of his reelection. IF you care to offer some pros, I would be happy to discuss them. However, I am growing tired, as you clearly are too, of having to defend everything I say from being called "naive" without any counterpoint.
Explain why. Do you believe that John McCain did not believe that he had a duty to his country to do what he thought was right? Do you believe that Jeff Flake sacrificed his political career for another reason other than doing what he thought was right? Maybe, just maybe, there are some people left in this world who hold morals and love of country over love of party and political power.

McCain was a bitter petty person. He did everything he could to be a thorn in Bush's side after he lost the primary and was a thorn in Trumps side since Trump won. MCCAIN WAS THE VOTE, THE DECIDING AND ONLY VOTE TO KEEP OBAMACARE! Do you think he did that out of moral duty.

Jeff Flake didnt sacrifice his political career, he made a bad short term political bet but was trying to play the center in a state that is purple.

And honestly, if you are picking a president based on personality over policies, then there is nothing else to really talk about.

A lot of us have explained our reasons why and you have respectfully disagreed. Now maybe you can answer a question for me, how does giving Democrats 4 years in power help return this country to conservative values in the long term? To my understanding, your hope is that they dont do much.
John McCain, was the one who received the fake Steele Dossier, and delivered it to FBI director, James Comey.

Despite McCain's military service, the man was an opportunist, warmonger, and a worthless establishment player, that did very little for Arizona.

Yes, I had to hold my nose when I voted for him. Multiple Times.

Do a little research on McCain. You will see how he dumped his first wife who was seriously injured in a car accident, to marry a prominent woman with connections, in order to advance his political career.

I have nothing but contempt for the man.
Completely false equivalence IMO. I was never hit as a child and I turned out fine. I think the real problem is that people have been fed a constant victimization narrative and when they think that they're literally living in a fascist nation, they think that revolting like this is the right thing to do.

Also, as much as I hate these riots, I'll NEVER dunk on any protests of a peaceful nature as this is America.

I promise you there are plenty of kids who need a smack to show them where the line is...not beatings but a smack as I used to get....just about all animals punish their young ..mostly for their own good and safety....kids are no different and push the boundaries to see how far they can go...and are better for knowing where those boundaries are....the massive amount of kids these days that in school show no respect to their teachers or outside to the general public is not how it should be.....and I wonder who are the ones causing all this shit.....and yeah nothing wrong with peaceful protests...but they seem to be rare these days....
McCain was a bitter petty person. He did everything he could to be a thorn in Bush's side after he lost the primary and was a thorn in Trumps side since Trump won. MCCAIN WAS THE VOTE, THE DECIDING AND ONLY VOTE TO KEEP OBAMACARE! Do you think he did that out of moral duty.

Jeff Flake didnt sacrifice his political career, he made a bad short term political bet but was trying to play the center in a state that is purple.

And honestly, if you are picking a president based on personality over policies, then there is nothing else to really talk about.

A lot of us have explained our reasons why and you have respectfully disagreed. Now maybe you can answer a question for me, how does giving Democrats 4 years in power help return this country to conservative values in the long term? To my understanding, your hope is that they dont do much.

Thank you for your explanation, and I think that it does make sense, so I will not disagree. I still respect the hell out of John McCain for his service to the nation and it angered me to no end to hear Trump both speak critically of his military service and to speak ill of the dead. I very well might have let that influence my opinion.

To answer your question, I will first say that I do not consider myself conservative, though the new left of the democratic party would probably end up calling me so. I also do not believe that I pick presidents based on personality over politics. Instead, I try to remain as independent as possible and view both the policies and the morals of each candidate with objectivity. When it comes to reelection, I also weigh whether that president has been successful in executing their campaign promises and how they conduct themselves as president. That is where I diverge from Trump. Back to your question, I believe that giving democrats power for 4 years will help to return this country to both a position of international power by bringing our allies back to our side, as well as to hopefully reduce some of the divisiveness in politics. Is this wishful thinking? Probably. Is it still worth the gamble? To me, yes, especially because I do not believe that Biden will threaten the policies that I hold to be most important.
John McCain, was the one who received the fake Steele Dossier, and delivered it to FBI director, James Comey.

Despite McCain's military service, the man was an opportunist, warmonger, and a worthless establishment player, that did very little for Arizona.

Yes, I had to hold my nose when I voted for him. Multiple Times.

Do a little research on McCain. You will see how he dumped his first wife who was seriously injured in a car accident, to marry a prominent woman with connections, in order to advance his political career.

I have nothing but contempt for the man.
I will read more about him. Most of my opinions of him were formed once he stepped onto the national stage and started running for president.
What troubles me about his appointees to the lower courts is their sheer levels of incompetence. There are scores of extremely well-qualified and solidly conservative judges who deserved those appointments. Instead, in typical Trump fashion, he made nominations with all the thought of picking names out of a hat. Now, we are stuck with cripplingly unqualified "conservative" justices who will make horrendous rulings on dubious grounds that are sure to be struck down by higher courts. Trump has basically doomed us to a generation of judicial review against conservative rulings simply by picking the least qualified people for the job. As far as the Supreme Court is concerned, I do respect both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh as justices, though I do have personal issues with Gorsuch from when he was on the 10th Circuit, but I will not allow that to cloud my support for him. . . .

(1) Let me explain how trial court appointments are made in the Federal System. Their is a committee in each district that vets each applicate for a vacancy. You have to get approved by committee before you can be nominated. Then, you are vetted by the Senate, and a the FBI background check. Trump just can't pick someone out of a hat to a Federal Bench.

(2) I happened to have worked with a recent appointment, and he is certainly competent. As competent as me, of course not. But I am too old for any consideration for a Federal Bench. They want someone who can work at least 20 years before taking Senior Status in the Federal System.
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(1) Let me explain how trial court appointments are made in the Federal System. Their is a committee in each district the vets each applicate for a vacancy. You have to get approved by committee before you can be nominated. Then, you are vetted by the Senate, and a the FBI background check. Trump just can't pick someone out of a hat to a Federal Bench.

(2) I happened to have worked with a recent appointment, and he is certainly competent. As competent as me, of course not. But I am too old for any consideration for a Federal Bench. They want someone who can work at least 20 years before taking Senior Status in the Federal System.
I do understand how appointments work, I was being facetious about the hat picking. My point is that I do not believe that the applicants were chosen with care or properly vetted. I see *many* of them as being rushed through the process to fill as many seats as possible. I am not sure how you can justify an appointment with no trial experience...
I do understand how appointments work, I was being facetious about the hat picking. My point is that I do not believe that the applicants were chosen with care or properly vetted. I see *many* of them as being rushed through the process to fill as many seats as possible. I am not sure how you can justify an appointment with no trial experience...

If you believe that is the case, then your problem lies with the committees that submit the names and not with Trump. It takes well over a year and closer to two from application to actually filling that bench. Not what I would call a rush, but for DC, that might be.

I have met lots of State Court Judges with limited or no trial experience before taking the bench. That is especially true in small counties, where very few cases are actually tried. And I might add in some large Counties too. For that matter, for the US Supreme Court you don't even have to be a lawyer.
I promise you there are plenty of kids who need a smack to show them where the line is...not beatings but a smack as I used to get....just about all animals punish their young ..mostly for their own good and safety....kids are no different and push the boundaries to see how far they can go...and are better for knowing where those boundaries are....the massive amount of kids these days that in school show no respect to their teachers or outside to the general public is not how it should be.....and I wonder who are the ones causing all this shit.....and yeah nothing wrong with peaceful protests...but they seem to be rare these days....
Honestly, a little bop in the back of the head and a little assertion is fine. Be they boundaries or whatever, kids do much better mentally when they have a concrete set of standards. I also personally believe in the principle of monkey see-monkey do. The way I look at it is that with kids, you gotta be stern but fair. I may not have my own brood but I have worked with children at the Bronx Zoo Dino Ride and yea, you gotta be firm because they will go wherever their eyes take them, even if it's into a wooded area filled with poison ivy. We had to get doctors once because that happened once, not pretty. They will constantly try to get away with anything they can and you gotta have the mental and physical energy to keep discipline.

In terms of being respectful, I don't particularly find children more or less respectable compared to when I was around. However, I don't exactly have a great sample size from multiple generations so I can't tell you what compares to what.
If you believe that is the case, then your problem lies with the committees that submit the names and not with Trump. It takes well over a year and closer to two from application to actually filling that bench. Not what I would call a rush, but for DC, that might be.

I have met lots of State Court Judges with limited or no trial experience before taking the bench. That is especially true in small counties, where very few cases are actually tried. And I might add in some large Counties too. For that matter, for the US Supreme Court you don't even have to be a lawyer.
The Trump admin must still submit names to the Senate for approval. Therefore, I have a problem with everyone involved, including Trump. Do not get me started on state judges...

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.