
Going from not loosing a service member for 18months to the loss of life in our withdrawal I believe was at the very least a national embarrassment; but I wasn’t there.

After the Soleimani strike in Jan 2020, the CRAM systems at Jalalabad Airfield in Afghanistan were removed, and sent to bases in Iraq in anticipation of Iranian attacks on US positions there. A couple months later summer 2020 ISIS-K mortared the base twice (2days in a row) and attacked with small arms, it was an absolute miracle there wasn't a mass casualty event. If I remember correctly there was a total of like 28 mortar rounds that impacted the base. While they were mortaring the base, ISIS-K had another force move into Jalalabad City and conducted an assault on the prison holding a couple hundred ISIS-K members, most that escaped weren't recovered.

Jalalabad Airfield was already scheduled to be closed down, after the attack the timeline for closure was expedited by like 45-60 days.
I'm sure you you now where that base is.
Although it's technically in Jordan it's almost in Syria and this was not a surprise.

I know where it is and the type of soldiers and contractors that work there and what they’d likely be involved in…

I don’t know that any of that is consequential though…

It is on Jordanian soil and those people are there with the permission of the Hashemite King.

The king wants those troops doing what they are doing just as much as our govt wants them doing what they’re doing.. they are serving both nations interests…

El Paso is next door to Mexico… that doesn’t make it any less US soil..

That “base” is in Jordan… it being right near the Syrian border doesn’t make it less Jordanian…
The U.S. has suffered 160 attacks inside of Iraq. in a short period of time

General Jack Keane says hitting the proxies does not work. We need to get a coalition of Arab states and Israel and hit Iran directly HARD !

Iran does not want a direct conflict. They want to be a constant nuisance instead. Once we stop sending Billions back to Iran sending a message of weakness and appeasement. They will get back in line. We need to bomb the infrastructure back into the Stone Age. And show other bad actors the consequences.

Many will be wringing their hands worried about innocents in Iran being injured or killed. Those are the consequences of Iranian people not ousting the zealots. Not the problem of innocent people Iran currently is killing.

We now have a reasonable reason to hit them Hard. Following the lead of Israeli defense forces. Over react and level power generation, water purification, food logistics, communications and re supply logistics . And anything deemed to be involved with enrichment.

Immediately take out every satellite Iran has in space
Then a solid 60 days pounding from the air should put them on their back foot.

This also shows Russia and China they backed the wrong team.

if you’re standing on a street corner with three bullies, and the smallest weakest one keeps punching you in the face.

you knock his ^$$ out in front of the other two. and hopefully they don’t jump

And I know many will say it’s not that simple. Well, really it is that simple.

thugs bullies and dictators only respect strength. They will shake your hand while you kiss their ^$$ all the while calling you a weak leader. That’s how they run their countries and all they respect.
The U.S. has suffered 160 attacks inside of Iraq. in a short period of time

General Jack Keane says hitting the proxies does not work. We need to get a coalition of Arab states and Israel and hit Iran directly HARD !

Iran does not want a direct conflict. They want to be a constant nuisance instead. Once we stop sending Billions back to Iran sending a message of weakness and appeasement. They will get back in line. We need to bomb the infrastructure back into the Stone Age. And show other bad actors the consequences.

Many will be wringing their hands worried about innocents in Iran being injured or killed. Those are the consequences of Iranian people not ousting the zealots. Not the problem of innocent people Iran currently is killing.

We now have a reasonable reason to hit them Hard. Following the lead of Israeli defense forces. Over react and level power generation, water purification, food logistics, communications and re supply logistics . And anything deemed to be involved with enrichment.

Immediately take out every satellite Iran has in space
Then a solid 60 days pounding from the air should put them on their back foot.

This also shows Russia and China they backed the wrong team.

if you’re standing on a street corner with three bullies, and the smallest weakest one keeps punching you in the face.

you knock his ^$$ out in front of the other two. and hopefully they don’t jump

And I know many will say it’s not that simple. Well, really it is that simple.

thugs bullies and dictators only respect strength. They will shake your hand while you kiss their ^$$ all the while calling you a weak leader. That’s how they run their countries and all they respect.
Also, shutting down Iran’s ability to export their oil will leave their economy and ability to fund their proxies withering on the vine.
Good point, we would be at war at that point anyway so a blockade would be in order

Now, none of this will happen because there’s too many pro Iranian interests in the US and abroad. Many liberals and even some politicians would rather US citizens get killed than Iranians, plus the 9% of the world oil that comes through that area would impact the market and Biden cannot afford that, this close to reelection so he will never do it.
A leftover remnant of the Syrian Civil War, a mistake that should've been closed down a long time ago.
I know where it is and the type of soldiers and contractors that work there and what they’d likely be involved in…

I don’t know that any of that is consequential though…

It is on Jordanian soil and those people are there with the permission of the Hashemite King.

The king wants those troops doing what they are doing just as much as our govt wants them doing what they’re doing.. they are serving both nations interests…

El Paso is next door to Mexico… that doesn’t make it any less US soil..

That “base” is in Jordan… it being right near the Syrian border doesn’t make it less Jordanian…
The US relationship with and footprint within Jordan significantly predates the Syrian civil war.
The US relationship with and footprint within Jordan significantly predates the Syrian civil war.
I'm well aware Jordan has been a partner for a long time, and a good one, the King is a bad ass. But Tower 22 and at Tanf?
The US relationship with and footprint within Jordan significantly predates the Syrian civil war.


We've had people out at JIPTC and KASOTC off and on for the last 12+ years..

The US has been boots on the ground in Jordan for at least the last 20+ years (as long as I have been personally involved in work in Jordan).. and I'd guess longer..
I'm well aware Jordan has been a partner for a long time, and a good one, the King is a bad ass. But Tower 22 and at Tanf?
I'll simply say we have had "special" interests and footprint in Jordan well before 911. As an O6 in J4/7 CENTCOM, I was personally involved in negotiations with the Jordanian team which included dialogue with Faisal bin Hussein over changes to that footprint. I retired 20 years ago.
El Paso is next door to Mexico… that doesn’t make it any less US soil..

That “base” is in Jordan… it being right near the Syrian border doesn’t make it less Jordanian…
Agreed, however I din't say it's not in Jordan.
I said this was expected being that close to Syria.
I also have very good knowledge of the area and I'll leave at that.
This is not good! Lankford is the better of the two Oklahoma senators. The other guy is a redneck that challenged the union boss to a fist fight. It's a sad day for our country when a potential border deal can't be made because people are more worried about who gets the credit.

WASHINGTON − The Oklahoma Republican Party approved a resolution censuring Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., and attacking the Republican lawmaker for negotiating with Democrats on a potential border deal.

The resolution, shared by Oklahoma State Sen. Dusty Deevers on X, formerly Twitter, accuses Lankford of “playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy." Lawmakers for months have been struggling to reach an agreement to address the challenges on America's southern border, and Lankford has been the lead GOP negotiator.

The resolution, approved Saturday, also calls on Lankford to “cease and desist jeopardizing the security and liberty” of Americans.

The immigration deal – which has not yet been finalized – would reportedly make it harder for migrants to claim asylum, make it easier for U.S. officials to deport migrants who have remained in the country illegally, expand detention capacity and add Border Patrol staff.

This is not good! Lankford is the better of the two Oklahoma senators. The other guy is a redneck that challenged the union boss to a fist fight. It's a sad day for our country when a potential border deal can't be made because people are more worried about who gets the credit.

WASHINGTON − The Oklahoma Republican Party approved a resolution censuring Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., and attacking the Republican lawmaker for negotiating with Democrats on a potential border deal.

The resolution, shared by Oklahoma State Sen. Dusty Deevers on X, formerly Twitter, accuses Lankford of “playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy." Lawmakers for months have been struggling to reach an agreement to address the challenges on America's southern border, and Lankford has been the lead GOP negotiator.

The resolution, approved Saturday, also calls on Lankford to “cease and desist jeopardizing the security and liberty” of Americans.

The immigration deal – which has not yet been finalized – would reportedly make it harder for migrants to claim asylum, make it easier for U.S. officials to deport migrants who have remained in the country illegally, expand detention capacity and add Border Patrol staff.

Lankford is one of my Senators. I have been disappointed in him for awhile. We already have laws in place to shut down the border and stop illegal immigration. Lankford's bill basically gives legal entry into America for 1.8 million people per year. Biden isn't enforcing current border laws. What's to think he will enforce this bill if it passes. In reality, this bill is a push by Senate Democrats and some Republicans to get funding for Ukraine and Israel.

If America is ever going to get it's spending under control, Congress needs to be pressured into single purpose bills, not multi purpose or omnibus spending bills where trillions of dollars go to disappear into the abys.
Makes the average American wonder why we fund the United Nations.

Hillel Neuer


BREAKING: The “few bad apples” line pushed by the UN has just been obliterated. The Wall Street Journal front page is reporting that an estimated 1,200 Unrwa employees in Gaza are actual “operatives” of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and about half have close relatives who belong to the Islamist terrorist organizations, according to Israeli intelligence estimates shared with the U.S. government. The report said 23% of Unrwa’s male employees—the agency has a total staff of 12,000 in Gaza—took active part in the Hamas organization’s military or political framework, a higher percentage than the average of 15% for adult males in Gaza. The information in the Israeli intelligence reports is based on sensitive signals intelligence as well as cellphone tracking data, interrogations of captured Hamas gunmen and documents recovered from dead terrorists.Nearly half of all Unrwa employees—an estimated 49%—also had close relatives with official ties to Hamas and other terrorist groups. The Oct. 7 intelligence reports seen by the Wall Street Journal identified an Unrwa Arabic teacher who was also a Hamas terrorist commander and took part in a terrorist attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, where 97 people were murdered, and about 26 people were kidnapped and taken as hostages to Gaza.Another Unrwa employee, described in the dossier as an Unrwa social worker, played a role in absconding with the body of a dead Israeli soldier, which was taken to Gaza, the reports said. He also coordinated trucks and munitions distributions for Hamas before being killed.Full story by

: https://wsj.com/world/middle-east/at-least-12-u-n-agency-employees-involved-in-oct-7-attacks-intelligence-reports-say-a7de8f36…

Last edited7:09 AM · Jan 29, 2024
A former IRS contractor was just sentenced to 5 years in prison for leaking Trump's tax records, as well as many other wealthy Americans.

Seems to me, that the Dem's had a deep state operative that could be used as a scapegoat.
Lankford is one of my Senators. I have been disappointed in him for awhile. We already have laws in place to shut down the border and stop illegal immigration. Lankford's bill basically gives legal entry into America for 1.8 million people per year. Biden isn't enforcing current border laws. What's to think he will enforce this bill if it passes. In reality, this bill is a push by Senate Democrats and some Republicans to get funding for Ukraine and Israel.

If America is ever going to get it's spending under control, Congress needs to be pressured into single purpose bills, not multi purpose or omnibus spending bills where trillions of dollars go to disappear into the abys.
There are those of us in the Republican party who genuinely believe that Ukraine is as important as the Southern border - perhaps more so. As you correctly note, there are laws on the books to enforce more limited immigration right now. Why then would the administration do anything meaningful as a result of a budget agreement? Moreover, assuming we intend to generate the GDP necessary to offset some of this debt, we will need an adequate workforce. That of course means continued immigration of some sort - permanent, temporary, or combination. In turn, that means we actually need a comprehensive immigration solution about which my party has no real interest, because the chaos on the border is too critical a political issue when out of power and an election looming. Meanwhile, Russia is gaining breathing space in Ukraine, because people like Deevers can't find it on a map much less comprehend the threat of a newly empowered Russia allied to China.

I also strongly agree that the omnibus bill needs to go the way of the dodo bird. I do not believe either party is the least interested in doing so. After all, that Trump fellow signed a 1.3 trillion dollar one in 2018, 1.4 trillion in 2019, and 2.3 trillion dollar package as late as December of 2020.
There are those of us in the Republican party who genuinely believe that Ukraine is as important as the Southern border - perhaps more so. As you correctly note, there are laws on the books to enforce more limited immigration right now. Why then would the administration do anything meaningful as a result of a budget agreement? Moreover, assuming we intend to generate the GDP necessary to offset some of this debt, we will need an adequate workforce. That of course means continued immigration of some sort - permanent, temporary, or combination. In turn, that means we actually need a comprehensive immigration solution about which my party has no real interest, because the chaos on the border is too critical a political issue when out of power and an election looming. Meanwhile, Russia is gaining breathing space in Ukraine, because people like Deevers can't find it on a map much less comprehend the threat of a newly empowered Russia allied to China.

I also strongly agree that the omnibus bill needs to go the way of the dodo bird. I do not believe either party is the least interested in doing so. After all, that Trump fellow signed a 1.3 trillion dollar one in 2018, 1.4 trillion in 2019, and 2.3 trillion dollar package as late as December of 2020.
Well said.
Unfortunately there are those in Republican party who are isolationists be it Immigration reform or Ukraine war.
They think we should close all the doors to the World and pull all the aid and troops back.
Yes the situation at the border is terrible and should be handled and stopped....
However they have zero understanding of how the geopolitics works against our main adversaries and how much legal immigration we need in the next 20-30 years with our aging and declining population.
Also last time I looked almost half of the Fortune 500 companies in this country was found by immigrants or their children including Apple, Google, Costco, Amazon etc.. employing millions and paying billions in taxes.
If we want to stay as the richest country in the World, we need a comprehensive immigration reform and keep aiding Ukraine and others and keep policing the World.
Because if we don't someone else will fill the void.

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