
Well said.
Unfortunately there are those in Republican party who are isolationists be it Immigration reform or Ukraine war.
They think we should close all the doors to the World and pull all the aid and troops back.
Yes the situation at the border is terrible and should be handled and stopped....
However they have zero understanding of how the geopolitics works against our main adversaries and how much legal immigration we need in the next 20-30 years with our aging and declining population.
Also last time I looked almost half of the Fortune 500 companies in this country was found by immigrants or their children including Apple, Google, Costco, Amazon etc.. employing millions and paying billions in taxes.
If we want to stay as the richest country in the World, we need a comprehensive immigration reform and keep aiding Ukraine and others and keep policing the World.
Because if we don't someone else will fill the void.
Agree 100%, and this reminds me of something funny a grumpy old man said at my church about 25 years ago: "I have always loved this church and don't ever want that to change, but I hate it that so many new people keep showing up".

...it seems he missed the point. ;-)
Lankford is one of my Senators. I have been disappointed in him for awhile. We already have laws in place to shut down the border and stop illegal immigration. Lankford's bill basically gives legal entry into America for 1.8 million people per year. Biden isn't enforcing current border laws. What's to think he will enforce this bill if it passes. In reality, this bill is a push by Senate Democrats and some Republicans to get funding for Ukraine and Israel.

If America is ever going to get it's spending under control, Congress needs to be pressured into single purpose bills, not multi purpose or omnibus spending bills where trillions of dollars go to disappear into the abys.
I don’t think you have read the bill. Perhaps just repeating a narrative about the bill.
The Ukraine situation is extremely divisive among Republicans/conservatives - to the point it may best be avoided at times. I fall on the side that the situation was precipitated by Neoncons/Rhinos, the Obama andministration, and warmongers. I have no hallucination that the Ukraine is some bastion of Christian values and virtue, or that Russia is the Soviet Union.

When the US flew the rainbow flag over our embassy in Afghanistan, of all places, I KNEW that we aren’t always the good guys. At least under the depraved commies we currently have in office.

In regards to immigration, I am probably a lot more sympathetic than many American conservatives. Many of these people are, or were in the past, coming here to better themselves and to make a better life for their families. Many are Catholic, which I am not, socially conservative, and I wonder why Republicans can’t find a way to embrace them.

On the other hand, what we have is massive disorder with no discretion. Even back in the 1800s, immigrants were screened to ensure they were adding value and not being a drag on the country - they had to support themselves. Now we give them a cell phone and $5000?

Doing my best to be inoffensive, but we also have to ask why we let indiscriminate immigration by people who are unlikely to assimilate, or are religiously or culturally opposed to American culture. Would YOU be accepted in their country? In short, immigrants should be expected to bring value, not a burden.
The Ukraine situation is extremely divisive among Republicans/conservatives - to the point it may best be avoided at times. I fall on the side that the situation was precipitated by Neoncons/Rhinos, the Obama andministration, and warmongers. I have no hallucination that the Ukraine is some bastion of Christian values and virtue, or that Russia is the Soviet Union.

When the US flew the rainbow flag over our embassy in Afghanistan, of all places, I KNEW that we aren’t always the good guys. At least under the depraved commies we currently have in office.

In regards to immigration, I am probably a lot more sympathetic than many American conservatives. Many of these people are, or were in the past, coming here to better themselves and to make a better life for their families. Many are Catholic, which I am not, socially conservative, and I wonder why Republicans can’t find a way to embrace them.

On the other hand, what we have is massive disorder with no discretion. Even back in the 1800s, immigrants were screened to ensure they were adding value and not being a drag on the country - they had to support themselves. Now we give them a cell phone and $5000?

Doing my best to be inoffensive, but we also have to ask why we let indiscriminate immigration by people who are unlikely to assimilate, or are religiously or culturally opposed to American culture. Would YOU be accepted in their country? In short, immigrants should be expected to bring value, not a burden.
For the most part, I like how the Canadians do it especially their Express Entry program. You have to have a skill or job that they need, you have to prove you speak/write either English or French with test results, you have to have enough money to live on, etc.


In areas where they have a problem finding qualified workers such as part of the Atlantic provinces or the territories (Yukon, NW, or Nunavut), they make exceptions.
For the most part, I like how the Canadians do it especially their Express Entry program. You have to have a skill or job that they need, you have to prove you speak/write either English or French with test results, you have to have enough money to live on, etc.


In areas where they have a problem finding qualified workers such as part of the Atlantic provinces or the territories (Yukon, NW, or Nunavut), they make exceptions.

I’m sorry I have to qualify your comments regarding Canadian emigration.
The truth is that the standard mentioned above applies just for the white Christian population. But they are a very very small minority and most of them do not vote for the liberals once they get the right to vote. Hence their number is severely limited and it was so for a very long time.
Look up on internet Trudeau’s statements regarding the “white majority” and you will connect the dots.
The Ukraine situation is extremely divisive among Republicans/conservatives - to the point it may best be avoided at times. I fall on the side that the situation was precipitated by Neoncons/Rhinos, the Obama andministration, and warmongers. I have no hallucination that the Ukraine is some bastion of Christian values and virtue, or that Russia is the Soviet Union.

When the US flew the rainbow flag over our embassy in Afghanistan, of all places, I KNEW that we aren’t always the good guys. At least under the depraved commies we currently have in office.

In regards to immigration, I am probably a lot more sympathetic than many American conservatives. Many of these people are, or were in the past, coming here to better themselves and to make a better life for their families. Many are Catholic, which I am not, socially conservative, and I wonder why Republicans can’t find a way to embrace them.

On the other hand, what we have is massive disorder with no discretion. Even back in the 1800s, immigrants were screened to ensure they were adding value and not being a drag on the country - they had to support themselves. Now we give them a cell phone and $5000?

Doing my best to be inoffensive, but we also have to ask why we let indiscriminate immigration by people who are unlikely to assimilate, or are religiously or culturally opposed to American culture. Would YOU be accepted in their country? In short, immigrants should be expected to bring value, not a burden.
Precipitated by Neocons and RINOS?!? Warmongers?1? I just find it impossible to follow this line of thinking? Did you miss the whole Russian invasion of Ukraine? Was Bill Kristol in the lead tank? Putin, no one else, was the war monger. Yes, Obama could and should have responded resolutely in 2014 - but he didn't. Biden could have been more clear in late '21, but he wasn't. Neither of those failures in any way changes our fundamental national interest in preventing Russian ascendency as the leading power on the Eurasian landmass. I mean seriously, in what world is it in the national interests of the United States to support Russian strategic objectives? That is exactly what we are doing by roadblocking additional aid to Ukraine. I frankly makes me ashamed of my party.

And what exactly is a RINO - I mean really define it for me. Trump world throws it around as if he can do something about it. You do realize everyone of those offensive RINOs was elected by a winning constituency of fellow republicans? In other words, each and every one of those RINOs is doing just what his or her Republican supporters want them to do.
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With every dictator since Stalin, Russia has moved closer to the west. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but they have moved to the west. We orchestrated a coup in the Ukraine. Russia didn’t like it. Ukraine did not hold up its end of the Minsk accords.

NATO tried to gain a foothold in Ukraine and would have cut Russia off from its only warm water port. Now how do you suppose the US would respond to Russian or Chinese meddling in Mexico or Canada? Great powers have spheres of influence and areas of strategic interest that they can’t or won’t compromise on. We are the same. We should have played the long game, but I think our political class saw too much opportunity to personally profit in the Ukraine. We should have used Ukraine as a soft influence, intermediary to further moderate and integrate Russia.

Instead what have we done? Pushed the country with arguably the greatest natural resource base in the world into the arms of the despotic regime of the most populace country in the world. China is an existential threat and our policy in Ukraine has made them stronger. It has given them extraordinary strategic depth - most of Asia. Russia was fading right, and I have no question that Putin would rather be friendly with the west than Xi. We forced his hand when we didn’t have to. The Communist party of China is truly evil. The whole affair is truly an epic strategic failure, accomplished by the imbecile we call President and his leftist administration.

And what have we done - fostered a war between two closely related nations, killed lots of sons and husbands, made lots of widows and orphans, and now after Ukraine is destroyed, we will either abandon it or spend hundreds of billions to rebuild it. I don’t think Putin wanted Ukraine at all - he just wouldn’t let NATO have it. And frankly, I think I’d much more enjoy a beer with Putin than Mr. Pudding Pants, that traitorous POS.

A RINO - they are republicans when anyone is watching and democrats or general POS when no one is.
There are those of us in the Republican party who genuinely believe that Ukraine is as important as the Southern border - perhaps more so. As you correctly note, there are laws on the books to enforce more limited immigration right now. Why then would the administration do anything meaningful as a result of a budget agreement? Moreover, assuming we intend to generate the GDP necessary to offset some of this debt, we will need an adequate workforce. That of course means continued immigration of some sort - permanent, temporary, or combination. In turn, that means we actually need a comprehensive immigration solution about which my party has no real interest, because the chaos on the border is too critical a political issue when out of power and an election looming. Meanwhile, Russia is gaining breathing space in Ukraine, because people like Deevers can't find it on a map much less comprehend the threat of a newly empowered Russia allied to China.

I also strongly agree that the omnibus bill needs to go the way of the dodo bird. I do not believe either party is the least interested in doing so. After all, that Trump fellow signed a 1.3 trillion dollar one in 2018, 1.4 trillion in 2019, and 2.3 trillion dollar package as late as December of 2020.
I’ll remember this post and can only hope voters will take full measure of this sentiment in November and send all likeminded politicians packing. A country without borders is likewise without sovereignty and cannot survive.
Yes the USA needs immigrants, but the way the Biden administration has handled it has put such a bad light upon the process because it was just a mess. You can’t keep a country together when there is no ordered structure for all these new people to fit into. Picking the crops is an honourable job, but amongst the hoardes you also need to identify, educate and place the potential engineers, doctors and scientists. People want to come to the USA because they see opportunity. They will replace the people who sat in the back of the classrooms with their caps on backwards and earphones on who can’t even read or write - and would never dream of picking anything but weed.
Well said.
Unfortunately there are those in Republican party who are isolationists be it Immigration reform or Ukraine war.
They think we should close all the doors to the World and pull all the aid and troops back.
Yes the situation at the border is terrible and should be handled and stopped....
However they have zero understanding of how the geopolitics works against our main adversaries and how much legal immigration we need in the next 20-30 years with our aging and declining population.
Also last time I looked almost half of the Fortune 500 companies in this country was found by immigrants or their children including Apple, Google, Costco, Amazon etc.. employing millions and paying billions in taxes.
If we want to stay as the richest country in the World, we need a comprehensive immigration reform and keep aiding Ukraine and others and keep policing the World.
Because if we don't someone else will fill the void.
Well stated and on point.

The border absolutely needs to be closed and controlled.

Immigration laws that are on the books absolutely do not work and need to be drastically reformed.

Closing the border without Immigration reforms will not work unless it is done with Nazi type enforcement.... Many in this country wish this.

Immigration reform is unlikely to truly be done effectively because it is politically advantageous to NOT fix the real issues and needs of the country. Both parties benefit from the current disaster and the last thing either wants is to come up with a comprehensive solution.

The country needs willing and able workers. Current laws do not come close to providing for the needs. We need not only educated H1B workers but also those who will do the grunt work. Including the 12 month per year grunt work. Not just the temporary work that falls under the H2A program. There is a huge void between there that has no VISA category available. And the H1B program falls drastically short of providing enough numbers.

Yes US citizens should fill many of those jobs. But they won't. That is just fact, not something debatable. And yes labor participation is way too low amongst the citizenry. Stopping paying benefits for not working would go a long ways but the politicians won't do that either.

Yes we need to provide Ukraine what she needs to win that war! Weapons and ammunition. We do not need to provide humanitarian aide to the point it comes into question as to where it is going.

Build the damned wall or do whatever it takes to secure the border. But for God's sake reform the immigration laws also.

And while I'm asking for the impossible, how about the States all hold honest and fair elections.
On the other hand, what we have is massive disorder with no discretion. Even back in the 1800s, immigrants were screened to ensure they were adding value and not being a drag on the country - they had to support themselves. Now we give them a cell phone and $5000?
One thing that really irks me. I pay 100 % of the PPO health insurance of my employees which averages $700+/month per employee. CA gives free insurance to illegal immigrants as of this year.

Doing my best to be inoffensive, but we also have to ask why we let indiscriminate immigration by people who are unlikely to assimilate, or are religiously or culturally opposed to American culture. Would YOU be accepted in their country? In short, immigrants should be expected to bring value, not a burden.

We need people for the labor force. Unfortunately, almost none of those rushing through the border will be contributing members. What we need is skilled labor. If needed, unskilled labor needs can be met through exiting temporary visa programs.
What we need is skilled labor. If needed, unskilled labor needs can be met through exiting temporary visa programs.
No it can't. You are just simply wrong about that. It is against the rules to fill unskilled full time year round positions with temporary Visa workers. Think a bit outside your industry.
If everything is hunky-dory with an open border.

Why are the (Sanctuary cities) calling for the Texas Governor to stop sending them north.
He needs to bus them to the neighborhoods every proponent of this. And for advocates here living in a dream, fantasy land. How many can you support in your home or on your lawn.

When you have, or your family has a life or death medical emergency and are laying in a hallway in an ER because the hospital is overwhelmed. And going bankrupt from waiting on federal help to recover losses.

During Covid. Liberal Governors and Mayors shutting small businesses down. While flying untested immigrants all over the country.

No funding for enough shelters or housing. But hey let’s add millions more into the mess.

These Mayors get 1/1000th of the numbers than border towns deal with. With a fraction of the budget. How do tell an American citizen that works 20 hours they don’t get healthcare. Or for most healthcare copays are more than they can afford. But if you come from Turkey or China. Here’s a cell phone, some cash, free healthcare. See ya in a couple years on your path to citizenship and voting.

If this is normal and accepted, please name me any civilized uncivilized first or Third World nation that allows this.

Try slipping over the border into any of the countries that we still have military in from wars 60 years ago. with a bag load of drugs and see what happens to you.

How can we be so ridiculously irresponsible? and or stupid? Or who is to gain from this anarchy ?

Yes we need employees. we already have a system for that. We need skilled labor, and they are waiting in line to get in.

no one is against immigration. Well maybe native Americans or an Inuits.
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This country already has a surplus of landscapers, laborers, farm workers, housekeepers, for the employers that hire illegally. Good companies don't.
Its not like there are computer coders and rocket scientists pouring across the border.
An estimated 3 out of 5 males are some form of riff-raff.
Every single day, an illegal immigrant has a damaging effect on legitimate Americans.
Not a surprise that the NFL is so enamored with having this woman at the Chief's games.
It's good for business. Political and otherwise.

I also strongly agree that the omnibus bill needs to go the way of the dodo bird. I do not believe either party is the least interested in doing so. After all, that Trump fellow signed a 1.3 trillion dollar one in 2018, 1.4 trillion in 2019, and 2.3 trillion dollar package as late as December of 2020.

Agree with you that neither party cares about a balanced budget. Both parties give money away to garner votes. We haven't had a President that lowered the national debt since Truman's first term. Truman left office with the debt at the same level as he came in eight years previous.
I don’t think you have read the bill. Perhaps just repeating a narrative about the bill.

Of course I haven't read the bill. Just like you haven't read the bill, or anybody has read the bill. It hasn't been completed yet.

I called Senator Lankford's office for a copy of the bill to read last week. It hasn't been written.

I called Senator Lankford's office for a copy of the bill yesterday. They don't have it because it hasn't been written yet!

All any of us are doing is repeating talking points about the bill that the pundits are providing.

Please send me a copy of the full bill and I will be happy to read it.

On a different bill, in the words of Pelosi.

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This country already has a surplus of landscapers, laborers, farm workers, housekeepers, for the employers that hire illegally. Good companies don't.
Its not like there are computer coders and rocket scientists pouring across the border.
An estimated 3 out of 5 males are some form of riff-raff.
Every single day, an illegal immigrant has a damaging effect on legitimate Americans.
How many of those workers do you hire and employ?

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Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!