It shouldn't be up to the union who gets promoted.
I completely disagree with you on this statement, and I'll tell you why...
If you had actually read and understood what I said in my last post rather than just assuming that you are going to disagree with me regardless of my arguments, you would have realized that I said the vast majority of labor unions bargain with management for promotional requirements and eligibility. That may not have been your personal experience with your union, but it is for most... If your Local didn't have multiple criteria for merit-based accomplishments established into your contract instead of, or in addition to seniority, shame on them... They did you all a disservice... Your Local should have elected better leadership...
Responsible union leadership bargains with the equal priorities of fairness and sustainability. Any reputable union shop that wishes to establish credibility and value for their members places an enormous priority on negotiating objective, measurable, merit-based terms for promotion. Seniority may be one of the included factors, but certainly should not be the only factor... Admittedly, there are some large national unions that seem to have their priorities screwed up in regard to what constitutes merit, and they are doing their members a great disservice. It will come back around to bite them in the ass if it already hasn't... Covid has exposed a few of them...
However, to say that unions should not have any say in who gets promoted is frankly silly. If that truly was the case, management would be promoting ever brown-noser in the house...
I can tell that you have never run a business or a large one. And how do individual workers that don't think seniority should be the biggest factor in promotions get that changed in a union's thinking? The union bosses just laugh. They have more control than the OWNERS often times.
LOL.! I love how strangers just assume things about others who they have never met based on different perspectives... Trust me when I tell you that you know nothing about me based on the few posts I make here for entertainment.
I can tell you have little knowledge or experience with organized labor/management relations and how most unions represent their memberships... I was on the executive board responsible for representing the financial and safety interests of about 2,800 uniformed deputies for over 20 years... Not a large business in the traditional sense, but I think it's fair to say that given my experience, my ability to speak with proficiency and expertise on this subject is undisputable...
Over the years as a member of my union's executive board, I have attended scores, if not hundreds of organized labor conventions, seminars, and councils. I have had the ability to both learn and teach representatives of organized labor of many trades and disciplines from all over North America. Given all that, I can confidently say that every generalized assertion you have made about unions for the most part is simply not accurate or universal...
I was told by the company that I would have gotten the job, but for the union's seniority stance. That's BS.
I agree it is BS.. However, I will repeat for the 3rd time... If that was the case, it was the result of poorly negotiated policy on behalf of your Local... I can only assume that your contracts are voted on by the membership, and that's what the majority wanted?
Regardless, strong, reputable unions who represent their members in good faith do not base promotion solely on seniority. I'm sure there are some out there, and that's too bad... I doubt I know any because these are not the types of union leaders who spend their careers educating themselves to provide the fairest representation possible for their members like I did...