When government dictates to companies what to do it's not capitalism anymore.
Is offshoring American jobs and inviting foreign workers into the country Capitalism? To me that just seems like global mercantilism with a bit of disregard to citizens of the country.
When foreigners come to the US and do sheetrock for 15 bucks an hour they are hurting US workers. An American can't raise a family on 15 bucks an hour and an American should be able to raise a family by doing sheetrock, laying concrete, painting, etc. This was the case for decades.
The foreigner
can raise a family on 15 bucks an hour... because his family is outside the US. 3 or 4 guys can get work permits (for a year or 2 or whatever), split the rent on a trailer for 950 a month in some small NC (or wherever) town, and send the rest back home. Whether it's Honduras, or Guatemala, or wherever. I have no ill will or disrespect for these people, I don't blame them for taking advantage of an opportunity.
When a company offshores its manufacturing, the American manufacturer now has to compete against near slave wages in Bangladesh. Not only that, but think of all the supplies a factory needs to keep running, boxes, deliveries, tape, etc.. so its hurting other stuff down the line too. Not to mention restaurants in towns, car shops, everything else that comes with it.
So while no I'm not for complete centralized planning, or state ownership of businesses, I'm completely okay with a more Nationalist/protectionist system of looking out for the American worker.