Sorry for the negativity that follows but I am somewhat baffled how you all talk like this nation still has honest elections. Despite the weaponizing of multiple government agencies against anyone not part of the corrupt establishment. Despite the national media playing the role of propaganda ministry.
Due to this, a corrupt career politician and dementia ridden pedophile received 16 million more votes than Obama by campaigning from his basement…?! Beating anyone is no problem for whichever candidate they choose. If Trump isn’t imprisoned or assassinated he will be beaten in a purposely nail biting close election. That part is for the ratings to give their slaves in the media their gruel and to entertain the gullible masses. Trump’s future is as bleak as the nation’s future in my opinion.
The puppet masters will have their candidate and that candidate can easily come from either party, democrats or republicans.
I told my wife in 2016 that Trump was a surprise who they did not take seriously and they will not let that happen again.
Trump never drained the swamp but they exposed themselves out of their hatred for him and “they” are numerous and clearly in control.
Your post is a too common opinion on the right that reflects the great damage done by both the Democrat Party in creating and taking advantage of new Covid voting rules, and Donald Trump and much of the nonsense he and his legal team spewed about the "stolen" election.
In many states, ballots were indeed mailed out and most importantly collected without adequate controls. In major blue cities like Detroit, Atlanta, and even Houston, existing community organizer groups were able to insure large numbers of those ballots were returned marked for the democrat presidential candidate. I have no doubt that many of the voters would never have created a ballot in person or through normal absentee voting.
The Republican Party had, and the best I can tell, still has no similar ground game to insure every likely Republican vote is submitted for the November election. If you leave the door wide open to your house, put a sign out front that says we aren't home, you aren't being robbed - you are being stupid. Looks like we are determined to be stupid once again.
There is no evidence that any electronic shenanigans went on. I am sure you remember Sydney Powell's promise to "release the Kraken." She and several of her fellow travelers in conspiracy world have pled in the Atlanta case (6 counts in her instance) and she is trying to survive what appears to be a very strong 1.2 billion civil suit from Dominion Voting.
In fact, I lay the loss of the senate directly at the feet of Trump and his merry band of lawyers. He was so successful in convincing his most loyal Georgia supporters that their vote wouldn't count that almost half a million who voted for him in the general that they didn't vote in the two senate runoff races. The two democrats won by a total of just over 100,000. The trajectory of this country would have been far different the last four years had the Republican party controlled the senate. Trump and his claims about the election, are a direct cause of much of the success of the Biden agenda. None of his followers reflect on that.
Finally, I agree with
@Tundra Tiger. I live in the Austin area and my younger brother is a trial lawyer and his daughter is also an attorney. I have no doubt that a liberal base significantly larger than the 34% of Trump true believers would vote for a corpse, much less a senile old man, rather than Trump. Like
@freefall I too enjoy some of Cromwell's quotes (a man, I should remind, who was an unapologetic dictator). I wish Trump would simply heed the rest of Cromwell's admonishment -
"You have sat too long for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God go!"