British citizen arrested for waving the Union Jack near a Hamas rally by Metropolitan Police. Looks like the invasion is almost complete.
Yeah nar he just had the flag in his possession, played no part in what he was arrested for.
Looks like the NZ Labor Party has been chucked out of office and replaced by a coalition of National Party and ACT Party, both of whom claim to have pro-hunting policies. Any Kiwis like to chip in with what it’s likely to mean in practical terms?
Yep was a good day! Haven’t been able to vote for the last 25 years till this year when we got the law changed after being locked out over Covid! No other country did this to their citizens. It was a fecken disgrace!
With luck ACT will keep National honest.
After the Christchurch shooting Jacinda changed the gun laws even before the investigation (which they then locked away for 70 years) was finished. They never answered why the shooter was let into the country, or why the police never carried out the correct checks. If they had done he would never have been allowed a firearms license.
Then you have the White Island incident. Volcanic Island off the coast goes boom with a boat load of tourists on it. Helicopter pilot and crew go out and save there lives. The should have been given medals but not, her government stands by while Health and safety take there ass to court!
Petition calling for New Zealand PM to intervene has hit 120,000 signatures after helicopter pilots were charged over Whakaari disaster
Then we had Covid. With a hard lockdown, sure we all had to suffer this.
But here’s one from the hugger showing her compassion. Only after it made the headlines WTF!!
Charlotte Bellis says she will be "returning to my home country" as she accepts the offer of a place in quarantine from New Zealand's government, which comes after worldwide coverage of her situation. She sought help from the Taliban after being unable to stay in Qatar and Belgium.
For the first time I once a proud New Zealander could not even get home to see my terminaly ill mother. Sure had that MIQ bullshit. But you could not even get on the list.
That last Labour government could not even build the houses that they promised.
Labour promised KiwiBuild in 2017’s ‘mini-Budget’ with a $2.1 billion allocation to get it started. The scheme was supposed to build 16,000 houses in its first three years and 100,000 over ten. In reality Labour has delivered just 871 KiwiBuild houses and scrapped the targets promised to New Zealanders.
Jacinda Ardern has described child poverty as the reason why she got into politics. Grant Robertson has also mentioned the issue in his Budget Day speeches, including the various measures and targets Labour will use to hold itself accountable.
In his Budget 2019 speech, Robertson reaffirmed the Government’s promise to halve child poverty over 10 years, a back-down in itself given Labour
promised Kiwis it would lift 100,000 children out of poverty by 2020. This original promise would have been a 63 per cent reduction over three years.
Using the same measure Ardern based her promise on, her Government has actually overseen an increase of 1,500 children living in poverty between 2017 and 2020 according to official Stats NZ child poverty data.
Have we seen the last of her…doubt it she will have lined up a nice little job in the UN
Heres my parting shot on the end of the fecken government!
My mum passed away this July, went home for the funeral. After the service the pastor said “We will take the coffin out to the hearse and say or final goodbyes, then you are all invited to come back in and have a few drinks.
On the condition that we don’t talk politics. Now I’ve never heard that before. Ever!
IMO NZ had turned from a laid back, fun loving country to a very angry and divided one! I lay that blamé squarely on the shoulders of Jacinda Arden.
We have a saying “I wouldn’t piss on him/her if they were on fire”! Just take the him out of that…and that’s how I feel towards her.