Brent in Az
AH ambassador
Matthew 24:6
Wrong- It was given to Abraham who is the father of the three religions. Just because the Islams are descendants of Abrahams bastard son and was given the land to the east, they are jealous of the lawful son Isaac. The Palestinians have no right to the land in the west.It was palestinian land to begin with
Israel has been in existence for thousands of years. Read your history.In 1947 the United Nations voted to split the land into two countries. It was palestinian land to begin with which was colonised by the British but was settled by the european jews fleeing from the war. Both parties fought as Palestinians saw it as a european colonial movement and fought.
Hence the British could not hold the peace they gave the jews a country which never existed in the first place.
Seventy-five years after the mass displacement of Palestinians began, approximately 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees live across the Middle East. Palestinians comprise the largest stateless community worldwide but yet Israel is seen as the crying wolf
Also, it was never called Palestine until emperor Hadrian, enraged at the Bar Cochba revolt, named it that as an insult to the Jews. He largely dispersed them.Wrong- It was given to Abraham who is the father of the three religions. Just because the Islams are descendants of Abrahams bastard son and was given the land to the east, they are jealous of the lawful son Isaac. The Palestinians have no right to the land in the west.
Not to mention how so many of those of the Jewish faith support the Democrats. I am reminded of a quote by Fr. Andrew Greeley who as a sociologist did quite a bit of research into various ethnic groups and religion in America. Paraphrasing, he said American Jews tended to be as wealthy as Episcopalians but voted like Puerto Ricans. In other words, they were as wealthy as the country club Republicans but voted as a bloc for Democrats just like inner city minorities.The Democrat party has always seemed to hate Israel. Ironic, considering how many Jewish politicians there are
I've never understood that, when Israel is the Jewish motherland.Not to mention how so many of those of the Jewish faith support the Democrats. I am reminded of a quote by Fr. Andrew Greeley who as a sociologist did quite a bit of research into various ethnic groups and religion in America. Paraphrasing, he said American Jews tended to be as wealthy as Episcopalians but voted like Puerto Ricans. In other words, they were as wealthy as the country club Republicans but voted as a bloc for Democrats just like inner city minorities.
In 1947 the United Nations voted to split the land into two countries. It was palestinian land to begin with which was colonised by the British but was settled by the european jews fleeing from the war. Both parties fought as Palestinians saw it as a european colonial movement and fought.
Hence the British could not hold the peace they gave the jews a country which never existed in the first place.
Seventy-five years after the mass displacement of Palestinians began, approximately 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees live across the Middle East. Palestinians comprise the largest stateless community worldwide but yet Israel is seen as the crying wolf
History has shown over and over that the rightful owners of a land are those who can take and defend it. My money is on Israel.
Annihilating Israel, is wishful thinking by the Taliban. Israelis are ass kickers.Iran would be turned to glass before Israel was overrun and destroyed.
Annihilating Israel, is wishful thinking by the Taliban. Israelis are ass kickers.
Sorry 404XT, I fear you have little deep understanding of Israel, and the radical arab states. You wouldn't have lost friends, relations on 09/11, would you? Or the atrocities being perpetuated throughout Africa by Islamic radical militias? Does Libya ring a bell for you? I hope you never want to hunt centra or Northern Africa any time soon ...Sorry, Sauer404XTIn 1947 the United Nations voted to split the land into two countries. It was palestinian land to begin with which was colonised by the British but was settled by the european jews fleeing from the war. Both parties fought as Palestinians saw it as a european colonial movement and fought.
Hence the British could not hold the peace they gave the jews a country which never existed in the first place.
Seventy-five years after the mass displacement of Palestinians began, approximately 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees live across the Middle East. Palestinians comprise the largest stateless community worldwide but yet Israel is seen as the crying wolf
In 1947 the United Nations voted to split the land into two countries. It was palestinian land to begin with which was colonised by the British but was settled by the european jews fleeing from the war. Both parties fought as Palestinians saw it as a european colonial movement and fought.
Hence the British could not hold the peace they gave the jews a country which never existed in the first place.
Seventy-five years after the mass displacement of Palestinians began, approximately 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees live across the Middle East. Palestinians comprise the largest stateless community worldwide but yet Israel is seen as the crying wolf
In 1947 the United Nations voted to split the land into two countries. It was palestinian land to begin with which was colonised by the British but was settled by the european jews fleeing from the war. Both parties fought as Palestinians saw it as a european colonial movement and fought.
Hence the British could not hold the peace they gave the jews a country which never existed in the first place.
Seventy-five years after the mass displacement of Palestinians began, approximately 5.9 million registered Palestinian refugees live across the Middle East. Palestinians comprise the largest stateless community worldwide but yet Israel is seen as the crying wolf
Australia's present leftist, woke labor government want to recognise the PLO, and, by association, groups like Hamas. Shame on my government, SHAME!!!It clearly shows who's side Commie Joe is on. Yet, we have a former President currently buried under dozens of bogus charges from indictments.
There is not enough rope for the Democrat party