I find it really sad. I voted for this guy twice based upon the alternative, but the snake oil he sells is outrageous, non more so than the swamp. Ask the average foot soldier in the Trump brigades what that means and he or she immediately starts pointing fingers at RINO's as led by the likes of Romney or McConnell and any other Republican who doesn't support Trump with unquestioned loyalty. There are ample examples throughout this thread.Karl Marx would be proud. Those that are well-off are an easy target. Heck, many Trumpies love Trump because he "will stand against the swamp". You can't get swampier than a real estate developer in NYC. It is amazing how he can make the working class people feel hat they can relate to him.
He knows that there is absolutely nothing he can do about elected representatives of the people. But he is happy to seemingly champion whatever it is his followers believe he can do (while they hurry down ballot to support Mitch et al).
Second, I suppose are the various appointed agency heads. FBI Director Ray seems the current most hated swamp creature. Of course he was was appointed by Donald Trump.

What I find really objectionable is his use of campaign funds to pay his current legal fees. Most of those are currently coming in from individual donors - many of whom could probably be using those dollars somewhere else - a billionaire using blue collar contributions to pay his lawyers. Only in America.