I am sure you would and you would be in pre-trial confinement and charged with witness tampering / intimidation.
What he ought to do is be smart and shut up. But he lacks the self control to do so. He will now likely be subject to a court order that muzzles him and his attorneys with respect to this trial. That will greatly limit their ability to spin Jan 6 in the court of public opinion.
This nonsense is also bleeding votes. A Reuters poll completed just before this latest set of charges found 45% of Republicans would not vote for him if convicted of a felony and 35% would - the remainder were undecided.
I am more convinced every day that his legal strategy is to drag this through the primaries so that he gets the nomination. That way he can use the campaign funds of his loyal supporters to pay his legal bills - something he is currently doing. That buys him another year of mom and pop campaign funds to use on his personal defense while guaranteeing Biden (or whomever) the presidency.
Do you seriously believe a single swing voter or suburban white soccer mom is going to support him if convicted of any felony regardless of the status of appeals?
I think we have at least three candidates who could beat Biden. None of them is named Trump.
I am with you that the DOJ is corrupt in so aggressively pursuing Trump while having ignored Biden's potential sale of his office. That deserves every bit of vigorous effort as does Trump's attempt to forestall confirmation of the electoral vote - more so. But that doesn't absolve Trump of the responsibility to exercise a modicum of common sense that might actually help him widen his electoral base. He is doing the opposite.
At this point in time, my support of Trump is not so much as a voter, but a freedom loving patriotic America that is appalled by what the left is doing to Trump and this country.
Trump is 100% correct, when he said that they are not after him, but coming after us. He is just standing in the way.
Mark Levin is correct in the fact that Trumps legal team should file an emergency petition with SCOTUS, and get this case moved out of D.C, and into a district that could provide a more impartial trial.
As far as Trump's so called threats and intimidation? That was nothing but a generalized statement aimed at the swamp.
If the swamp can ignore the law, and judges orders, why shouldn't the rest of us. The time for playing nice, and playing fair, is long over. Democrats don't do it, and neither should we.
Personally, I would gladly sit in a jail cell for defying the orders of some biased left wing activist Judge owned by Obama and hus goon squad. Self respect has no price tag.
I get the fact that some of you dont like Trump. This isnt about him or his character flaws, its about us, and the future of this country.
Instead of Trump criticism, maybe everyone can rally around the cause for the greater good?
When Judges and politicians start telling us to "Shut up, or else" our freedom us gone, along with the constitution