NE 7x57
AH veteran
Trump is a narcissist. He takes no responsibility for his actions when they lead to failure and he's convinced he's the smartest individual on the planet. His Presidency had some high points, his China policy, his supreme court picks, his efforts at cooling the North Koreans down and others. But this inability to refrain from acting like a petulant child hurt him throughout his 4 years and did much to cost him a second term.
The truth is to win in 24 Trump has to appeal beyond his super loyal base and there is no way that is ever going to happen. Part of his own party won't even support him, independents won't support him and the Democrats hate him. Because of that there's no way mathematically he can win, even against Biden, the very weakest of candidates the Democrats could put against him. If the Democrats actually come up with a plan B where they run someone who is not far left, someone who is actually positioned more to the center, It would be an electoral massacre in their favor.
Finally with regard to Trump's latest rant/threat/diarrhea of the mouth or whatever you want to call it, you've all heard the line, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Donald Trump doesn't understand this. So instead of shutting up and getting his legal ducks in a row he's once again using his mouth to dig himself a deeper hole. He simply lacks the discipline to think about what he says before it comes out of his mouth and at this point in his life that is only going to get worse.
I do agree, the idea that Trump is being indited for some of this crap while the Biden and Clinton crime families have never, and will never be held accountable is BS. But his actions do not help his cause.
If he's the Republican nominee I'll probably vote for him just so I can say I didn't vote for whoever the Democrats run but I hope and pray the Republican Party can pull their heads out of their butts and find someone else to run. If not this country will be profoundly altered by another 4 to 8 years of liberal policies.
The truth is to win in 24 Trump has to appeal beyond his super loyal base and there is no way that is ever going to happen. Part of his own party won't even support him, independents won't support him and the Democrats hate him. Because of that there's no way mathematically he can win, even against Biden, the very weakest of candidates the Democrats could put against him. If the Democrats actually come up with a plan B where they run someone who is not far left, someone who is actually positioned more to the center, It would be an electoral massacre in their favor.
Finally with regard to Trump's latest rant/threat/diarrhea of the mouth or whatever you want to call it, you've all heard the line, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Donald Trump doesn't understand this. So instead of shutting up and getting his legal ducks in a row he's once again using his mouth to dig himself a deeper hole. He simply lacks the discipline to think about what he says before it comes out of his mouth and at this point in his life that is only going to get worse.
I do agree, the idea that Trump is being indited for some of this crap while the Biden and Clinton crime families have never, and will never be held accountable is BS. But his actions do not help his cause.
If he's the Republican nominee I'll probably vote for him just so I can say I didn't vote for whoever the Democrats run but I hope and pray the Republican Party can pull their heads out of their butts and find someone else to run. If not this country will be profoundly altered by another 4 to 8 years of liberal policies.