I would agree with the first part, I have seen/read where members here have helped others make sure they had what was needed for an upcoming hunt, or even just to be able to go shoot at the range some. Just this evening, a buddy stopped by to swap some primers so he had what he needed to build a load for a new rifle in a new to him cartridge. He hadn't had a need for LRM primers before, now he has a couple hundred.
But I am more optimistic about the price of powder, as I haven't paid over $34/lb for any yet, and don't expect to in the foreseeable future. Last delivery was less than a month ago. But I won't buy 1 or 2 pounds and pay hazmat and shipping. Minimum order has to be 20+ pounds. Ideally, the full 48lbs allowed per hazmat charge.
Bullets are finding their way back onto the shelves as well. While there has been an increase, what I have tracked is more in the 10-20% range. I suspect those increases will diminish a little, but not much.
Primers will take longer to be found in quantity. Unfortunately, I see them as having the largest permanent increase, closer to double what most of us were paying a few years ago, landing somewhere in the $70-$90/1000 price range. Hope I'm guessing high, but that's what I'm expecting to see.