Just an interesting side note: I went to the rifle range yesterday to practice. Out of about 2 dozen shooters, only myself and one other gent had bolt action sporting rifles. Another fellow had a "sporterized" (poorly) mauser bolt action military rifle, and the rest had.....................
My how the world has changed. I remember when the opposite would be true (about 20 or so years ago); there would be bolt action Remington, Winchester, and Ruger rifles, lever actions in Winchester and Marlin flavor, and the Remington pump and semiauto rifles, with the occasional BAR thrown in. Now it's all ARs, AKs, and SKSs. Don't really care what a person shoots, but I definitely think that the hunter is the minority these days.
I guess if I was told by some govt. official not to worry about something, that (for me) would be a time to worry.............esp. where laws are concerned. I would get both his/her name and title, as well as their bosses........and I would probably have my attorney on speed dial. The law is on the books, and it's THE law.......just because some agencies choose to do selective enforcement will NOT protect you, and God forbid that you be the one they intend to make a test case/example out of!
......after all, this is the Federal Government we are talking about!