Mr. 16 gauge
AH fanatic
I think you are being a tad unfair to the NRA here. The NRA is about protecting gun rights for American gun owners and that means all guns. The NRA is not just about black rifles or AP ammo, not at all, and it certainly does not shun protecting hunting rifle rights. Not sure how you got that idea, but it aint so. They are about protecting our rights as citizens to continue to own and shoot what we currently can own and shoot and not giving up anymore than we already have. The NRA has never been about hunters rights per se., its a pro gun group, not necessarily pro hunting though it obviously is that as well and does what it can with its limited resources, but again its about protecting our gun rights, regardless the type of gun, and its still the big dog in town when it comes to membership and funds for that purpose. SCI, DSC etc., are the ones more involved in hunting and travel etc. I don't work for the NRA but I am an Endowment Life Member. On a lighter note my old grandma used to liken getting a "high colonic" to anything that would be particularly unpleasant, right along with getting a root canal! She was a real hoot!
Unfair? No.....I don't think so. The NRA used to be a prohunting organization in that it would throw it's support against antihunting as well as antigun legislation. The focus of the organization now is black rifles; hunters and their firearms have taken a back seat. However, the continue to push for support from the hunting community when, IMHO, they are giving less and less back when it comes to lobbying/supporting hunting rights.......seems that they could care less where their base of support originated; they now are catering to the "AR15" crowd, and hunting issues only get lip service, if that.
While they are a "progun" group, and, as you say, "has never been about hunters rights per se," they certainly don't have any qualms about advertising in hunting magazines for membership or donations.
Anyway, that's my opinion..........................