One is a wild animal and lives there because almighty god put him there. The other lion is put there by someone so “you” can pretend to track and tell your friends you're teddy Roosevelt. But ya more exciting for some simple minded people who don’t like full pictures and don’t mind doing mental gymnastics so they can smile. It’s a simple charade, A broadway play of sorts. And I guess some people are ok with that. (I don’t think I will ever afford a wild lion hunt and I am ok with that)If I was blind (and I'm half way there) I don't think I could find a way to see shooting anything over bait as exilerating. How can anyone get excited blasting a bear chewing on a blue plastic barrel full of donuts? Some guys do, but I couldn't.
Same guys who lure a lion to bait and shoot it will condemn someone else for tracking down one released from a pen. In my opinion that's the pot calling the kettle black.
I don’t like my game transported for me. That’s just me.
Different hunting methods offer different flavors. Hide hunting from a machan or box blind is a unique and enjoyable experience. Listening to the birds sing as the sun lights up the area. The way the game just magically appears in silence as you look out from your hide… I love it.
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