I have come to the conclusion that "New Guys" are welcome, BUT......

"Heck, some forums do not allow new members to buy or sell without XX+ posts. If you think this forum is elitest, try some of the shotgun forums. :ROFLMAO:"

Compelling argument, clearly I have it all wrong. Thanks for demonstrating just how far off my general impression was. I guess I should be content to know it is much worse elsewhere. I will keep that in mind.
I joined a couple years ago, and everyone has been warm and nice. Never regret to have joined. It's a Club, with his rules (written and not I guess ) so I you have to do your part, going step by step, be kind, and mantein a gentleman behaviour. Having something interesting to tell, without looking swagger or a know-it-all.
And remember that you can't please everyone.
So, enter the Club, and enjoy it.

I share these same thoughts.
Hang in there. You will find this forum reflects society in general. There are always those who, as another member recently coined it, suffer from pompous personality disorder. I see a couple have already chimed in here. Just because someone has been a member for years does not give them the authority to mandate personal values or expression. Be yourself. If the "big shots" don't like it, they can select the ignore button. As an example, your choice of gun build projects is not my cup of tea. At all. But am I going to say you're nuts for attempting it? If I did, there would be a smiley emoticon attached. :D

I do no trading on this site. Or any forum site. I'm not a gun trader. But I have built my own thumper DGR. Really, I cannot recall much help coming from the AH crowd. But I didn't solicite any either. For the most part, I purchased my parts from sites that specialize in parts (pardon the overdone alliteration). Or from sites specifically dedicated to buying or selling, or from retail vendors. So far I haven't even been approached by a scammer.

As to your proposed builds. You're projects are somewhat exotic. Expect the hunt for components will not be easy. Limited availability for resources means you may be be vulnerable to scamming or, worse, gouging. I chose to build a 404 Jeffery on a standard 98 Mauser action. The cartridge is slightly exotic and wholly classic. Both characteristics are drawing cards for resale (not particularly a concern for this old man but possibly for my heirs). Finding build components for a 98 Mauser was almost unlimited. Consequently, from the moment I impetuously perceived the project to final completion and loaded on the plane for Africa was only four months. Did I mention I've never built a gun before? But it was relatively easy to accomplish because I chose something that wasn't too complex and with abundant supply of components. And it was very affordable. All in I think I have just over $2.5K invested, not including my time and labor.

Do what suits your heart but just know the road may get bumpy. Hang in there. A few over inflated "older members" will be the least of your concerns. Good luck.
First :S Welcome:

And sorry for the bad impresson, you´ll find out most of the members here are nice guys, and willing to help a newcomer :D Cheers:
LOL Yes, I expect you are right! I chose the 505 Gibbs on a CZ 550 action simply out of simatry and personal nostalgia. A big 5 gun with all of those 5's, why not.

I fully understand what you are suggesting about the mauser action, and parts availability. I built a .458 win mag last spring on a Husqvarna action. The gun smith laughed at me when I took it in. He was not interested in getting involved. So through ebay and other gun parts sites I found everything I needed and put it all together. It is rough in some areas, and beautiful in other areas. All in all it came out well, and functions beautifully.

I have already located actions, barrels (had to have a barrel made for the 505 Gibbs), and most everything else, for my current projects. I have not decided on stocks yet. I'm leaning towards a laminated stock. I kinda enjoy the search for the parts, a little bit. It does get frustrating at times.

Anyway, I really appreciate the encouragement. Thx
LOL Yes, I expect you are right! I chose the 505 Gibbs on a CZ 550 action simply out of simatry and personal nostalgia. A big 5 gun with all of those 5's, why not.

I fully understand what you are suggesting about the mauser action, and parts availability. I built a .458 win mag last spring on a Husqvarna action. The gun smith laughed at me when I took it in. He was not interested in getting involved. So through ebay and other gun parts sites I found everything I needed and put it all together. It is rough in some areas, and beautiful in other areas. All in all it came out well, and functions beautifully.

I have already located actions, barrels (had to have a barrel made for the 505 Gibbs), and most everything else, for my current projects. I have not decided on stocks yet. I'm leaning towards a laminated stock. I kinda enjoy the search for the parts, a little bit. It does get frustrating at times.

Anyway, I really appreciate the encouragement. Thx
Welcome aboard, Ray. I apologize for the "rude introduction" of some members but there a few in every crowd. As has been mentioned most of us are nice guys and welcome new blood. My suggestion is to join in some of the discussions and post your thoughts (positive, I hope) so we can get to know you.

True, the tone of some forums has changed recently. I lay it to it being an election year and some take their politics to a new level resulting in some harsh words at times. Read and make your own conclusion.

Sounds like you are somewhat of a gunsmith and like the big guys. Some pix of your creations would be most welcome. As for hunting Africa, GO. But be warned that once you've been there you've been had, the bug has bit and you're hooked. Once is never enough.
You are correct Interior Alaska.

As for my plans, I'm really not certain. I was planning on this one custom rifle, but after chatting with members here, I have decided to build two guns (both on the CZ 550 action). The 505 Gibbs and a second rifle with a barrel swap option. First barrel would be 458 Lott and the second would utilize the same boltface but be more for plains game caliber (I'm thinking 7mm mag, 300 win mag, or 338 win mag). I need to talk to my gunsmith more to settle out the caliber. I already have numerous 458 caliber rifles in the safe, but who can't use just one more.

Where I might use these rifles and what might I attempt to harvest is also in the developmental stag. I definitely am taking the 505 Gibbs to Kodiak, but I may have decided to try to harvest an elephant. Cape buffalo is for sure on the list as is lion. After that, I like kudu, wildebeest, zeba, orix, and several other plains game animals. I have had two safaris given to me in the past, but have never wanted to take the time off from hunting in Alaska to go do them. As retirement approaches, I feel I will have the time to do both, so I started planning a safari couple of months ago.

Anyway, your introduction was interesting. Khomas Highland Hunting & Fishing Safaris of Namibia, and you live in Anchorage. I would be interested in hear more about that connection. Are you going to be at any of the outdoor shows up here?

Thanks for the warm greeting.

Ray H

Hi again Ray,

Your plans all sound real good.
This, from myself who does not have any experience whatsoever around repeaters with interchangeable barrels.
On that note, since you are very carefully planning out your first hunting trip to Africa, no doubt you will do well with whatever equipment you decide to bring.
Those who fail to thoroughly plan their activities are begging for glitches.

Regarding calibers, my favorite hunting cartridge, for Africa and Alaska as well, is the .375 H&H.
Admittedly, if I was able to hunt buffalo as much as I wanted, I’d want something in the .40 or larger calibers.
When I hunted the buffalo in my avatar, I used that same rifle (Army & Navy .450 No2 NE), for also shooting the other diversified, smaller than Buffalo species, that I also bagged on that trip.

And if Eland was not a favorite critter of mine to hunt (and to eat), I would prefer less gun.
I am fond of the .300 H&H and have hunted Namibia (as well as Alaska and Nevada) with one.
The boring old .30-06 is another just dandy Africa worthy cartridge, as is the 8x57 Mauser and others.
You mentioned the .338 Winchester.
That one with 250 gr bullets would be a fine Eland getter, and just fine for lesser animals as well.
It is a shame that the .35 Whelen ever really caught on, as it might be the most perfectly balanced cartridge for Africa’s so called “Plains Game”.

Be all of that as it may, now I prefer to travel as light as possible.
So, I no longer even bring a firearm when traveling outside the USA.
Back when indeed I was bringing guns to Africa, never did I bother with more than just one rifle.
Now days when hunting in Namibia, I just use one of Khomas Safari’s Mausers.
And for goose hunting there, I use one of their over / under shotguns.

Regarding my residence in Alaska but my name is attached to Khomas Safaris advertisements here, I do a lot of behind the scenes things for them, mostly answer the multitude of questions from prospective clients so that the owner (Philip Hennings) doesn’t get too tied up on that part.
I also receive client’s deposit money and then wire it into the Khomas Safaris bank in Windhoek, again saving Philip’s valuable time for doing the more important parts of running a successful safari company.

Anyway, whatever African country you end up hunting in, I look forward to your hunt report and photos.
Likewise, hunt reports from anywhere, especially Alaska, are popular with a large percentage of the members here (including myself).
Good luck on your .505 Gibbs project.
That is a very fine hippo on land cartridge, as well for buffalo and elephant.
I have fired one that I think weighed about 11 pounds and recoil was serious but definitely not painful.

Meanwhile, attached below is a picture of the .500 Jeffery I described earlier.
I tried to attach this pic then but it wouldn’t load for whatever reason.
Now, it appears to have worked.



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I am new on this site. I joined for several reasons.
1. I had decided to go on safari when I retire.
2. In support of decision one, I decided to build a rifle (which after chatting with member here has turned into, two rifles).
3. I prefer to gather as much knowledge as possible when planning a hunt.

I had settled on a CZ 550 (mostly because my first 458 win mag was a CZ, not because it is going to result in an erloom quality firearm) to build a 505 Gibbs on, but parts and actions are not abundant. I have figured out that part, but had looked into your classifieds to see what was available (I managed to purchase a trigger guard assembly, but did not make an offer on the 505 gibbs brass and dies as the seller would not deal with new members, then asked about a firearm and was given the same dismissive "newguy" rhetoric) Long story made short. I am really not sure I have ended up in the right spot. New member appear to be held in a very untrustworthy light, and long standing members appear to have license to dismiss new members with an elitist attitude that I find a bit off putting.

I recommend implementing a probationary period (or cap your membership).Where new member are not allowed to access the classified section (or any other portions your veteran members dont want to share) Until they have interacted with other member a reasonable number of times. I do not appreciate being accused of shoplifting in any store, simply because I walked into it (and that is exact how I have felt since I started interacting here). I have been a Security professional for 20 years and was in the military before that. I fully understand the need to be safe and secure, but I submit there is a professional way to vet your transactions that is less offensive.

Please, someone explain how in such a short duration of time I have gotten the wrong impression. There must be a ridiculous amount a scammers or I have just had poor exposure.
Hey Ray - Welcome aboard. You'll find a huge amount of knowledge on the AH forum. I'm new compared to many seasoned members here, but we've all been newbies so many times in our lives: new neighborhood, new school, new job, new church, you name it. After that first "immersion" and you get your feet wet, you'll wonder why you didn't sign into this site sooner. I've wanted to go to Africa for several years and finally did in 2023. Some of the member's advice here increased my confidence level in how to approach the experience.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
