Has your PH ever sent you out without him?

The truth is you don't know whats within that fenced in area, am sure some of the SA outfitters have stories about a leopard been seen/captured within their fenced area.
I actually enjoyed the company of my PH's and needed the push for me to go further than i perhaps would have gone myself, might be different on flat ground but walking up mountains every day started to hurt lol
How many deer hunters walk up to their game after a shot without the fear or worry of being attacked, seem to recall several posts here on a bushbuck fighting back. My first hunt i was glad to be warned as i started to go in with no fear or worry, heck they aren't that big

But clearly as stated and unless someone shows me other evidence (not opinions but facts) its not a legal practice
It's never happened to me, and I'm not sure I'd be ok with it, for a bunch of reasons.

The first is that I'm not a great judge of size. If an animal has an unusual horn configuration, or ears, or whatever, I could easily misjudge the size. The PH just has more experience than me.

Secondly, on some animals, I could misjudge the sex. I think (hope?) I could differentiate a female gemsbok from a male, but in tall grass, if the female's horns have sufficient mass, I could easily get that wrong. On a zebra? Without getting a good look at the undersides, in tall grass I expect I'd be 50% at best (which, for you statisticians out there, is the same odds as guessing!).

Thirdly, I don't speak any of the local languages, and unless the tracker/scout speaks some French or English, we're going to have a hard time communicating. That can be important on any follow up or lengthy tracking.

Lastly, I've liked every PH I've hunted with, and learned a lot from each of them. To me, that's part of the hunt, and a part I enjoy. If it were just about killing an animal, I could see being with some people you can't communicate with, but otherwise, no.

So overall, even if it were legal, I would not be a fan.
I have only hunted SA once, but a PH was with us ALL THE TIME. Even when not hunting and we went site seeing and big game drive the PH was our tour guide. I wouldn't have it any other way, legal or not.
I hunt a lot in Alaska by myself and many DIY hunts including brown and black bears. DIY pronghorn in Wyoming, mule deer in wash st, etc.... Still there is no way that I would go out without a PH (or guide) on a hunting concession (or ranch) that I had to pay trophy fees. There is way to much that can go wrong. If the PH isn't present to actually witness what takes place during the hunt then there is way to much potential grey area for assumptions and accusations later for me...Just My personal opinion...
I have only hunted SA once, but a PH was with us ALL THE TIME. Even when not hunting and we went site seeing and big game drive the PH was our tour guide. I wouldn't have it any other way, legal or not.
I hunt a lot in Alaska by myself and many DIY hunts including brown and black bears. DIY pronghorn in Wyoming, mule deer in wash st, etc.... Still there is no way that I would go out without a PH (or guide) on a hunting concession (or ranch) that I had to pay trophy fees. There is way to much that can go wrong. If the PH isn't present to actually witness what takes place during the hunt then there is way to much potential grey area for assumptions and accusations later for me...Just My personal opinion...
Mekaniks makes a very good point. If there's going to be a conversation about wounded or not, or a drop of blood or not, I'd rather that've my PH there than not.

I'm not against self-guided hunts. Just not where I'm not an expert, and where too many mistakes could be made.
So you have a ph lic. to hunt there on your own. Because if you read the law it is not ok because you want to and he agrees to let you go on your own with a tracker. If you have a ph lic. more power to you and good luck on the hunt.

Find it hard to believe someone who is going to talk ethics about a buff hunt on 1000 acres will be ok with breaking the law.

If South African PHs are so highly skilled, explain why they require African trackers again? Why is it that when game is taken the tracker gets called? I've seen many PHs rely very heavily on their African assistants. I'm sure I'll be in good hands with a tracker...

If I was hunting in a 1000 acre pen I would need little more than a white cane.
If South African PHs are so highly skilled, explain why they require African trackers again? Why is it that when game is taken the tracker gets called? I've seen many PHs rely very heavily on their African assistants. I'm sure I'll be in good hands with a tracker...

If I was hunting in a 1000 acre pen I would need little more than a white cane.

Let go slower so you understand I guess. It does not matter if your in good hands or not with the tracker. You need a Ph to hunt in SA and most other countries.

As for why they have trackers as SA ph's. They have a job and they hire others to do the other jobs. My Ph has no problem tracking wounded game.

I can tell you are great hunter and use ethics when you like to but oh well they don't apply when it is something you want to do. Maybe a 1000 acres is not for you so don't hunt it.
Please no name calling. Above post from @billc edited for not respecting AH posting guidelines.
Please no name calling. Above post from @billc edited for not respecting AH posting guidelines.
Those of us who didn't get to see the unedited post don't know what Bill said. Could you post it as an example of what not to do?

Sorry Jerome . . . Couldn't resist!
You certainly have succeeded in putting me off hunting with pawprint. Good luck with your future endeavours.
I've never hunted with Pawprint, but I think they use PH's.
Let's say a hunter got caught hunting without a PH. Is it worth the possible legal hassle, or getting blacklisted from the country?
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You certainly have succeeded in putting me off hunting with pawprint. Good luck with your future endeavours.

That's ok after reading your post on the buff hunt offering which those comments got deleted now. It is clear we don't have big enough areas for such a great hunter as yourself. Not ever hunter is for every outfitter but there is plenty of guys who will use us. Plus we would not let you hunt on your own or with just a tracker.
Good luck finding your future hunts.
Toyota, usually.

True enough but more often than not the game drops in some god forsaken hole or briar patch where the truck won't fit. Then it is The President of Mexico (Manual Labor) to the rescue
Let's say a hunter got caught hunting without a PH. Is it worth the possible legal hassle, or getting blacklisted from the country?

As a client I am contracting with the outfitter and PH who are responsible for obeying all the laws and keeping my sorry ass safe and out of trouble. As someone noted you don't want to be in an African jail. Remember the Cecil Fiasco?
As a client I am contracting with the outfitter and PH who are responsible for obeying all the laws and keeping my sorry ass safe and out of trouble. As someone noted you don't want to be in an African jail. Remember the Cecil Fiasco?
Exactly my point.
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It would be a bad outcome for the hunter and outfitter. As posted earlier by some outfitters it is really looked down at and not the normal way a hunt happens in all of Africa. To much risk for both parties.
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Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
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Come from cz like that.
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