Let me make it easy for you.
If you have :
A) shot an animal from a vehicle
B) shot an animal behind wire without a reasonable chance of escape
C) released an animal (eg lion) for the purpose of hunting that animal.
D) done your hunting from the vehicle rather than walking
E) bragged about how far you can shoot an animal from
F) shown little respect for something you have shot
G) hunted with a spotlight
You are not a hunter.
You are on a shopping trip and relying on someone else to shoulder the responsibility. This is why the public by and large detest trophy hunting.
Wake up.
If you are:
A) in a wheelchair - are you not a hunter because you cannot roll your chair through the African sands?
B) what is reasonable? Apparently, you feel that 1,000 acres is a cage. That is bigger than the nation of Monaco. I have been there and had a hard time finding my friends before...
C) So pretty much all lion hunts that are not wild lions? Which means 100% of all lion hunts in South Africa...
D) No argument from me here - except for people in wheelchairs or otherwise physically impaired.
E) Bragged about how far you CAN shoot? Not HAVE shot, but CAN? So if I have never shot an animal over 64 yards but state that I can hit one from 100 yards, I am guilty? (I use a bow, so that is actually a very long shot)
F) Do I have to show respect to vermin?
G) Have not done that, but would that also apply to hunting feral pigs in Texas? Does doing that once forever taint you as a hunter?
The public detest trophy hunting because they have bought into the message of the animal rights group. Many of them think we just shoot the animal, chop off its head, leave the carcass to rot and just nail the head to a board and put it on the wall. They don't know anything that hasn't been told to them by PETA, HSUS or a multitude of other animal rights groups. If you hunt the animal on foot in a fair chase, shoot it from 30 feet away with a bow while it was charging you and killed it instantly, donated its food to the starving in North Korea and used its skin to give warmth to homeless people freezing on the streets in Chicago, the animal rights activists would STILL hate you. And those zealots are controlling the vast majority of the air time and dictating the conversation.