Just another big corporation using their money and clout to control politics. These people actually run the country the president and congress are just pawns
Sigh. That sounds like a political slogan. That is not what is going on here. In this case, and in most of these reactionary corporate decisions, they are simply reacting to the twitter mob and surrounding publicity. The appointed officers have enough trouble trying to run Delta and keep it profitable without running the country. They have exactly one goal in mind - that is to keep share holders happy. They are taking these actions because they believe it insulates them and most importantly - their share holders - against the mob. Now if one of you happens to own ten thousand shares of Delta stock, then you are in position to apply pressure. But dig deeper than simply repeating a right or left wing nut anti-corporation slogan.
I like the notion of the hunting/shooting industry collaborating on a positive hunting publicity campaign. A great model is the cattle industry "Beef - It's what's for dinner" effort of 15 or 20 years ago. It essentially inoculated them from the budding vegan crowd for more than a decade. "Hunting - the real conservation movement" or "Hunters - the real conservationists" - hell I don't know - wasn't in PR. But something like that on Nar Geo etc couldn't hurt.
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