I feel it's important that we as a community need to voice our opinions more loudly. Where are all the conservation organizations in all this? If hunting makes that much money for conservation, why aren't these organizations lobbying and getting the correct information out there? I know the anti's have a loud voice and the media is biased towards the liberals, but social media is a powerful tool and there are other means to get the info out.
I have been responding to almost every YouTube video I can find about Cecil and going to war with people in the comments. You can't let them just say what they want, you have to attack them with the truths of the matter; get the crowd on your side. Attack their arguments and avoid any form of name-calling, there is no place for ad hominem in our defense. Call out their B.S. and don't move from your position. Sure it's a lot of work, but as someone who has never hunted Africa, I want there to be an Africa when I can afford to one day go.
I think one of the key problems with gun and hunting cultures is that we are always playing defense, trying only to educate those who are interested. We need to push beyond that and educate anyone we talk to. My wife, mother, and father knew nothing about the contributions hunting made to conservation, but I told them all about it once I learned. Even my friends have changed their position on hunting big game once I explained the economics behind it. We can't attack with tired rhetoric or negative statements about the other side, we need to fight uneducated and ignorant people with education. Any time you come across and anti, offer them the number to call their state conservation department. Tell them hunter's education is free. They want the government to take care of them, let the government supply them the facts about hunting.
P.S.: I am aware hunter's education is not taught by government employees, but the education manuals are.