The assembly worker or maintenance worker or inspector has either a paper or electronic tablet with a diagram and specs with check offs for those specific bolts for that specific job. Either by hand tool, likely a mechanical torque wrench or an electric drive with adjustable torque limiter those bolts are torqued down to specs in a specific order. That worker, at whatever level he works, assembly or maintenance, initials or checks off that operation then goes to the next. The engineer in the video seemed to hint that there was a common way for the tool itself to digitally record all that data. Or that those tools are in common use in the assembly or maintenance of aircraft??? All the entities involved will be finger pointing somewhere else- they protect their own. Lucky this time. Next time maybe catastrophic consequences. Not that long ago, IIRC, a model group of large commercial jets in one of a major carrier's fleet, were discovered to have loose, damaged or missing main engine support bolts. Not only does the individual have to be held accountable, the whole chain of command has to be. But these cultures protect their own.