I worked there when "MD bought Boeing with Boeing's money." They gave us a hamburger from the Boeing Cafe for lunch the day it all wrapped up..."The Merger Burger." We couldn't believe they didn't kick Stonecipher out. They made him the COO. That is when Boeing's corporate slogan changed from "Higher, Further, Faster" to "Sharevalue." WTF was "Sharevalue?" I'm an aerospace engineer. I care about higher, further, faster, build the best product you can build. Not padding some guy's wallet. They harped "Sharevalue" endlessly. It's all you heard. I used to meet with airlines looking to buy jets. Japan Airlines (JAL) was over. One of their execs told a Boeing higher up in the meeting "Stop talking about Sharevalue. We don't care about that. Build the best product, and people will buy it." Boeing used to be about excellence and building the best product you could. The execs were typically pulled from engineering. But after that, they got "business" majors in the higher up places. I quit shortly thereafter. They still have a lot of good people, but they have been making some bad decisions.
My one good friend is a Captain for South West. He was absolutely livid when it came out about the Max. South West Airlines never trained them thoroughly for what to do if the airspeed indicator / pitot / aoa system screwed up. There is a procedure to shut it all off, but it requires multiple steps. There is no almighty red button that you can push to shut off all automation and just handfly the airplane. You have to go through a procedure. He did know it, but he wasn't trained in it. The two that went down overseas almost surely had no training. He told me the Max doesn't have a standard elevator trim like the old ones...it's a servo that moves the entire stabilator with a jackscrew. If the servo malfunctions, it's usually too much for one guy to over ride. Those guys took off, were heavy, it was hot, the system malfunctioned, and they were fighting it trying to figure out what to do....didn't have proper training, and killed a bunch of people. My other good buddy who still works at Boeing said it's all BS, that Boeing included all the info in the manuals, and it's the airlines' faults for not training their folks thoroughly. It's a real mess.
I guess the 757 is a better airplane, but I always liked the 727. From an aerodynamacyst's point of view, the wing is beautiful on those things. And when they did that VALSPAN conversion on them to put the bigger side engines from the MD80 on both sides, it made them a real rocket.
I was in Maui once and saw a Beech Bonanza fly over. I wondered "How did he get it here?" I discovered there are fuel tanks made to fit where the back seat goes. Gives you enough range to fly from LA to Maui in 13 hours and still have a couple hours reserve. I'd like to do that someday